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Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

Holy war my foot! Soldiers are protecting sovereignity of their country. Nothing more ,nothing less.

The concept of self defence and rules of war have been said in Gita with Shree Krishna and Arjuna
What would you say if the man had killed a 100 more in Delhi or Srinagar !He had to be slain isn't it ? Country's security is paramount

Yes security is paramount but killing is matter of last resort not Matter of Beauty.
Yes security is paramount but killing is matter of last resort not Matter of Beauty.

Killing is not beauty but killing your enemies in combat is very much allowed and no feeling is involed or shame.
The concept of self defence and rules of war have been said in Gita with Shree Krishna and Arjuna
As if Sri madbhagwat Geeta does not tell about rules, then there will not any war.

India is run by it's constitution Not Geeta.
As if Sri madbhagwat Geeta does not tell about rules, then there will not any war.

India is run by it's constitution Not Geeta.

I agree but i made my comment on 'killing' in battle as a hindu :)
Reality is not presumed.. It just is.. :)

I thought of sending you a PM..but looks like your quota is full.

I just happened to read 'Monkey Trap' article - stunning piece, considering that it was written 10 years back. Thanks for the wonderful post. It is so apt - we can pretty much see the quagmire that Pakistan is currently in. They are inching into oblivion day by day.
i dont believe that source- any non- indian source?-

There is no non-Indian source and you need not believe it.

Not gonna make a difference.

Enjoy till it lasts- After dealing with WOT- We would love to return the indian afghani favor in IOK-

First it was East Bengal --> Bangladesh - now its gonna be ?

I believe Afghanistan and Kashmir are totally different scenarios- the only thing common i see is the word "mujahideen"- stolen by talibani scum- Kashmiris are freedom fighters-

Good jihadis these Kashmiris are..:lol:

Dude, FFS, they cannot even fight for their own independence and need the pak punjabis to fight their war unlike the Afghanis or even the Baloch ;)
Yes security is paramount but killing is matter of last resort not Matter of Beauty.

Killing whom ? we need to be flexible in our thought process , We are not talking about killing a saint , we are talking about killing a terrorist mastermind who would butchered 100s of innocent lives ! Well you are free to percieve it differently , but i would still say killing "Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander" before he kills our men is a matter of pride and beauty ! wish we could have done this to all the terrorists before they killed any in mumbai 2008!
i've been looking at all the posts by our dear naighbours and i noticed some points
#1 : whatever crap policies there rulers followed in last 64 years were in one way or another were aimed at destroing INDIA
#2 : they are never wrong even if they try to harm other nations but if they retaliate its non -human & should be condemmed
#3 : some day maseeha will come & unite them ,all there wories will be over & they will rule the world
#4 : every socio -economic & security(terrorism,nojustice,crime,poverty,curroption)problem is a foreign conspiracy
#5 : only they have a wepons & JIGARto use them & 10 hindus=1 pakistani
#6 : every time they take panga some one else will (should)come & save them & fight there war
these are few of my observations not all then we indians are called names &wor mongers:hitwall:
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