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TOP 20 Muslim Economies

Prove your point. . . How many books (related to this topic) have you read? Mr you don't even know what you are talking about.Modern research favors our point NOT yours.Before, the view of scholars was that Muslims 'preserved' Greek works and made 'some' contributions to it..Now after scrutiny of the topic by scholars,the view is that Muslims made GREAT contributions to the HUMAN RACE (not just modifying Greek work)..Muslim civilization 'also' preserved the ancient works of Greeks..translated it in Arabic..contributed alot to it and then passed it to Europe.. Modern view is MORE in our favor then it was before..Read something before posting crap-thanks

"Modern science was due to the cumulative efforts of the Hellenic, Islamic and Latin civilizations." Edward Grant .

Source(Edward Grant (1996), The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious, Institutional, and Intellectual Contexts,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.)

"Many of the traits on which modern Europe prides itself came to it from Muslim Spain. Diplomacy, free trade, open borders, the techniques of academic research, of anthropology, etiquette, fashion, various types of medicine, hospitals, all came from this great city of cities."

Source : "Islam and West" authored by Bernard Lewis


Hindu and Buddhist contribution to science in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Transmission of the Classics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic astronomy or Arabic astronomy comprises the astronomical developments made in the Islamic world, particularly during the Islamic Golden Age (8th–15th centuries),[1] and mostly written in the Arabic language. These developments mostly took place in the Middle East, Central Asia, Al-Andalus, and North Africa, and later in the Far East and India.

Excerpt from Astronomy in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Medieval Islamic alchemy was based on previous alchemical writers, firstly those writing in Greek, but also using Egyptian, Indian, Jewish, and Christian sources.

Excerpt from Alchemy and chemistry in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During this period, a number of Sanskrit and Middle Persian texts were first translated into Arabic. The most notable of the texts was Zij al-Sindhind,[29] based on the Surya Siddhanta and the works of Brahmagupta, and translated by Muhammad al-Fazari and Yaqūb ibn Tāriq in 777. Sources indicate that the text was translated after an Indian astronomer visited the court of Caliph Al-Mansur in 770. The most notable Middle Persian text translated was the Zij al-Shah, a collection of astronomical tables compiled in Sassanid Persia over two centuries.
Fragments of text during this period indicate that Arabs adopted the sine function (inherited from Indian trigonometry) instead of the chords of arc used in Hellenistic mathematics.[27] Another Indian influence was an approximate formula used for timekeeping by Muslim astronomers.[30]

In the 9th century, the Persian mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī wrote several important books on the Hindu-Arabic numerals and on methods for solving equations. His book On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals, written about 825, along with the work of Al-Kindi, were instrumental in spreading Indian mathematics and Indian numerals to the West.

Excerpt from History of mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim scholarship was strongly influenced by Greek and Indian philosophy as well as by the study of scripture.

Excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology_in_medieval_Islam

Islamic medicine was initially built on tradition, chiefly the theoretical and practical knowledge developed in Arabia and was known at Muhammad's time, ancient Hellenistic medicine such as Unani, ancient Indian medicine such as Ayurveda, and the ancient Iranian Medicine of the Academy of Gundishapur. The works of ancient Greek and Roman physicians Hippocrates,[3] Galen and Dioscorides[3] also had a lasting impact on Islamic medicine.[4]

Excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine_in_medieval_Islam

And before I forget Albert Einstein, Mendeleev, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Oppenheimer all studied Vedas and Upanishads and could quote from them offhand.
instead of asking these questions, why dont' you lazy nincompoops just try to refute facts the scholarly way

post links; i wont kill you or anything -- you wont be banned from here for doing so....

Wow...its upto the claimants to prove their claim with facts aka scholarly proofs and not the other way around.

