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Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

Saudis in Hijaz and Asir are majority non-wahabi

wahabis are majority in Najd and parts of North and Ahsaa

What is a Wahhabi and since you say that Wahhabis are doing all the things that are happening outside of KSA (ironically) why are they not killing some of the 2-3 million Shias in KSA then? That has not happened since KSA was founded as a state.
Najd lies just next to the Eastern Province and even there the majority is Sunni (Hanbali, Maliki) which you call Wahahbi and other people here on PDF and elsewhere to spread hatred against Saudi Arabians and some Arabs.

Besides find me one quote of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi that say anything about killings, anything about Shias etc. All he was focused on was simply the core values of Islam and especially TAWHID.

He was also against grave worshipping etc. as people of Najd in that time period (1700's) started some kind of absurd ancestry worship etc. mixed with Islam.

Salafi derives from the Salaf. Among the best generations of Muslims if not the best. A real Salafi is not interested in Jihad and most obey the ruler as long as he is a Muslim and is just.

What you see among the JIHADISTS have nothing to do with Islam or any sect. This is a fact.

No sect teaches to kill innocents or to blow yourself up.

Find me one such sect.

Don't give me some internet clerics or some other retards that are not real scholars. Or internet Jihadis that we have some of here on PDF and elsewhere on the internet.

If supporting an armed resistance against non-Muslims oppressors and killers of Muslims and invaders of Muslim lands such as seen in Chechnya, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan etc. makes one Wahhabi then I must admit I am a Wahhabi and Islam must be Wahhabism as this is also according to Islam.
The fact is that the most glorious Muslims of the past all did Jihad. Real and honest Jihad. What we have seen in the past many years from certain "Jihadists" is not that.
The most important Jihad is the personal Jihad to come closer to God. Which many do not understand either.
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What is a Wahhabi and since you say that Wahhabis are doing all the things that are happening outside of KSA (ironically) why are they not killing some of the 2-3 million Shias in KSA then? That has not happened since KSA was founded as a state.
Najd lies just next to the Eastern Province and even there the majority is Sunni (Hanbali, Maliki) which you call Wahahbi and other people here on PDF and elsewhere to spread hatred against Saudi Arabians and some Arabs.

Besides find me one quote of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi that say anything about killings, anything about Shias etc. All he was focused on was simply the core values of Islam which is TAWHID.

He was also against grave worshipping etc. as people of Najd in that time period (1700's) started some kind of absurd ancestry worship etc. mixed with Islam.

Salafi derives from the Salaf. Among the best generations of Muslims if not the best. A real Salafi is not interested in Jihad and most obey the ruler as long as he is a Muslim and is just.

What you see among the JIHADISTS have nothing to do with Islam or any sect. This is a fact.

No sect teaches to kill innocents or to blow yourself up.

Find me one such sect.

Don't give me some internet clerics or some other retards that are not real scholars. Or internet Jihadis that we have some of here on PDF and elsewhere on the internet.

There is no Maliki in Najd. Malikis pray with their hands on the sides (like shia) and the Maliki madhab is Ash' ari. While the scholars of today's Najd say Ash'aris are not Sunni.

Najd is not Hanbali either. Hanbalis bind their hands below the belly button like Hanafis. While these wahabis in Najd bind their hands like women on the chest. They don't even know the Sunnah of how to move the index finger during tashahhud during Salat in the Hanbali Madhab. They have the newly created salafi madhab, which is against the 4 schools of Sunni Jurisprudence. The vast majority of Saudis in Najd are nothing but Salafiyyah Madkhaliyya. Their top scholar in recent times was uthaymeen.
Also in Saudi Arabia, Aal al Shaykh [ from the aal of Abdul Wahab Najdi ] is a Salafi Madkhali

While the wahabi terrorists that the Saudi government hunts down every day are Salafi Jihadi Qutbi.

Salman al Oudah was part of them until his change of heart a couple of years ago
The Aal Al Shaykh family is a very good family that have done a lot for Islam and some have given their entire life to Islam despite blindness, sickness and in the past poverty. This is unfair criticism. All of this is maybe due to the Hosue of Saud? Yet the House of Saud are much better rulers in terms of Islamic rules than the vast majority of governments of Muslim state. Yet we see a double standard here.

Well, you can go on Facebook or Twitter and search on ordinary members of that family and see that they are not any different from you. Many of them are even liberals and not even conservative. Even if they were I see no problem as long as they are not hurting any people which they re not.

Qutbism is a entirely different thing. It has nothing to do with what you call Salafism or Wahhabism.

99% of all the current Jihadists are inspired by Qutbism including OBL.

