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Top TTP commander Maulvi Faqir captured in Afghanistan: officials

Do Pakistan and Afghanistan have proper extradition treaty??

Also (please don't take this as a troll) seeing the track record of terror convictions in Pakistan may be its better if the Afghans take care of this guy? permanently.

they should behead him and kick the head across the border. we will take care of the dkhead
they should behead him and kick the head across the border. we will take care of the dkhead

Will Pakistan see this as a positive development and possible cooperation in Anti Terror campaign for future? or is this a more complex topic?
Will Pakistan see this as a positive development and possible cooperation in Anti Terror campaign for future? or is this a more complex topic?

everyone is acting according to own interests.

its a bargain in wake of recent "peace" efforts viz a viz withdrawal.

sooner or later we are going to snuff these guys out
KABUL: Afghan security forces captured top Pakistani Taliban commander Maulvi Faqir Mohammad during an operation in eastern Afghanistan, security officials said on Tuesday, in a move that could help improve trust between the two countries.

The arrest on Monday of the regional commander for the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), was hailed as a “big blow” to the movement by an Afghan interior ministry official.

Pakistan authorities have long demanded that Kabul take action against Pakistani insurgents who take refuge in areas of eastern Afghanistan just over the border. Kabul, in turn, says the insurgency in Afghanistan draws sustenance from sanctuaries in Pakistan.

Faqir was captured during a raid in Nangarhar province by members of the Afghan intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), and Afghan police officers, according to officials from NDS and the Afghan interior ministry.

Faqir has a tumultuous past with the Pakistani Taliban and last year was sacked as commander of the northern Bajaur region, after telling Pakistani media the TTP were holding peace talks with the government.

The TTP denied his claim and replaced him with another commander, Mullah Dadullah. After Dadullah was killed in a Nato air strike in Afghanistan in August last year, Mohammad resumed his role.

Mohammad was responsible for several attacks against Pakistani forces and was known for his strict implementation of Islamic law in Bajaur.

Top TTP commander Maulvi Faqir captured in Afghanistan: officials | DAWN.COM
Afghan Forces must kill or arrest Hakeemullah, Fazlullah , Mangal Bagh & Waliur Rehman too who are hiding in Kunar & Nuristan Provinces to show their commitment in eliminating the plague called TTP ... Thank god ,, Tariq Afridi is dead .. Such a dreaded, merciless terrorist .. ......

Maulvi Faqir's arrest is a welcome step ....
Good Job - I hope Afghanistan will capture/kill remaining rates as well. A sincere coordinate operation on both-side of border at same time is all it needs to send these ba$$tards to hell
Very doubtful that to be true. NDS surly arrested him not in favour of Pakistan but against Pakistan. They were hidden several years but they couldn't do anything but know they arrested him along Pakistani border when there are possibility to settle things , not sounds SIMPLE.
On which ground he was arrested???

Does he was wanted in Afghanistan or its on the request of the pak govt.??????
KABUL: Afghan security forces captured top Pakistani Taliban commander Maulvi Faqir Mohammad during an operation in eastern Afghanistan, security officials said on Tuesday, in a move that could help improve trust between the two countries.

The arrest on Monday of the regional commander for the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), was hailed as a “big blow” to the movement by an Afghan interior ministry official.

Pakistan authorities have long demanded that Kabul take action against Pakistani insurgents who take refuge in areas of eastern Afghanistan just over the border. Kabul, in turn, says the insurgency in Afghanistan draws sustenance from sanctuaries in Pakistan.

Faqir was captured during a raid in Nangarhar province by members of the Afghan intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), and Afghan police officers, according to officials from NDS and the Afghan interior ministry.

Faqir has a tumultuous past with the Pakistani Taliban and last year was sacked as commander of the northern Bajaur region, after telling Pakistani media the TTP were holding peace talks with the government.

The TTP denied his claim and replaced him with another commander, Mullah Dadullah. After Dadullah was killed in a Nato air strike in Afghanistan in August last year, Mohammad resumed his role.

Mohammad was responsible for several attacks against Pakistani forces and was known for his strict implementation of Islamic law in Bajaur.

Top TTP commander Maulvi Faqir captured in Afghanistan: officials | DAWN.COM

Good news.

Looks like the recent Pak-Afghanistan deal in London has started working.

Few days ago Afghanistani forces started operation in Nouristan area. There was an unfortunate incidence when NATO planes accidently killed some civilians.

But this Mullah Talib-bozo Faqir is now captured.

The other Mullah Radio bozo must be running with his tail squarely stuck in his hind quarters.

Thank you Afghanistanis. Thank you for catching these bozoz

I hope on our side we will eliminate the bozoz from Wazirastan who are attacking and killing Afghanistanis with cross border raids.

I hope Pakistani and Afghanistani leadership works closely and helps each other to send these Talib-bozos to hell where they belong.

Maulvi Faqir Mohammed, Senior Pakistani Taliban Commander, Arrested In Afghanistan:\

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan intelligence officers have arrested a senior Pakistan Taliban commander who was hiding out in eastern Afghanistan, a security official said on Tuesday. The capture could help improve strained relations between the two neighbors.

Maulvi Faqir Mohammed was arrested over the weekend in eastern Nangarhar province near the Pakistani frontier, said the security official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Two Pakistani intelligence officials confirmed the capture. They also spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Mohammed, who was deputy head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, fell out with the Taliban's leadership in 2011 for saying the group was in peace negotiations with the Pakistani government. The Taliban recently claimed it patched up relations with the militant commander after the group announced that it was now ready to hold negotiations with the government.

Mohammed, who is reportedly in his 40s, was one of the Pakistani Taliban's top commanders and led the network's operations in the Bajur and Mohmand tribal areas along the Afghan border. He fled to Afghanistan in 2010 after the Pakistani military raided his stronghold in Bajur. Maulvi is an honorific religious title.

Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have been strained because of allegations that Kabul is allowing Pakistani Taliban to shelter and carry out attacks inside Pakistan from the Afghan side of the rugged and mountainous border. Afghanistan and the U.S.-led NATO coalition say Pakistan is not doing enough to go after Afghan Taliban fighters operating from safe havens in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas – located on the other side of the frontier.

According to the Afghan and Pakistani officials, Mohammed was arrested with at least two of his associates. The Afghan official said he had been brought to a detention center in Kabul.

The Pakistani officials said that at the time of his arrest, Mohammed was trying to cross into Pakistan.

The TTP was set up five years ago as an umbrella organization to unite violent militant groups in Pakistan's tribal areas. It is led by Hakimullah Mehsud who recently offered to start peace talks with the government.

Pakistan's war with the TTP has so far cost the lives of 4,000 soldiers and forced thousands of people from their homes.


Associated Press writers Patrick Quinn in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Anwarullah Khan in Khar, Pakistan, contributed to this report.

Mary J. Blige

Maulvi Faqir Mohammed, Senior Pakistani Taliban Commander, Arrested In Afghanistan
Pakistan must show no mercy to these cockroaches. We have lost over 4000 of our Jawans. Treat these cowards the same way as they treated our Jawans. This is not the time to show mercy. Our soldiers blood must not flow in vain.
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