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We may say that west was caught sleeping---but actually it was not---. The priorities were somewhere else---the threat was only considered to stay local---but then the bottom line is that you cannot keep independent and free nations to stay honest all the time. Men are going to do their thing and other men will let them.


A little more detail---and yours could be an editorial class article.

Hi Mastan,

The Western pundits are afforded the luxury to change their minds on anything they've earlier perceived. It's the Iranians, the Pakistanis, the Afghans and the rest of the disenfranchised lot of former flames(ghosts of the exes if you will) who have to live with the consequences of the fickle-minded and shortsighted Western purview of how the world works. Military doctrines or programs shouldn't be held hostage to their PMS from time to time. If secrecy or transparency is the way forward to work around their warped perceptions then so be it.

P.S # Young and willing to learn. Don't hold back from running riot over me to make me see the follies of my ways...

So if we already know that from the gitgo that the western pundits would change their stance at their discretion---then why not use the better of discretion---. Does it take a brain surgeon to come up with that answer---. We all do that in our daily lives to to save our jobs, to save our faces, we walk around the block when gangster are standing on the corner paan shop---but when it comes to our motherlands integrity---we act as non chalant as we can be and treat it as someone's else's wh-ore.

It is simple common sense----prepare for the worst---keep your head low---so the enemy does not get conscious of your actionsand preparations---don't bring attention to yourself---don't be the target. Is there rocket science involved in this thinking---.

Now if you still do other wise---then what does it state at the social level----that you are a lower form of human being---. That your inellect level is inferior---you have not developed the brains to understand the different levels of threats---your sense of survival is primitive---you have not reached that level of sophistication in your mental development to have the ability to counter hostility with subtelies---. Does that answer some of your questions.
Nuke Sub development was a top key program and the common Native indian community was not conscious of the same until it is declared by the government bodies. Yes there were gossip that Native indian is going nuke sub way as any nation desired triad for nuke distribution. Also we rented a nuke sub from Italy in 90s which off course motivated the gossips.
Nuke Sub development was a top key program and the common Native indian community was not conscious of the same until it is declared by the government bodies. Yes there were gossip that Native indian is going nuke sub way as any nation desired triad for nuke distribution.

Also we rented a nuke sub from Italy in 90s which off course motivated the gossips.

What that sentence means---pakistan did not rent a nuc sub from italy----did india do that----if that is the case then whats up with your flag----.

So if we already know that from the gitgo that the western pundits would change their stance at their discretion---then why not use the better of discretion---. Does it take a brain surgeon to come up with that answer---. We all do that in our daily lives to to save our jobs, to save our faces, we walk around the block when gangster are standing on the corner paan shop---but when it comes to our motherlands integrity---we act as non chalant as we can be and treat it as someone's else's wh-ore.

It is simple common sense----prepare for the worst---keep your head low---so the enemy does not get conscious of your actionsand preparations---don't bring attention to yourself---don't be the target. Is there rocket science involved in this thinking---.

Now if you still do other wise---then what does it state at the social level----that you are a lower form of human being---. That your inellect level is inferior---you have not developed the brains to understand the different levels of threats---your sense of survival is primitive---you have not reached that level of sophistication in your mental development to have the ability to counter hostility with subtelies---. Does that answer some of your questions.
You sound like "Sun Tzu" and his words in "The Art of War"...:tup:

I appreciate the comment but it has nothing to do with Sun Tzu---it is just simple plain common sense---. Good generals, good kings and warriors, good leaders any time any place have acted in a similiar manner.

Even Prophet Mohammad forbade the muslims in medina not to flaunt their new found strength in medina---to not let the spies of the people of mecca see them getting stronger in weapons and materials---.

So now---this becomes a part of the muslim 'sunnah' then----don't let a stronger enemy see you getting ready and prepared for war---.

I appreciate the comment but it has nothing to do with Sun Tzu---it is just simple plain common sense---. Good generals, good kings and warriors, good leaders any time any place have acted in a similiar manner.

Even Prophet Mohammad forbade the muslims in medina not to flaunt their new found strength in medina---to not let the spies of the people of mecca see them getting stronger in weapons and materials---.

So now---this becomes a part of the muslim 'sunnah' then----don't let a stronger enemy see you getting ready and prepared for war---.
Sir actually you sounded like him....and you are right its basic common sense....which I am sorry to say we Indians don't follow.

We first roll out the plan and then start developing, giving the opponent to be prepared and launch project to counter it.

Had we have been working like we did with our nuc. sub, we would have kept the opponents always on the edge, forcing them to invest more on defense crippling their economy.

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