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Tony Blair backs Egypt's government and criticizes the Muslim Brotherhood

my friend empty words mean nothing cuting the aid to the military is action not political talk and this shows who the US support by the way it is clear that the brotherhood is history day after day they fail in any objective even a blind can see that so maybe they want to limit their losses with Egypt

Words mean nothing neither does playing a show like the US is doing now. It's only because congress wants to appear as the leader in international law that it played a show until recently they have been requesting part of the aid which was supposed to be received later this year a ways to be resumed. Absolutely nothing changed.

Do you remember when Israel was begging the United States to resume military aid for Egypt? Who are you kidding?

And then UAE and Saudi Arabia mysteriously filled in the gap for military aid. You think they can give military aid to whomever in large portions? No, the US coordinates with them. Behind the scenes these guys are in each other's laps.

You know this well.

Only words again, the reality is that JEW UK send weapons for zionist Al Qaeda

They are liars, like they lied for the Al Ghouta CW massacre

Think a bit before you post next time Hazzy

Shaddup stupid, this has nothing to do with 'AQ'. The US supports and has supported military dictatorships just as France supported the present one in Syria today. They installed his father in power.

For Iran, they tried installing a figure and it blew up in their face and an Islamic revolution occurred.
Morsi would have turned Egypt into Afghanistan. But Gen Sisi will probably turn out to be another Hosni Mubarak. I guess the West chose the lesser evil right?
Morsi would have turned Egypt into Afghanistan. But Gen Sisi will probably turn out to be another Hosni Mubarak. I guess the West chose the lesser evil right?

Why do you make that assumption about Morsi?
Why do you make that assumption about Morsi?

I could be wrong. Just my opinion. But people who are supporting Sisi needs to be careful too he is not who he claims to be. I guess only time will tell.
I could be wrong. Just my opinion. But people who are supporting Sisi needs to be careful too he is not who he claims to be. I guess only time will tell.

You are wrong brother...they are educated people who seek self determination for Muslims. Think of Hamas in Gaza for example, look at videos in Gaza. They've encouraged people to become religious and the rest have their personal choice. We have liberals there and girls who dress openly and the exact opposite of that. Hamas doesn't execute anybody for drugs, adultery, etc...usually they solve it reasonably and if it can't be solved via talks they get sentences.
That's not what I was saying, that's for the people claiming the West had sided with the MB.

Stop using the term 'sides', first it implies that there's loyalty between corners when there isn't any. The MB cooperated with the 'west' before power (after the revolution) and during their short term of power, once toppled and without a paddle they were sold down the river as Mubarak was.

. Btw, the US was communicating with Egypt's military, Sisi was the military commander while Morsi was serving his term

It would have been abnormal if there wasn't daily communication between both sides.

Nothing was that different in the military.

Other than 2,500 senior officers made redundant and major reforms plus an extensive PR campaign, yes not much changed.

What's SCAF? I'm not understanding what you're trying to get across.

Senior Council of the Armed Forces i.e the top brass. My point is that both the military and the MB are different sides of the same coin except the MB is a lot more shall we say dimwitted.

The coalition government made up of less than 42% MB seats had Sisi appointed as the military commander. So what do you mean by 'cooperate with the military'?

Not cooperate with the military but with the United States, if all cooperation with the states ceased it would put the Egyptian Armed Forces in a somewhat compromised position for a few years given the extent of the relationship and the effects that would have on the Camp David peace treaty, for a few at least, until another strategic partner i.e Russia/China would be willing to cooperate fully with Egypt (something which may already be happening with Russia due to the US cutting FMF). No one wants to be an Iran, (a pariah state) even if for a few years.

I just posted a link and gave several occurrences.

That doesn't prove conspiracy, that's twisting opinion and/or fact to fit a certain narrative.

Things happened that were unusual and events that followed such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia pledging billions in military aid to Egypt. This was something planned to happen and it was approved if not directed by the US. Those gulf countries don't give military aid around to whom they wish especially with a country like Egypt. Even when it comes to Syrian rebels they only do what's within the limit and what America permits

Ever heard of rhetoric. The Egyptian military hasn't received any military aid from any countries other than the US through the FMF system. The recent arms deal with Russia has been financed by the Egyptian Armed Forces only.

Tourism was in the gutter during the period of a major revolution in which areas of the country were shut down basically. This is self explanatory, however, following those events there was speculation the MB would win democratic elections and take power. This is when European, US and Israeli media began running stories against the MB and the 'dangers' of visiting Egypt and they publicized these stories as much as possible including fake news that they wanted to tear down the historic pyramids which Christian media in the United States constantly pushed along with other half truths.

The situation was absolutely terrible though. There was no security, protests and deaths continued, and there were horrific incidents like that of the Ahly vs Masry game in Por Sayeed, even my parents were turned off going to Egypt not from the media but from our family at home, family friends were being kidnapped for ransom or robbed, cars being jacked, thieves and thugs running neighbourhoods, people being killed, armed robberies etc. etc. etc.

Even without a media campaign which highlighted idiotic self proclaimed clerics spouting nonsense who were given free reign after the MB was elected Egypt was by no means a safe and tourist friendly country. Still isn't.

