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Tony Blair .. Saudi-Emirati race to hire a war criminal with a black history, but why? | A homeland tweeting outside the flock


Dec 22, 2020
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https://primetimezone.com/world/gul...ut-why-a-homeland-tweeting-outside-the-flock/Tony Blair .. Saudi-Emirati race to hire a war criminal with a black history, but why? | A homeland tweeting outside the flock16/09/2021

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is considered one of the most hostile and hateful contemporary politicians in the Islamic world. During his rule, he adopted a policy of invasion and occupation. He was involved in bloody military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan that left thousands of dead and wounded, as part of an international coalition led by the United States at the beginning of this century.

Tony Blair and Saudi-Emirati support
It seemed remarkable recently that there is a Saudi-Emirati race to seek the assistance of the war criminal Blair, who is considered the most Western official who hates Islam, and despite all his crimes for which he has not been held accountable Arab or international, the British politician receives great support from the Emirates, which appointed him years ago as an advisor, and then Saudi Arabia, which opened It finally has its gates.

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In its report, the newspaper highlighted:Independence“Light on Tony Blair’s return to the scene after a short absence, in the guise of soft power, and shadow wars through suspicious institutions, to strike the constants and values of Islamic societies, and neutralize them through liberation and independence, in the wake of the Arab Spring revolutions.

exciting partnership
On August 8, 2021, the Muslim World League in Saudi Arabia announced a 3-year partnership agreement with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, based on a program dedicated to providing 100,000 young Prime Time Zone from 18 countries, aged 13 to 17, with “thinking skills.” and criticism,” according to the institution’s vision.
The association confirmed, in a statement, that its work program will be carried out through networks of schools and education partners around the world to train 2,400 teachers in the skills of dialogue, active listening, and scientific communication, to pass them on to their students.

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The last step of the League caused widespread Islamic concern, and raised a lot of controversy and fears over the future of Muslim youth in the Arab world, especially since the League is one of the major Islamic missionary institutions, over decades, and its headquarters are located in the Qibla of Muslims, Mecca.
The Association was established on May 18, 1968, by virtue of a decision issued by the World Islamic Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah during the same period.

Tony Blair and the hatred of Islam and Muslims
Therefore, what raised fears is Tony Blair’s political and ideological history, his statements against Islam and Muslims, and his supportive role for the UAE’s trends in regional issues, especially in the face of Islamic currents and democratic regimes, which raise doubts among many about the recent agreement.

This was confirmed by the Yemeni writer, Muhammad Mustafa Al-Omrani, through an article in the newspaperToday’s opinionLondon, 12 September 2021.

Al-Omrani said: “We were not surprised by this association’s funding of the Institute of the war criminal against Iraq, Tony Blair, one of the fiercest enemies of Islam in the world.

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He added: “The Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa, is one of the most enthusiastic Saudi personalities for normalization with the Zionists, establishing broad relations with Israel, and opening up to it. He has explicitly called for this repeatedly in every event and occasion in which he participates.”
And he added, “It was supposed that an organization such as the Muslim World League would prosecute war criminal Tony Blair in international courts for his involvement in the US-British invasion of Iraq.”

suspicious support
Despite signing the agreement, Blair did not hesitate to attack political Islam, as happened on September 9, 2021, during his participation in an event organized by the Royal United Services Institute for Political Research (Russian) in London, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the attacks that occurred in the same month of 2001 in the United States.
At the time, Blair said: “Despite the decline in terrorist attacks, political Islam, both in terms of ideology and violence, remains a security threat of the first degree,” warning that it “will reach us, unchecked, even if it pivots away from us.”
The former British Prime Minister stressed the ineffectiveness of confronting what he called “radical Islam” through strikes by drones, surveillance and special forces only.

He then went even further, when he advocated for what he called a combination of “hard and soft power”, and for the need to “not lose faith in the use of military force to defend values”.

Blair had played a prominent role in dragging his country into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on the side of the United States, and always advocated the necessity of military intervention in the Middle East.

Generous financial support to strike the Arab Spring revolutions
The soft power that Blair always talks about when talking about the West’s policy towards the Middle East, he meant it and was concerned with it, and even owns its tools through institutions and centers that he leads and supervises himself. Rather, he launched them on the basis of generous financial support from Arab capitals that have been fighting the revolutions of the Arab Spring, and political Islam, led by the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

And the British newspaper, Sunday Telegraph, reported, in a report on the “Tony Blair Institute for Global Change” on July 21, 2018, that “the former British Prime Minister, launched his institute in 2016 after receiving an initial Emirati funding of 8 million pounds, and it has employees in all parts of the country.” around the world, including the United Arab Emirates.

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The most dangerous is what the British newspaper revealed, that the institute also received more than 9 million pounds (about 12 million dollars) from Saudi Arabia.

This money was given to him by the “Media Investment Ltd” group, a subsidiary of the Saudi Research and Marketing Group, which was previously headed by Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Farhan Al Saud, who is today the Minister of Culture in the Kingdom.

Saudi funding to Blair
As for the goal of Saudi funding for “Blair”, it is to support the program of change in the Kingdom, which is led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to what British media revealed.

Since then, Blair has become one of bin Salman’s biggest supporters, even describing his program during the Future Investment Initiative conference in Riyadh, as “the most important and exciting thing that has happened in this region in the past few years.”

It is a revelation that reinforces the reality of the development of the partnership between Tony Blair on the one hand, and the UAE and Saudi Arabia on the other, as the agendas intersected at one point, namely fighting political Islam, emerging democracies, and consolidating the rule of totalitarian regimes in the region.

Who is the terrorist?
Hence, member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Faraj Rabie, questioned the nature of the role played by the former British Prime Minister in Islamic countries.

In an interview with Al-Istiklal, Rabie asked: “Who is the terrorist?! And who needs to activate the dialogue mechanism and to accept and coexist with the other?”

He said: “Tony Blair is one of the world leaders involved in horrific crimes against humanity in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the British forces while he was prime minister, contributed to the bombing of residential neighborhoods and cities with the most deadly types of bombs and weapons, in addition to looting the wealth of Muslim countries.”
He added, “It is surprising that Tony Blair, after his tenure as prime minister, came to the Arab and Islamic world in the guise of a wise preacher advisor, who is keen on Muslim youth, and is trying to change their ideas and establish new beliefs for them, after he was killing them a few years ago.”

He was surprised by the involvement of major Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, and a prestigious organization such as the Muslim World League, in dealing with Tony Blair, instead of warning him and his black terrorist history.
Rabie asked: Where are the kingdom’s scholars and advocates from what is happening? Why did they allow him to be alone with Muslim youth, and to spread his destructive ideas in society through suspicious institutions, and more suspicious funds?

And he stated: “The Muslims are the ones who established theology for dialogue with the other, and sorting out their religious philosophy was a debate with the Prime Time Zone of boredom and bees, with thought and a call to God, to attract them to religion, a thousand years ago and more. Rationale in those meanings.

As for the West, they are the ones who put the methodology of the clash of civilizations at the hands of “Samuel Huntington”, and it was translated by their senior leaders such as Tony Blair, and the former US presidents George Bush (the father), and Bush (the son), in addition to Donald Trump.

And he added: “Why did the peace advocates not go to these Prime Time Zone to talk to them about the meanings of peace and the right of human beings to life?”

However, Rabie added: “The conspiracy and deception are represented in stigmatizing Islam with terrorism and violence, which is what the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb, pointed out, when he attacked this unjust methodology, and demanded Muslims to understand and know what is behind the hill and what is intended for them at the hands of their enemies.”
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