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Top Secret Indian Government documents sneaked into by Chinese hackers

like i said before i agree with you that the external affairs computers are hacked but not the computers containing the defence related information

! defence information will not be stored in the computers of external affairs ministry. \
research based information is stored in a secure server with no connection to out side network

And I agree with you again but this is what a para in the report says :

"However, the researchers note that there is no direct evidence that these were stolen from Indian government computers and they may have been compromised as a result of being copied onto personal computers. "
Havent gone thru the entire thread but this is an old news.

Chinese hackers with the backing of their government has been doing this with other countries too.

Their philosophy is simple why waste time in R&D, steal other's R&D and copy it, this saves a lot of time.

To read more about chines hacking espionage google

"Titan Rain - Shawn Carpenter"

Havent gone thru the entire thread but this is an old news.

Chinese hackers with the backing of their government has been doing this with other countries too.

Their philosophy is simple why waste time in R&D, steal other's R&D and copy it, this saves a lot of time.

To read more about chines hacking espionage google

"Titan Rain - Shawn Carpenter"

The Invasion of the Chinese Cyberspies - TIME

The Chinese Govt. simply denies these report of the Chinese Govt being behind this kind of activities or to approve them...but these reports of Chinese Govt being involved cannot be ruled out and that is clear by the nature of the nature of the attack and the type of targets they choose...:confused:
The Chinese Govt. simply denies these report of the Chinese Govt being behind this kind of activities or to approve them...but these reports of Chinese Govt being involved cannot be ruled out and that is clear by the nature of the nature of the attack and the type of targets they choose...:confused:

dont worry if this is to continue one day world will say hack uu or hack off..:pop:
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Two Indian Defence Magazines, Think Tanks Hacked By Chinese!

Two Indian defence magazines FORCE and India Strategic were hit by Chinese hackers recently, a joint report by the Munk University Information Warfare Monitor and Shadowserver foundation has found. The report, published today, notes, "We assess that computers at the India Strategic defence magazine and FORCE magazine were compromised based on the documents exfiltrated by the attackers. During the period in which we monitored the attackers, 58 documents were exfiltrated. While these documents include publicly accessible articles and previous drafts of those articles, there is also private information regarding the contact details of subscribers and conference
participants. The documents also include interviews, documents, and PowerPoint presentations from conferences that detail national security topics, such as network data and monitoring for national security, and responses to combat cyber threats."

The report continues: "During our investigations we found that a variety of academic targets had been compromised, including those at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) as well as journalists at India Strategic defence magazine and FORCE magazine. The exfiltrated papers included those discussing the containment of the PRC, Chinese military exports, and Chinese foreign policy on Taiwan and Sino-Indian relations. More specifically, there were documents that focused on ethnicity, religion and politics in Central Asia, and the links between armed groups and the PRC. Although the academic papers exfiltrated by the attackers are publicly available, the content of the
material indicates that the attackers managed to compromise those with a keen interest in the PRC."

LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence
Time to launch sunny deol with his 2.5 kg fist.:rofl::rofl:
And who certified that these 'secure' servers are infact secure?

What we call secure servers just have a few more protocols, which may delay the time taken to access them, if you want your system to be completely secure keep it away from internet. An alternative to that is make a separate intranet, through which you can communicate among your organizations and colleagues etc. but the outside hackers wont have any access to it. It is also not completely safe but it is far better than the secure server concept.
joseph sir i need some answer. a responsiable news paper like times of india or at least the editor should have some sence before copy pasting news from other news papers

Because Indian media is a puppet state of USA. Why deny it?

Its information warfare. Americans are good at it.

From time to time, so called "South Asia" experts in USA plant stories in local media which their Indian media counterparts "copy" faithfully as good servants.

India doesn't have any "code of conduct" or regulations yet on local Print media, which should make it compulsary for them to provide foreign source when they copy stories from Western media.

For example, ToI tell its readers that 50% of their "experts" views on local matters are actually copied from foreign experts based in Washington?

India media is a classic bootlicker of Gora's a$$. They will do anything for money. And western media exploits this nicely to create hate-propaganda in Indian public against China. The worse thing is that, now "indian" experts have shifted to Washington, NY and they make their reports on situation in Indian region in New york. That's how its working.

Its not coincidental that China has negative image in India. Its "managed" through such reports.

Also, India has accepted that Tibet is part of China but USA doesn't want to. Americans are vengeful about Vietnam defeats and are doing everything to create unrest in China.

First you create jehadis and then make victims(India) to come to you for help. Typical american policy.

China is not stupid to goto war with neighbours and let West win. Good example is 1971, when China refused American advise to launch war on India.

1962 war was due to puppet fool Nehru who allowed open access to CIA in Indian North-east borders with China, who used it to create havoc in Chinese Tibet border regions. China had to protect its territory from Indian invasions(CIA operated) and they did. Delhi will never accept this publicly because foolish Indian egos will get hurt.

Honestly speaking, India had no right over Tibet. This "Tibet should be free" philosophy first came from West and Nehru was big supporter of this. This only created tensions between Asian biggies. What India gained from 1962? Nothing. It created divide in two big civilizations. Only West profited from it.

Even if there were any freedom movement in Tibet, it was none of India's business to poke its nose into Tibet. Tibet wasn't Indian territory. It did only because West was pushing Nehru on it and Nehru foolishly supported it. What was the need of it? India was deep in poverty during 1950's and this idiot(Nehru) was interested in poking his nose, in Tibet? What a moron he was!

Americans used foolish leadership of India to create tensions in Tibet and the stupid Nehru realized his mistakes when China retaliated hard and he had to quickly retreat his forces.

What he was thinking? He wanted to take India to war over China for Tibet? For which Tibet? How many Indians were living in Tibet during 1950's? Did India had claim over Tibet in history? Whose war India was fighting? Even this fool wasn't sure of it. How he can be, when his masters(UK+USA) were thinking for him.

I thank Vajpayee for taking sensible step of recognizing Tibet as part of China. Congress(whose puppet Nehru created tensions with China) would never accept their blunders.

Yes China is evil because it will protect its lands at any cost which everyone does including India. So its hypocritical of us(Indians), to call China evil just because they are more brave than Indians, who can't even protect its Kashmir citizens properly. But USA is bigger evil which gave birth to problems(Kashmir,Tibet,Taiwan,Taliban,Vietnam genocide).
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Ok, now one interesting thing on this so-called China hacking report from Newyork.

Well, China has as much right to hack into Indian systems as much India has. What I don't understand here is, why New yorkers are worried if China is hacking India? Are they giving an impression that India is under US Flag or territory of US? Since when USA got a right to manage and oversee Indian Defense ministry networks? Is India some banana like Iraq which require security reviews by American agencies?

And, if these reports are true, then one should ask if Indian Defense ministry offices depend on experts in Newyork, for its security?

One can only guess why MMS is called a puppet of USA.
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