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Top ten military powers?

In my opinion -
Few of them after this list but insignificant on world stage…

Pakistan is no where... How can a country's Armed forces become powerful if economy it self depends upon the donation of west. Country is facing regular turmoil from last 60 years, most of world considering her on verge of failed state. Power is highly interlinked to many thing stated above. Pakistan even does not have money to mobilize its armed forces, becoming a POWER in world stage is dream.

First do some thing to change the world's perception about Pakistan. Racists in west use P-AKI as abuse for brown coloured people from south east asia.

What a load of crap! You actually have the guts to bash Pakistan and put India on the 7th place??! :rolleyes:

To give you a taste of your own let me remind you that India houses worlds largest concentration of extreme poor, illiterates, malnutrition under the sibblings, HIV/Aids effected people...you have failed to improve lives of hundreds of millions!

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :disagree:
I think Astra has answered your question. Most of the Pakistan Defence budget, loans re-payment getting through money coming on the name of war of terror. Its known fact. Massive number of articles are ready to read on internet.
BS again!
Pakistani defence expenditure is $4 billion, USaid (military) counts for merely $0.4 billion, thats 10%. Another $0.3 billion is dedicated to economic aid and some of is used for correct budgetary deficiencies and dept remboursement, not all!
How do think ongoing mega projects are financed??

Military power is always backed by Polical, Economical Power and internal stability, you know what is happening at all three fronts in Pakistan.
Number of personnel in Armed forces does not create Power these days, as I sayed earlier many things are interlinked.
Nuclear arsenal and an effective infrastructure enhanced by one of worlds most determined armies in the world with numbers is not a pushover.
Internal stability has always been strong when we face external threats.

And may I know what industries you have Mango export ???? No no cotton too, thanks to Land of Pakistan which can produce it. And what about terror, still not official and taxed by Pakistan Gov.
Oh come on, where do you get your information from...some thrid grade Indian forum? :disagree:
Only an Indian will deny the progress we've made during last 7 years. :rolleyes:

Though personally I want to see pakistan a progressive, stable nation because in tomorrow's world single strong country is not going to play major role, rather a strong region may become very powerful and effective as you can see Europe, then both India and Pakistan should be stronger country. And we have started seeing this in many area where Pakistan and India has worked together Cricket matters, and few import and export fronts.
Bla bla bla....:blah: Seen this a zillion of times, but in fact its your government which still has anti-Pakistan policies. Sabotage in SAARC affairs is a fresh example that your governmenment doesn't want to see us progress.
Takes two to tango, do your part and let us do ours.

And please do some thing to change the world's perception of Pakistan it will attract FDI.

Good Luck.

Again wake up and smell the coffee...we're way ahead in attracting FDI than any other country in the region. Yes India may have received larger amount but with more than $7 billion FDI in 2007 we have a better FDI vs GDP ratio. :wave:

Do some homework before posting.
this is ridiculous, Iran is ahead of Pakistan???????????????

Ranking Iran ahead of Pakistan, it doesn't mean I am spoiling the diginity of Pakistani armed forces. There is some strong reason behind it.

No way

Pakistan has a very good air power with the induction of JF-17s and J-10s and especially when we will be building them as well, we will have advantage. to me manufacturing capability matters a lot.

Induction of Jf-17 and J-10, How many PAF has got this planes right now?
As far as my memory goes only 4 JF-17 has joined to the PAF and top of that there is only proposal of J-10.

Regarding your capability of building them Fighter Plane, I don't have any doubt about it. But Has production line of Jf-17 started? Iran is building their own fighter planes and Helicopters, may be they are not on par with western fighter planes and helicopters but still they have shown their capability that it is in them to build on their own.

we have our ground power comparable to anyone in the world

What kind of a ground power are you talking about?

and as we are gaining capabilities to build subs, frigates and missile crafts we have a good navy.

Offcourse! one can admire the PN's capability to build this top noth weapons, but their Budget is too low to exert any creadible impact on Naval deployment.

But surely Pakistan has to build up a strong naval air unit which should contain air craft careers to achieve the capability to take a decisive action against any aggressor.

This is absolutely wise thinking.
Whatever the case maybe Iranian Forces cant beat Pakistani Forces.

Definetly there is no doubt about pakistani armed forces, but you have to provide some creadible justification on what grounds I mean in terms of weapon Pakistani armed forces can beat Iranian forces.

Only their Air Force must not be counted everything is a factor in war

I think you are still living in black and white era, don't have got any lessons from the airwarfare of air power during desert strom

and even the IAF is no match for the PAF.

May be this is true, but on what grounds are you making this claim.

The PAF pilots are one of the bests in the world. Pakistan is know for its pilots. Take the history of any world conflict in which the PAF was used PAF pilots have always been a bright spot.

Definetly you have immense confidence on your airforce pilots as I have a confindence on my airforce, but modern airwar are not alone fought on the basis of best pilots, unless and until this pilots are don't provided with cutting edge technology till then they can't exert their flying skill on the airwarfare.
Iran is greater than Pakistan in Military Power?

Someone is really out of his mind!

Check all the facts about Pakistani Army, Airforce and Navy and then compare the two Armed Forces!
Keep day dreaming... No one will stop you.....
See one analysis here....... PAKISTAN at no 20

World Military Strength Ranking

See some more real alaysis and keep day dreaming - Pakistan at 33 on spending -

World Military Spending - Global Issues

Need some this more....

As happy as i'm to see india at no 4, i'm not sure i can trust this list. how can anyone put brazil and turkey ahead of britain? also, putting pakistan at no 20 and israel at no 26, below mexico and egypt, seems wrong. is this an offical list made by some global federation?
1. USA
2. Russia

2nd Tier:
3. China
4. India
5. France
6. UK

Other powers
7. Japan
8. North Korea
9. Turkey
10. Pakistan

I rate Germany and Israel out of top 10 because
a. Germany is subjected to another NATO ally (USA, UK and France)
b. Israel has less population
US is only superpower,and remain so before 2050,no country can overtake US
As for Russia,they are power no doubt,but they can't compare with US anymore
As happy as i'm to see india at no 4, i'm not sure i can trust this list. how can anyone put brazil and turkey ahead of britain? also, putting pakistan at no 20 and israel at no 26, below mexico and egypt, seems wrong. is this an offical lost made by some global federation?

Thank you!
I rest my case. :smokin:
Thank you!
I rest my case. :smokin:

While I can't say anything about the other countries I agree that UK is a declining military power and Iraq and Afghanistan have exposed the same. I prefer a small modern force and a robust economy like the Swiss than a large powerfull army with the economy being neglected.

To give you a taste of your own let me remind you that India houses worlds largest concentration of extreme poor, illiterates, malnutrition under the sibblings, HIV/Aids effected people...you have failed to improve lives of hundreds of millions!

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :disagree:

Im very surprised mate.Unnatural and unexpected from you of all people.
pakistan has recive 12 jf.17 batch 2007
and j.10 already use in p.a.f
total j.10 in p.a.f service in 36
Iran is power full country
but you have not read the history of pakistan.pakistan first nucular power in Muslim world
why you r not compare Iran and pakistan.
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