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Top Industrial PowerHouse of Islam Geography ?

It is my impression that Mr Jennah's first Constitution of Pakistan was less a theocratic governance system than some would think it to be now in 2014. That is an internal affair for Pakistanis to decide of course. But it might make for another new topic for today's discussion?

I respectfully understood the Muslim theocratic nation states was the theme/topic started yesterday. Yes, you meant and referred to "Muslim majority/Muslim focused" nation states. But I wrote here to politely suggest broadening and changing that focus. In part to address the implied idea that because a nation state was Muslim (theocratic) that it's achievements you alluded to were for some reason better than, more than, superlative to other nation states which are either Muslim majority but secular in governance and/or had a large Muslim majority population achieving, if you will great things who "happened to be Muslims, but not necessarily because they are Muslims."

As I wrote in essence yesterday we need to stop thinking worldwide in terms of majority any religion nations and start thinking in terms of what you would see as ethnic achievements in any or all nations where your faith system is both in a majority OR in a minority.

To me, my opinion only, it creates and perpetuates a less than the brotherhood of all mankind view, which in current times has been abused and misused to promote religious intolerance, terrorism and such instead of recognizing unique contributions of your Muslim worldwide family in the bigger, broader sense of we are all the children of Abraham.

You might want to see my comments yesterday about the views I hold as a Christian on the Tower or Babel, in our Holy Bible, Old Testament, when God punished mankind for mankind's arrogance by creating many languages to stop the "man being equal to God" attitude found in that Bible story of the failed attempt to build the Tower of Babel "to Heaven to be equal to God Himself." My view is that we were not Arabs, Orientals, other various ethnic and racial identieis up to the time of the Tower of Babel. Places like China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, India, Pakistan, etc did not exist. There was no nation, other than the nation of God. Then came the vanity of the Tower of Bable, mankind was splintered into difference language groups, which to my belief also included being separated, worldwide, into what became different racial hence ethnic groups. Tribes if you will.

No rudeness or disrespect is meant on my part. Of course your views, vs. mine, stands, as that is what you wanted to focus.

My goal and role here I suppose is to seek better ethnic and religious, nation to nation, understanding to take the edge off so to speak. Your tone is not hostile but I simply felt and some others here might prefer to also read a broader view, where you are a Muslim, I am a Christian, others are Jews, etc, but we are all the Children of Abraham, sons of the same God.

It is sort of like our Columbus Day Celebration here in the US when our fellow citizens who are of Italian descent celebrate the historic fact that an Italian discovered the New World where America exists today.l

I apologize for my digression from your topic, as my membership here rests on having served in the USAF, at the old Karach based US Embassy, with my higher HQ I supported having been at Badabur, outside Peshawar, in the NWFP of the nation of Pakistan. Air power and related coordinated uses of all branches of armed forces is the purpose of this site, in the main.

Turkey & Malaysia are secular states too, albeit with Muslim majority population..

Any country with a Muslim majority is considered a Muslim nation state.

I tend to agree. I was wondering why it took so long for Malaysia and Indonesia to come up. :-)

It is because they are in a less advertised part of Asia. I was shocked to see how good of an economy Indonesia has as well when I first saw it. Indonesia has the best economy by GDP of all Muslim states. :)

India has second largest Muslim population and is ranked among top 10 manufacturing countries.

We recognize India's achievements but it is not the topic of this thread.
There is none..all Islamic countries are 4 Tier industrial countries which can neither innovate or produce. They can only copy-paste with help of foreign innovation, technology and machinery.
well this guy is kind of right.turkey or other states have long way to go.we are not indepented..
Any country with a Muslim majority is considered a Muslim nation state.[quote end]

Unless a nation, any nation, stipulates in it's Constitution that it is a theocracy, it is not considered a Muslim nation state.

Turkey is a secular nation with a Muslim majority population, but it is not a Muslim nation state per se. This was a sticking point which almost kept Turkey out of the European Union and could have cost Turkey it's membership in NATO.

NATO membership in and of itself has economic and financial benefits to the Member nation.

The EU of course has more economic and financial benefits.