Anyway true_indian has done that. Now lets see the refutal.
Worlds tallest building is in Dubai right now. After couple of decades people claim that Muslim civil engineering capability. But reality we know their contribution except Petro dollars.

abu! :woot:


-- Hisab Al-Jabr (Algebra)
--the decimal position system, and the concept of zero
--the use of secant, cosecant and tangent functions
--innovations in algebraic calculus
--establishment of accurate trigonometric tables for sine and cosine
--introduction of trigonometric ratios more advanced than geometric methods used by Ptolemy

From where you copied these? :lol: The modern '0' and decimal system invented by Indians not Arabs or Persians. :whistle:

Thank you genius ..Why the fcuk I talk with Indian kids :hitwall:

Beta you are quoting me wikipedia...I am referring to the modern SCHOLAR'S POINT OF VIEW :hitwall::hitwall:

Didn't I quote Bernard Lewis for you? Do you even know who this guy is? I've read his works and yes,I also don't agree with him 100% but GOSH ! He is an EXPERT SCHOLAR in Middle-Eastern studies.....What you are quoting to support your (laughable) point? Yeah wikipedia (Facepalm)

Give me 75 mins and then check Wikipedia...It will be saying "Einstein had Muslim influence" :lol:

Since you are too young to argue on academic basis....Let me make it little easy for you..I am NOT denying Indian medicine or whatever...Muslims studied Greeks/Indians etc etc..but this doesn't take away the credit of Muslims ! West got almost ALL stuff from Muslim civilization but can you take credit from the West?

Let me quote again :

"Modern science was due to the cumulative efforts of the Hellenic, Islamic and Latin civilizations." Edward Grant .

Source(Edward Grant (1996), The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious, Institutional, and Intellectual Contexts,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.)"

Why there is no mention of your great "Indian civilization"? Yes because Indian contribution is almost nothing when compared to the contributions made by Muslim civilization (With due respect to your great land)..You have to understand that when I say "Muslim Civilization" , I am talking about a whole civilization stretched from central Asia to the shores of Atlantic . . . . . . This civilization wasn't isolated.People from ALL background were welcome by great Muslim Empires. . .

"The Caliphate was the first truly universal civilization, which brought together for the first time "peoples as diverse as the Chinese, the Indians, the people of the Middle East and North Africa, black Africans,and white Europeans." Bernard Lewis.

Bernard Lewis (2003), "From Race and Slavery in the Middle East: An Historical Enquiry", in Kevin Reilly,
Stephen Kaufman,
Angela Bodino, Racism: A Global Reader, M.E. Sharpe, pp. 52–8.

Seriously Indians,have some respect.....Atleast,read good books before making fun of your own self.
HaHa... just one look at this page reminded me of that British comedy called Goodness Gracious Me... where this one guy thinks the whole world and everything in it is INDIAN !!!


Wikipedia VS Bernard Lewis... that really is a classic... wink wink ;)
abu! :woot:

From where you copied these? :lol: The modern '0' and decimal system invented by Indians not Arabs or Persians. :whistle:

I think zero comes from Indians... or Chinese (I cant remember due to old age lol)... but it was Muslims who developed a lot of concepts further...

Abu missed the most important name in my opinion that of Al Khwarzimi without whom we would never have modern computer science and technology...

Algebra is actually from an Arabic word Al Jabr... ;)

Numerous other words in English are from Arabic... Ameer Ul Bahr for example is Admiral...
Why there is no mention of your great "Indian civilization"? Yes because Indian contribution is almost nothing when compared to the contributions made by Muslim civilization (With due respect to your great land)..You have to understand that when I say "Muslim Civilization" , I am talking about a whole civilization stretched from central Asia to the shores of Atlantic . . . . . .

The forum would crash for lack of bandwidth if we were to post quotes about the Indian civilization by others ; Just some samples

Does Einstein satisfy you ? Here we go

"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made!"
-Albert Einstein
When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.
~~~ Albert Einstein

Is Mark Twain ok ?

"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!" - Mark Twain

Here comes Max-Mueller
If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.

~~~ Max Mueller (German scholar)

The most interesting ;

There has been no more revolutionary contribution than the one which the Hindus (Indians) made when they invented zero.
~~~ Lancelot Hogben (English mathematician)

"India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all."
~~~ Will Durant

Werner Heisenberg who gave the famous Uncertainity principle ;
After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense.
~~~ W. Heisenberg (German Physicist)

Hu Shih ;

India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border!"
~~~ Hu Shih (former Ambassador of China to USA)

Cut down on the hubris , if you can.
The forum would crash for lack of bandwidth if we were to post quotes about the Indian civilization by others ; Just some samples

Does Einstein satisfy you ? Here we go

Is Mark Twain ok ?

Here comes Max-Mueller

The most interesting ;

Werner Heisenberg who gave the famous Uncertainity principle ;

Hu Shih ;

Cut down on the hubris , if you can.