Where are you getting is idea and which nation? Egypt was going for IMF loans but that shouldn't have happened.

Qatar. I remember a certain Mohammed Morsi saying Egyptian won't live off riba but then he went for an IMF loan and the interest was stricken off as administration fees hmm.

It wasn't one incident, I have you an report on it.

Well done, still doesn't prove anything. Corruption is rife within Egypt, if you have an indepemdant report on whether there were orders by the SCAF to withhold fuel then we can talk.

So this sudden fuel crisis cake out of nowhere?

No, it was a chronic problem further exasperated by a secuirity vacuum allowing subsidised fuel to be smuggled to Libya, Sudan, Gaza, and to EU vessels off the coast and allowed corrupt officials to hoard fuel resulting in a price hike then to be sold at a high price in the black market.

That's a big part of why they attacked Gaza, not to see if Egypt would retaliate, but to put them to test and get political advantages out of it in the Sinai.

Preposterous. They received the same response they always get from Egypt, mediation, ceasefire until it all kicks off again.

How would I get evidence of covert activities?

So you're literally talking out of your arse. You have no proof and alter 'evidence' to fit a narrative as if you've busted the big CIA, MOSSAD,MI6,KGB, FSB,HIJAB, NIQAB conspiracy to remove the MB from power.

Was there evidence in past CIA military coups at the certain time? No, the information came out decades later.
And all of which took a long time to prepare and execute for a reason and all took place because US interests were at stake, they weren't in Egypt.

The Camp David treaty wasn't under threat, nor was the Suez canal nor the US's flights over Egypt nor the essential natural gas pipelines in the Sinai or through the delta. The military had retained all its powers in the new constitution, its budget was still confidential, there was still no civilian oversight, its business enterprise was safe, and it maintained the right to try civilians in a military court.

Also with Iran, if it wasn't for Iranians, the CIA/MI5 overthrowing wouldn't have been an major event today.

MI5 doesn't work abroad, that's MI6.

Yes, I am accusing him of bribery, he got a nobel peace prize for doing nothing besides the thing with Iran.

Possibly prevent another war in the Middle East, yes, not a biggy nor was helping to stop the legal invasion of Iraq.

He doesn't just show up mysteriously taking the stage in such a situation.

It wasn't mysterious nor did he just show up. He was part of the National Salvation block and set up the Constitutional Party and was one of the main opposition figures in Egypt before the coup.

Don't play stupid with me. If someone would listen to you lecture them all day they would think Egypt is a more developed state than the United States.


He's looking to the West to give him credibility. The West was just talking when it came to the aftermath and it's process. They know what's going to happen and were looking forward it and always wanted Egypt to stay a military dictatorship.

They don't care if its a military dictatorship or the most colourful democracy history has ever seen, as long as their interests are served then they won't have problem who's running the damn place. The west has zero influence in Egypt now and he doesn't need credibility from the west, he's already the most popular man in Egypt.
Stop using the term 'sides', first it implies that there's loyalty between corners when there isn't any. The MB cooperated with the 'west' before power (after the revolution) and during their short term of power, once toppled and without a paddle they were sold down the river as Mubarak was.

Military cooperate that's normal...Egypt has economic initiatives and they needed aid.

It would have been abnormal if there wasn't daily communication between both sides.

That's not my point, I know there is cooperation between all nations of this world, I'm referring to the military relationship with specifically the United States command. They discuss developments only for the benefit of Israel. During the war on Gaza, the military didn't listen to the US and tunnels were allowing weapons and aid into Gaza. If this happens in the future, we'll see how Egypt responds. Egypt under Morsi also sent its PM to Gaza and allowed Arabic diplomats and student activists, international journalists into the border and left it open for people to leave with injuries.

Other than 2,500 senior officers made redundant and major reforms plus an extensive PR campaign, yes not much changed.

What are you speaking of?

Senior Council of the Armed Forces i.e the top brass. My point is that both the military and the MB are different sides of the same coin except the MB is a lot more shall we say dimwitted.


That doesn't prove conspiracy, that's twisting opinion and/or fact to fit a certain narrative.

Did you bother reading or will you just spam your mouth off with the term 'conspiracy'?

Ever heard of rhetoric. The Egyptian military hasn't received any military aid from any countries other than the US through the FMF system. The recent arms deal with Russia has been financed by the Egyptian Armed Forces only.

Look at my point again.

The situation was absolutely terrible though. There was no security, protests and deaths continued, and there were horrific incidents like that of the Ahly vs Masry game in Por Sayeed, even my parents were turned off going to Egypt not from the media but from our family at home, family friends were being kidnapped for ransom or robbed, cars being jacked, thieves and thugs running neighbourhoods, people being killed, armed robberies etc. etc. etc.

This is problem with Egyptian people and economic state, it can't be fixed in one year.

Qatar. I remember a certain Mohammed Morsi saying Egyptian won't live off riba but then he went for an IMF loan and the interest was stricken off as administration fees hmm.

I don't think Egypt took the loan and do you know ribs pertains to?