FYI Pakistan is a "NATO Affiliate" nation but not a NATO Member nation. Pakistan has full time staff at NATO HQ and participates as an observer in NATO convocations in most instances.
@American Eagle

"we are all the children of Abraham."

Rightly said, peace to you sir.

'For us, Abraham is a very model of faith in God, of submission to his will and of confidence in his goodness. We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God who created the world and brings his creatures to their perfection' | Pope John Paul II
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Science and industry is essential a-religious aka secular.

There cannot be a Hindu car or Muslim car
Cannot be Hindu injection or Mulsim medicine

So one should not mix religion with industry factory or research or science. .

Just talk about countries in a region or in some kind of formal union.

Otherwise such threads are useless

my 2 cents.
I suppose the reason for people to come up with these kinds of rankings list is to get a feel good factor about themselves. When they see their condition is not very good, make a list to show they are better amongst the worst..
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I suppose the reason for people to come up with these kinds of rankings list is to get a fell good factor about themselves. When they see their condition is not very good, make a list to show they are better amongst the worst..

Well said.

Remember the Urdu proverb!

Andhon main kaana raja

--- In the land of blind, any one-eyed can become a king

..... I wrote here to politely suggest broadening and changing that focus. In part to address the implied idea that because a nation state was Muslim (theocratic) that it's achievements you alluded to were for some reason better than, more than, superlative to other nation states which are either..

Well said my dear poster

Well said

Many young men in our region grow up with false history that emphasizes the "GLORIOUS" past back in 900-1000 AD

Little boys then start thinking wow

If just become a teeeny weeeny more Muslims,

All that glory will be ours "AGAIN",

and Khalifah will descend from havens, and bring all the free goodies bought all thanks to petro-dollars.

These $tupid history has resulted in the rise and popularity of Mullahs of Saudi and Ayatullahs from Iran.


Religion really is a private matter, only to be shared with close friends and family members

But we do not understand this concept and end up parading around our religion out in the public

making Muslim cars, Muslim tanks, Muslim roads, Muslim bridges,

and worse Islamic missiles and Islamic bombs.

Terrible way of going about in life

Really terrible,.
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I do agree with @FaujHistorian. At this forum, we're hearing the 'muslim brother' thingy almost everyday, at the same time we're also seeing threads like this. I once saw a "muslim navies" thread...that just sounds stupit to me. I can understand geographical comparisons. But why also etnic&religious groups? Did we ever saw top ten orthodox defence industries? with all respects to OP whom he's one of the few top posters i really admire, There's only one explanation to that...at every single 'top muslim bla bla bla' thread, the reason is not classification as well as the purpose. It's just the need of seeing the Country A ranked top among others by foreign posters. Thats all...

To contribute to the subject. At the last decade, we've made many great advanced achievements no doubt. But there's also another growing industry in Malaysia, Indonesia. They are not our competitors. Our competitors are the West and the US themselves. We should keep doing that until we become as powerful as them in defence industry.
Actually, i dont believe in this ''Muslim Brotherhood'' thing, History is full of betrayal between Muslims, even today.
I completely agree and there is so much proof to support that from the siege of baghdad to the nawabs of India....

Hypothetically speaking Will the Sheikhs of UAE take up arms and protect Pakistan from dismantling if it falls?
I don't think so
Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan.
Kindly discuss Who is the biggest industrial powerhouse at R&D, design/development and manufacturing of own advanced industrial military gears at Islamic countries? List them in accordance with your point of view based on criterias you considered. If you want, Sperate industrial brends in accordance with types such as (Aerial, Missile, Land sector...etc) to make similar comparisons.

Is it military or overall industry just like the title of this thread ?

According to Military....I don't really have full knowledge about other countries, but Turkey and Pakistan is quite good at this term. Indonesia is going better since 2005, even though the research and technology in military has started even through our independence war (we are able to make small fighter plane during 1945-1949 (si kumbang))....that plane workhouse has become our leading aircraft industry (PT Dirgantara Indonesia/ before Nurtanio)

In term of overall industry output....Indonesia is much much better. We are number 11 in the world, after Russia (number10) and better than Mexico (number12) and two times than Turkey in term of industrial out put.

Manufacturing, value added (current US$) | Data | Table
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