Oh my HOLY GOD :cry:

Yar you are respectable member unlike those kids. . .But what is this :)

First, almost ALL quotes you gave are "praising" Indian civilization...For goodness sake. . .We are talking here about "ACADEMIC" view :hitwall:
Please don't give random quotes. . .Give "SOURCES" too...Like what book Einstein was writing when he said it? Dude, "praising" is different thing.I can also praise India/China etc etc..Don't give just random quotes

By the way ,how Mark Twain has the authority in describing one's contribution to the HUMAN RACE :lol:

Which book he wrote on civilizations and their (scientific) contributions to the human race? Was he a science historian? He wasn't even a proper historian

And wait ! You are quoting me a "Chines Ambassador" :rofl: Was he a historian? did he study development of human race?

Oh my GOD ! Indians are getting desperate now :azn:

Why hopelessly trying to prove a thing which doesn't even exist,han?

Go read my "SOURCES" again..

I quoted from a book whose tiltle is

The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages:

Common now . . . .
The zero, the number system and mathematics, astronomy, medicine etc etc were discovered and practiced in India even before Islam came into existence, also today I believe Israel a country with population of just 70 million files more patents and research papers then the whole Muslim world put together


:yahoo: another one yayyyyyyyyyyyy :rofl:

India is most bestest country EVER ! Happy now :rofl:

No one cares huh !!!

How many book did you read before starting the thread "Some interesting facts about India"?

I mean common now. . .:no:
indian sciences mathematics astronomy medicines is older than islam... Its a known fact...
First, almost ALL quotes you gave are "praising" Indian civilization...For goodness sake. . .We are talking here about "ACADEMIC" view

Please don't give random quotes. . .Give "SOURCES" too...Like what book Einstein was writing when he said it? Dude, "praising" is different thing.I can also praise India/China etc etc

Why Einstein, Heisenberg,Lancelot Hogden are not enough Academics to you ? And certainly in the case of Mathematics,Quantum Physics the views of these three are much more relevant than what a Historian (for god sakes) thinks !!

And I cant help you with sources mate ---if you can prove that these are fake and were not said by the above people, bring forth it.

The thing is Indian contribution in mathematics,mettalurgy,philosophy,astronomy,medicine which by in itself was massive was not advertised to the world because WE DID NOT INVADE A SINGLE COUNTRY IN OUR EXISTENSE. Knowledge was usually spread through Invasions in the ancient world.

Everyone wanted to come to India and it was not the reverse. The Arabic numerals are so called because the Arabian traders just transported the Hindu numerals to the West.

I'm not her to belittle the Arabian civilization but credit must be given where it is due - even if it is India's.
Why Einstein, Heisenberg,Lancelot Hogden are not enough Academics to you ? And certainly in the case of Mathematics,Quantum Physics the views of these three are much more relevant than what a Historian (for god sakes) thinks !!

The thing is Indian contribution in mathematics,mettalurgy,philosophy,astronomy,medicine which by in itself was massive was not advertised to the world because WE DID NOT INVADE A SINGLE COUNTRY. Knowledge was usually spread through Invasions in the ancient world.

Everyone wanted to come to India and it was not the reverse. The Arabic numerals are so called because the Arabian traders just transported the Hindu numerals to the West.

I'm not her to belittle the Arabian civilization but credit must be given where it is due - even if it is India's.

Yar,how can Einstein be an "Academic" when it comes to "HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN MIDDLE AGES AND ITS IMPACT ON MODERN SCIENCE"..Did he EVER work on this "Thesis"? I am ONLY giving you the sources that did "solid research" on the mentioned thesis or their thesis was somehow related to it...Still,you didn't get my point.."Praising" is different thing...All quotes you provided were "praising" Indian Civilization....There is a difference :) Anyways,lets knock it down here...I guess I have made my point clear . . .

And I cant help you with sources mate ---if you can prove that these are fake and were not said by the above people, bring forth it.

:lol: yar,you are "quoting" sources...and you should know the actual source too ...Like I even gave you the "page numbers" of the books,so you can check my source for yourself...Its like I am saying Einstein said "Auz is better scientist than me" and then I say to you "It is true,if you can prove it otherwise then prove it" ...hahah...Anyways, Its OK...I know the reality ...No one cares what some fanboys on this page say...

And to the blue part..... Yes,due credit should be given to the deserving no matter what....Some Indian retard boasted that Muslims took ALL things from India and presented it as their own and this just pissed me off as I myself have remained a student of 'human civilization history'...

Anyways Cheers !
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