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Treachery of Another Liberal Nationalist "Fakir". A Product of Secularism.


Oct 23, 2014
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It is time to review the treachery of another secularist who also believed in ethnic nationalism. The two curses of modern era.

Quoting an excerpt from 'The Emergence of Pakistan' by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali:

"The man upon whom Gandhi at this time focused the limelight was Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the red shirt leader of the North West Frontier Province, whom he fondly called Badshah Khan. Abul Kalam Azad, who till a year ago had been much publicized as the congress president, was now in the background, and Abdul Ghaffar Khan filled the stage as the most prominent 'nationalist' Muslim. It was Gandhi's aim to detach the North West Frontier Province form Pakistan. He knew that congress ministry at that province was tottering and the Muslim League was daily gaining strength. Thus, with the majority of the people on the side of Pakistan and the ministry on the side of Hindustan, was produced what Ismay called a 'bastard situation' that could not last long. Although congress leaders claimed the North West Frontier Province for Indian Union, and although it's representatives were in constituent assembly, yet it appeared inevitable that a reference to the people would be made. In a straight contest between Hinduatan and Pakistan, the verdict of the people , who were 92 percent Muslims, would be in favor of Pakistan. Gandhi, therefore, conceived the idea of Pakhtonistan or an independent North West Frontier Province.

It might, at first sight, appear strange that the apostle of Indian unity to whom the demand for Pakistan appeared as a vivisection of mother India should advocate the establishment of still another independent state. But this was only a tactical move in a larger strategy aimed at reducing the territories of Pakistan and encircling it. Later, when congress plan with regard to the state of Jammu and Kashmir would materialize, it would be possible to bring the North West Frontier Province, which was contiguous with Kashmir, back into the Indian Union. For the moment, Gandhi’s attention was centered on the scheme for Pakhtoonistan and on Badshah khan, to whom he made the most touching references at his daily prayer meetings. Pyarelal recorded an incident showing the kind of sentiments that Gandhi was trying to nourish. On May 6, Abdul Ghaffar Khan sadly remarked: “Before long we shall became aliens in Hindustan. The end of our long fight for freedom will be to pass under the domination of Pakistan – away from Bapu[Gandhi], away from India, away from all of you. Who knows what the future holds for us’. When Ghandiji heard of this, he said, ‘verily Badshah Khan is a Fakir. Independence will come but the brave Pathan will lose his. They are faced with a grim prospect. But Badshah is a man of God’.

This ‘Fakir’, or ‘man without property’ was one of the richest landlords of the North West Frontier Province. He was looking forward, with the help of congress, to perpetuate family rule in that province where the chief minister Dr Khan Sahib was his brother and the other muslim minister was related to him by marriage. Gandhi’s font epithet ‘Badhah’ or King, was an oblique encouragement of the ambitions entertained by this ‘man of God’. The brave Pathans, who would have enjoyed the blessings of freedom in a Hindu dominated India were supposed to lose independence in Muslim Pakistan.”

So it can be safely assumed that the idea of Pakhtonistan first emerged in the mind of a Hindu and is still promoted, funded and backed by Hindus. Hindu's will not shy away from using the idea of secularism to divide Muslims and further weaken their strength. These touching remarks were made by a cunning Hindu fox to lure a Muslim in his trap by displaying the bait of family rule. The same was repeated in the case of Sheikh Abdullah, who also responded positively to Hindu overtures. Surprisingly, Sheikh Abdullah was also a secularist. We should learn lesson from these historical episodes and should get rid of all secularist traitors from our ranks. They are the real internal enemies and are working willingly or unwillingly with Hindus.

Two nation theory has been revived by Modi. A clash between the two irreconcilable ideologies is inevitable. The progeny of Muslims like Sheikh Abdullah who had been duped by Nehruvian leaders of Bharat have had a rude awakening.
Indian Muslims by and large are indifferent to Kashmir and most would want Kashmir to be part of India. TNT is valid if the 200 million muslims of India revolt/or seek refuge in Pakistan. As long as that is not happening, it's just a dream conjured up on PDF.
Indian Muslims by and large are indifferent to Kashmir and most would want Kashmir to be part of India. TNT is valid if the 200 million muslims of India revolt/or seek refuge in Pakistan. As long as that is not happening, it's just a dream conjured up on PDF.

Creation of Pakistan was a dream once. Do you see the reality of it now!!!
Tumhari neendain ura ki rakhi hain Pakistan ne.

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