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TOP 20 Muslim Economies

so how FINANCIAL POLICIES in your country related to ONES RELIGION?

you still dont understand..

syria's financial policies also arent related to ones religion but they are not impessive,not at all..

israel is not secular(despite they claim the opposite) but they are doing well..
Problem is the complete lack of and Industry and R&D. Despire Turkey wich has some industries and research i dont see a bright future for ME economies. Theres practically no exchange of knowledge with the ME countries. My university can send me to any place in the world but nowhere in the middle east. The closest relations we have are with chinese universities btw.

The Gulf states(Saudi Arabia, UAE ect.) are all doomed anyways, they have nothing exept oil, once the oil is gone their society's wich are based upon fake wealth will collapse. This is indispensable.

Iran also has potential but due to their retarded government all they do is reinvent the wheel over and over again due to the embargos.
Turkey and Indonesia combined have a larger economy than India, with a total population of only 315 million.

Also, Turkey's GDP per capita is higher than that of both India and China.

The point is that pretty much every single country on that list has a higher GDP per capita than India, so it is a bit hypocritical for Markus to say that "Muslims with 1.8 billion worldwide population are complete under-achievers."

In fact, a lot of those countries have a higher GDP per capita than China as well.

First of all, can you tell why have you compared Muslim countries with India. Probably you don't know that India has world's second largest muslim population.

Secondly as far as the percapita income is concerned, most of these countries have petro-dollars which is mainly confined in the hands of a few families. Thus even though most of oil in Saudi arabia is produced in Shia dominated area, but the percapita income of shias is much less as compared to the sunni's.

As far as turkey is concerned it is a Nato member and western ally and it's western allies have made sure that it remains a secular country which follows a western financial model. They have helped greatly in making the foundation of Turkey's economy.

However I would love to see Bangladesh moving over Pak by 2020.
The $1.770 trillion figure is from the Indian government which counts GDP at factor-cost. IMF counts GDP at market price, which is the standard international practice, and under which India's GDP becomes $1.538 trillion. When comparing India's GDP to other countries, one should use GDP@market price otherwise it's comparing apples to oranges.

Wrong analysis,factor coast always understate expenditure cost.

Acc to Indian govt India grew in 2010 at 8.5 %(factor cost),IMF say 10.3 %(expenditure cost).

Now dont say that India applied factor cost growth rate on expenditure cost based GDP thats why it is low here.
Probably you don't know that India has world's second largest muslim population.

india has the third largest after indonesia and pakistan.

and when it comes to banglades, that country doesnt have problems like drone atacks or their neighbour in war. pakistan has to consume money for things other countries makes problem of, banglades doesnt

but i also think bangladesh will overcome pakistani economy if both countries keep the economical growth like this
an achievement given in 1992 India was cash strapped and near to bankruptcy,today it is the fastest growing major economy.

If these values enough for a country which have 1.3 billion pop. there is no problem for me. Also i have not a problem with indians, i hope india will be a muslim country in future.
If these values enough for a country which have 1.3 billion pop. there is no problem for me. Also i have not a problem with indians, i hope india will be a muslim country in future.

We consider as lucky we were able to reach this position in just 19 yrs from the brink of bankruptcy,on the flip side it could have been a bankrupt nation with 1.3 billion.

About the bold part even after having a 85 % Hindu population we never consider this a Hindu nation,it is a secular democracy for all,so numbers r irrelevant because it will always remain a secular democracy rather than a Hindu nation or Muslim nation.
If these values enough for a country which have 1.3 billion pop. there is no problem for me. Also i have not a problem with indians, i hope india will be a muslim country in future.

you can only hope and your hope will always remain unanswered !
These sort of self-shaming is necessary to shake Muslims out of a lazy, complacent mentality. Yes, in 2011 the 20 largest economies are equal to Japan, but things will be changing rapidly in the next few decades.
Problem is the complete lack of and Industry and R&D. Despire Turkey wich has some industries and research i dont see a bright future for ME economies. Theres practically no exchange of knowledge with the ME countries. My university can send me to any place in the world but nowhere in the middle east. The closest relations we have are with chinese universities btw.

The Gulf states(Saudi Arabia, UAE ect.) are all doomed anyways, they have nothing exept oil, once the oil is gone their society's wich are based upon fake wealth will collapse. This is indispensable.

Iran also has potential but due to their retarded government all they do is reinvent the wheel over and over again due to the embargos.

it's all about the sanctions.
take those away and you will have a trillion dollar economy by 2015. Our retarded govt is not completely at fault. I clearly remember our reformist president (Khatami) trying to break the ice by stopping the nuke program and stopping all relations between Iran and Hezbollah, Hamas etc... In exchange, they asked for the sanctions to be removed. Bush refused and the hardliners got to power.

And in any case, Iran has the second largest natural gas reserves on the planet and due to a lack of investment, none of it is really being exported. That can bring Iran more money than its oil exports which are only 50-70 billion dollars. The gas reserves are more important then the oil. In time, the economy will expand.
These sort of self-shaming is necessary to shake Muslims out of a lazy, complacent mentality. Yes, in 2011 the 20 largest economies are equal to Japan, but things will be changing rapidly in the next few decades.

When you look at the resources,strategic location and man power of the Muslim World,economic power of Muslim world is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy below its actual potential !

Forget all things,just look at the gas + oil resources of Muslim world.. :frown:
When you look at the resources,strategic location and man power of the Muslim World,economic power of Muslim world is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy below its potential !

Forget all things,just look at the gas + oil resources of Muslim world :frown:
That's the reason why though!
easy money makes people lazy.
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