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Top Torrent Sites and Richard Dawkins Blocked in Pakistan

Also, ensure that all incoming connections are encrypted in your torrent client.

i tried to use proxies but still couldnt able to use ******** in my Uni. how to use encryption for ********? any software you recommend or any way? if possible kindly PM me or post here. i have some knowledge of internet and computer so u can use technical terms.

Use Put.io to tackle P2P throttling.

can we still use it if ******** and trackers are blocked by server ? as in my uni ******** are no accessible. they cant do seeding. so any way you recommend?
Fortunately for me. I have. Even further, I worked in programming software so I am even more aware of it. Except that unlike you who would keep your IP to yourself to make a profit at the expense of other human beings, I would rather let other people use my stuff for free as long as the IP exists. An IP does not automatically translate to profit, which is all you seem to be focused on instead of the idea of being credited. Yeah, I would feel pissed off if my work on voice compression would be copied and passed off as someone else's..but I would have no problems if someone takes it further develops it and makes a profit out of it because as long as my name is there.. I could not care less if a profit is made out of it or not.. since that is not my character to worship money instead of achievement.

Your main itch with the argument seems to be losing profits without realizing that hoarding is not profit. If you worship money and profit so much that the very idea of losing it causes you nightmares, then it is your character flaw and not mine to understand that there are places and people in the world where IP theft is a reality regardless of whatever can be done.And there are particular inventions and creations that will be stolen or used if people are desperate enough for it or if it suits the common good. So instead of whining about losing profits, i'd rather look to making something unique where the people who pay for it , do pay for it.

Uh ofcourse. Altruism is great.

Now, you talk about ideas, i'm talking about finished products worth hours and hours of sitting infront of a computer. Which in most cases, if anything from them is stolen, it isn't out of humane reasons but primarily so that the thief incorporates them into his own product and makes a profit. So, it's wrong on both accounts, ie it's theft and it's not for free sharing but materialism.

You also speak of money, what's wrong with it? Every few months there's a piece of hardware out that i'like to have. At most every 2 years a piece of hardware comes out that is a must have if you want to keep up with the trends. These are machines worth from a few hundred to a few thousand €'s.
Every year a new upgrade for the software i'm using comes out, minimum 300€ right there, just so i have new features, again all in relation to trends.
Achievements are great but last time i was in the store, the woman at the register asked if i'll pay in cash or card, didn't even mention achievements. Add to that the .gov that takes it's oversized share each year....
now pakistani wont be downloading any bollywood movies so sad....
It is a shame actually, that we are banning a guy's website just because he expressed his thoughts. And then we fuss about why aren't they allowing Masjids to be build. Are we allowing atheism to be understood?

If EA or any other big gaming publisher raided Pakistan on copy-rights, then everyone would be accused. We rely so much on illegal ******** that most people don't even know we have to buy games. I bought a game from a CD store in Karachi, and in the read me file there was a thank you note for downloading from *********. It was a disgrace, they were downloading illegal games and then selling them for money.

For Bollywood movies, we don't download them. People usually buy DVDs or watch in cinemas, but frankly I find them stupid. Hollywood rip-offs.
**** i understand but this is going way to far... in the future they might as well block all internet saying it has more negatives then positives. After stuff like this people say why do people outside consider us extremists.

funnily enough you cant even google search for ****. they blocked that too. :rofl: which is not bad actually.
about four of them

got one but wont name it in case it gets blocked. :P

although finding it is of no consequence as it wont help he download from torrent sites... man one of my friend practically lives on that site. he will definitely be bummed out.
PTA is full of BS, first provide us with real things and products in our markets that better off the actual owner or his/her authorized label at buy able prices then implement such bans. nutt heads should be tough lesson!
Virtual university of pakistan had uploaded videos/lectures on youtube to elevate the literacy level in pakistan --- mullahs also banned whole youtube in pakistan

It should be easy enough to upload them to a Pakistani site -- or create one if needed.
Nope. Such websites are not just websites, the infrastructure and money that goes into putting up such a datacenter....... :girl_wacko:

It should be easy enough to upload them to a Pakistani site -- or create one if needed.
man one of my friend practically lives on that site. he will definitely be bummed out.

He might have to go outside into the sunlight and talk to people instead of wasting his life being online all day... ;)


Nope. Such websites are not just websites, the infrastructure and money that goes into putting up such a datacenter....... :girl_wacko:

I am sure Pakistan has the necessary resources -- at least enough to handle domestic traffic.
we should call upon anonymous group to handle this so called net prison maker software proudly claimed by these narrow mind authorities :smokin:
Virtual university of pakistan had uploaded videos/lectures on youtube to elevate the literacy level in pakistan --- mullahs also banned whole youtube in pakistan

I completed my Master degree from Virtual university of Pakistan. Youtube helped me lot. I took lot of help finance related topics, and on accounting subjects. I took lot of lectures there. I was incomplete without you-tube.
No doubt ,This government is run by pro-Taliban and pro extremist elements. Now, there is planning to ban Google.... :moil:
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