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TOP 20 Muslim Economies

Can you really count Nigeria as a Muslim country? The majority of rich people there are Christians. I am supriesed they are so high in the list.

I'm alos suprised with Bangladesh being that high.

And Sudan getting a spot.

And those of you saying Bangladesh will become richer than Pakistan. It's not till after 2050. Because according to IMF and Goldman. Pakistan will be the 20th richest country in the World meanwhile Bangladesh wil lbe 21st.

However Bangladesh is smaller than us and is more likely to become faster developed than Pakistan and it's people will likely have better lifestyles. If the population slows down which is a major issue. I ahev Said this time and time again. I've researched into this. After being inspired by the economy of South Asia.
Wrong analysis,factor coast always understate expenditure cost.

Acc to Indian govt India grew in 2010 at 8.5 %(factor cost),IMF say 10.3 %(expenditure cost).

Now dont say that India applied factor cost growth rate on expenditure cost based GDP thats why it is low here.

No, whether GDP@factor cost or @market price is higher depends on the ratio of indirect tax vs subsidies in a particular country, and of course it's a different concept than which of their respective growth is higher.

Even when we're talking about growth, there's no iron law on which one is higher. The reason in 2010 IMF recorded a higher growth than Indian government was because indirect taxes were raised in India during that period and subsidies stayed roughly the same. If in one particular year India decides to lower tax and increase subsidies, than the IMF growth figure will be lower than the government's.
Why do some people get so defensive, man up and learn to take criticism. Muslims are not doing as well as they could. This is probably because of greed and laziness. There is a lot of wasted potential, because Muslims don't want to work together in a professional, honest manner. Things would change if muslims were better muslims [generalising, no offence intended]
we have 5th largest gold reserve in just one spot and 6th largest coal reserve that too in one spot....there are more of such spots/reserves....and when we take it all out then we will be on top of all :cheers:
we have 5th largest gold reserve in just one spot and 6th largest coal reserve that too in one spot....there are more of such spots/reserves....and when we take it all out then we will be on top of all :cheers:

we have 5th largest gold reserve in just one spot and 6th largest coal reserve that too in one spot....there are more of such spots/reserves....and when we take it all out then we will be on top of all :cheers:

So you still want to continue to be lazy. I am interested in overall development and innovation and not based on natural resources. What has Muslim done to this world/humanity in development?
Problem is the complete lack of and Industry and R&D. Despire Turkey wich has some industries and research i dont see a bright future for ME economies. Theres practically no exchange of knowledge with the ME countries. My university can send me to any place in the world but nowhere in the middle east. The closest relations we have are with chinese universities btw.

The Gulf states(Saudi Arabia, UAE ect.) are all doomed anyways, they have nothing exept oil, once the oil is gone their society's wich are based upon fake wealth will collapse. This is indispensable.

Iran also has potential but due to their retarded government all they do is reinvent the wheel over and over again due to the embargos.

I disagree. Reinventing the wheel is absolutely essential for understanding modern technology because no modern technology is as easy as a wheel. Without "reinventing the wheel" Iranians will be worse than Zimbabwe. China reinvents the wheel too. We've built domestic versions of almost every technology there is. Some of it is trash and some of it is state of the art but at least we have it and that's what counts, having it or not.

What's your area of expertise btw?
the title should tell you, gold HOLDERS, not gold reserves!

maybe im wrong cause my english isnt the best :D

This chart is misleading because the US essentially banned private ownership of gold starting with Roosevelt in 1931.
This was repealed by Ford but it still accounts for the large holdings.
we have 5th largest gold reserve in just one spot and 6th largest coal reserve that too in one spot....there are more of such spots/reserves....and when we take it all out then we will be on top of all :cheers:

then you are going to be another saudi arabia, which export's all it's technologie's from countrie's like U.S.A and CHINA having unskilled population. Instead of harping on your mineral researve's you should concentrate on scietific inovation and educating your country men so that you don't become another helpless gulf country, which has only resource's but no brain's to think.
According to the IMF, the Indian GDP was $1,537,966 in the year 2010.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The point is that pretty much every single country on that list has a higher GDP per capita than India, so it is a bit hypocritical for Markus to say that "Muslims with 1.8 billion worldwide population are complete under-achievers."

In fact, a lot of those countries have a higher GDP per capita than China as well.

ok if u r soo much interested in per capita GDP, i wud ay Per capita GDP in PPP terms is more accurate becoz most of the citizens don't buy direct foreign goods from foreign countries, its a nation that buys foreign goods, so GDP of a nation at nominal price and gdp per capita at PPP terms may be better, GDP per PPP of india and particularly China is way higher.
So you still want to continue to be lazy. I am interested in overall development and innovation and not based on natural resources. What has Muslim done to this world/humanity in development?

where did i said we are lazy or not interested in development or innovation.....are u psychotic or what???:lol:
this is what muslims have given to the world..

we are still inventing..last we invented was this

wait till we invent an ICBM:lol:
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Half of nigeria would be fuming after reading this thread rofl.
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