Qutbism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Qutbism (also called Kotebism, Qutbiyya, or Qutbiyyah) is a faction within Sunni Islam, with roots to the thoughts of the late Sayyid Qutb, a Muslim, and figurehead of the Muslim Brotherhood (he was executed in 1966). It has been described as advancing the ideology of jihadism, i.e. propagating "offensive jihad," - waging jihad in conquest[1] - or "armed jihad in the advance of Islam" [2]

Qutbism has gained widespread attention due to its perceived influence on Islamic extremists, and terrorists such asOsama bin-Laden. Muslim extremists “cite Sayyid Qutb repeatedly and consider themselves his intellectual descendants.”[2]

Qutbism came to KSA and the Arabian Peninsula from nearby Egypt when the MB was banned there. The mistake KSA did was to invite them over and many were "educated" people so some started teaching at schools, universities etc. and that's how that ideology spread.

The same people were behind the Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979.

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing to do with what you call "Wahhabism" which in reality is the Hanbali Sunni fiqh. One of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam. Other being Shafi'i, Hanafi and Maliki as you already know.

You should keep that in mind. There is a lot of ignorance and many ignorants (often anti-Sunnis, anti-Arabs and anti-Saudi Arabians) are busy shouting Wahhabi this and that when it has nothing to do with all of this.

Also I am not even a Hanbali Sunni Muslim but I follow the Shafi'i fiqh as most Hijazis do and my family have done for over 1000 years.

Lastly I believe that grave worship is wrong as this has nothing to do with Islam nor it is written anywhere or recommend. Either in the Noble Qur'an or any reliable ahadith. This is more of a cultural practice that especially Sufis (who are sometimes misguided and making a mockery out of Islam) have introduced in certain regions of the Muslim world.

Monuments have close to no importance in Islam. Look at the graves of Muslims in general. Modest and similar. Because we are all equal in death.
Lastly I believe that grave worship is wrong as this has nothing to do with Islam nor it is written anywhere or recommend. Either in the Noble Qur'an or any reliable ahadith. This is more of a cultural practice that especially Sufis (who are sometimes misguided and making a mockery out of Islam) have introduced in certain regions of the Muslim world.

Monuments have close to no importance in Islam. Look at the graves of Muslims in general. Modest and similar. Because we are all equal in death.

you have written nothing but pure wahabism, the same thing ISIS shouts before they blew up the Noble Grave of Sayyiduna Uwais al Qarni in Raqqa

And this is the same argument that Abdul Aziz ibn Saud and Aal al Shaykh screamed when he accompanied Abdul Aziz and destroyed the noble tomb of Sayyida Khadija in Makkah al Mukarrama. They destroyed all the noble Mausoleums in Baqi in Madeena Munawwarah as well.

Salamu Allah alaiha
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I insist that most ordinary Najdi's are ordinary Muslims and very welcoming people as this lies in their blood as trade is in their genes and cooperation with others. Najdi hospitality is very famous in the Arab world. Even in Pre-Islamic times.

Especially the city of Ha'il which is a stronghold of the Shammar tribe.

The Christian Arab (pre-Islamic) poet Hatim al-Tai was from Ha'il. Famous for his generosity in most of the Arab world.

Hatim al-Tai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is apparently well-known in Pakistan too.

As many Najdis were either sedentary (mostly farmers and traders) or semi-nomadic Bedouins this is only natural. Especially the later. You must know about the honor codes of Bedouins. Strangers are treated as family and are protected with their own life's.

Those are honorable people by nature, proud and independent people that never were under any foreign rule or influence.

I insist that most ordinary Najdi's are ordinary Muslims and very welcoming people as this lies in their blood as trade is in their genes and cooperation with others. Najdi hospitality is very famous in the Arab world. Even in Pre-Islamic times.

Especially the city of Ha'il which is a stronghold of the Shammar tribe.

The Christian Arab (pre-Islamic) poet Hatim al-Tai was from Ha'il.

Hatim al-Tai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is apparently well-known in Pakistan.

As many Najdis were either sedentary (mostly farmers and traders) or semi-nomadic Bedouins this is only natural. Especially the later. You must know about the honor codes of Bedouins. Strangers are treated as family and are protected with their own life's.

If you want to meet true Sunnis near Najd, go to Hufuf and meet

Shaykh Ahmad al-Dawghan- Mujaddid of the Shafi’i School in Saudi Arabia


Especially the city of Ha'il which is a stronghold of the Shammar tribe.

Those are honorable people by nature, proud and independent people that never were under any forei.

I know about Ha' il. It is where you can find the most proper Sunnis in Najd
you have written nothing but pure wahabism, the same thing ISIS shouts before they blew up the Noble Grave of Sayyiduna Uwais al Qarni in Raqqa

And this is the same argument that Abdul Aziz ibn Saud and Aal al Shaykh screamed when he accompanied Abdul Aziz and destroyed the noble tomb of Sayyida Khadija in Makkah al Mukarrama. They destroyed all the noble Mausoleums in Baqi in Madeena Munawwarah as well.

Salamu Allah alaiha

No, since I am not against any bombings of any short. I just don't see any legitimacy that tells me to do grave worship or visit graves. That's all. I am not against it per se I just don't see any religious legitimacy of this. Paying respect I have no problem with but making excessive mausoleums/graves covered in gold etc. I find wrong. I see no precedence of that during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) or the Salaf.

I am familiar with the respected Sheikh, bro.
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