Well done, still doesn't prove anything. Corruption is rife within Egypt, if you have an indepemdant report on whether there were orders by the SCAF to withhold fuel then we can talk.

Yeah, people behind it would report it. I'm sure it would have been easy to get such information out to the public...facepalm...

Preposterous. They received the same response they always get from Egypt, mediation, ceasefire until it all kicks off again.

I explained the difference above, and nothing 'kicks off'. One side is attacked in a pre planned offensive. For many reasons, one reason to scare the surrounding region and restore deterrence for their image, not deterrence from Gaza.

So you're literally talking out of your arse. You have no proof and alter 'evidence' to fit a narrative as if you've busted the big CIA, MOSSAD,MI6,KGB, FSB,HIJAB, NIQAB conspiracy to remove the MB from power.

Yeah, covert agencies would gladly release such information...like they did with Iran...I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or are an MI6 criminal piece of shit yourself.

God bless Iranian Islamists that exposed the hell out of extorting damned CIA and MI5 criminals who wanted oil from Iran at expense of Iranian people.

The Camp David treaty wasn't under threat, nor was the Suez canal nor the US's flights over Egypt nor the essential natural gas pipelines in the Sinai or through the delta. The military had retained all its powers in the new constitution, its budget was still confidential, there was still no civilian oversight, its business enterprise was safe, and it maintained the right to try civilians in a military court

You think they just sit around wait 15 years from now until something literally happens? Man you're making laugh really hard, had MB been in power for 15 years Egypt would be the most powerful Arabic nation and would have restored its military power.

Possibly prevent another war in the Middle East, yes, not a biggy nor was helping to stop the legal invasion of Iraq.

That's not my point, I know there is cooperation between all nations of this world, I'm referring to the military relationship with specifically the United States command. They discuss developments only for the benefit of Israel.

You are being intentionally fallacious. If that were true then why wouldn't the Egyptian Armed Forces sign CISMOA effectively giving the US oversight on communications and unrestricted checks on their hardware? That would also allow currently restricted systems to be exported to Egypt such as the AIM-120 for example. Why would AIPAC lobby congress not to allow the sale of F-15 fighters (among other things) to Egypt as long as the Egyptian military only exists for the benefit of Israel?

What are you speaking of?

Series of reforms and redundancies brought about by Elsisi.

Did you bother reading or will you just spam your mouth off with the term 'conspiracy'?

You were the one who originally used the term, not me.

The US and the West and Israel had a conspiracy against the MB including certain Arabic countries. Before they were elected they planned and organized the coup.

So far with all these 'links' and 'sources' you have been trying to prove that the above is correct. It's also rather funny how you accuse me of not bothering to read and spamming my mouth off when it is you who continually misreads, misinterprets, and blows his gasket off with profanity and emotions on this forum.

Look at my point again

Your point may have been valid if the Egyptian Armed Forces did in fact receive military aid from any nations apart from the United States last year.

This is problem with Egyptian people and economic state, it can't be fixed in one year.

No one thought it could be.

I don't think Egypt took the loan and do you know ribs pertains to?

The IMF wanted a cut in state subsidies before the loan could go through, austerity at such a time would have had grave political repercussions. Loans/Aid from Arab as well as friendly nations has stopped the need for a loan temporarily at least.

Plus, Riba pertains to interest, of which the IMF loan had a rather extortionate %. The MB tried to excuse said interest as administration fees.

Yeah, people behind it would report it. I'm sure it would have been easy to get such information out to the public...facepalm...

Since there's about 900,000 males reaching military age per year and Egypt has mandatory conscription for those with the right circumstances, a significant portion of those are called up for a year and/or upwards. Now, would it be difficult to find any of these men who served that time and ask them if they were ordered to do something by command? maybe a disgruntled officer may like to vent? or how about one of those anonymous military sources? perhaps a spot of investigative journalism wouldn't go amiss...

I explained the difference above, and nothing 'kicks off'. One side is attacked in a pre planned offensive. For many reasons, one reason to scare the surrounding region and restore deterrence for their image, not deterrence from Gaza.

So it kicks off, you both have at it for a bit, then mediation, then ceaseifre, then it kicks off again, its a vicious cycle.

Yeah, covert agencies would gladly release such information...like they did with Iran...I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or are an MI6 criminal piece of shit yourself.

You're flattering me, a janitor who worked for MI6 wouldn't even be directed to reply to a 2nd generation? US-Palestinian immigrant on a rather poor internet forum. Nice to see your manners in action, again. All this time and I have never attacked you personally but you insist on insulting me, petty.

God bless Iranian Islamists that exposed the hell out of extorting damned CIA and MI5 criminals who wanted oil from Iran at expense of Iranian people.

Again, MI6. MI5 is for domestic issues.

You think they just sit around wait 15 years from now until something literally happens?

Did you see me type anything to do with a time scale, none of what I mentioned were at risk from the MB, not even if they were in power for sixty years rather than one.

Man you're making laugh really hard

As hard as I was when Mohammed Morsi tried to say his statements (before elections of course) about Israel/Americ and Jews were taken out of context while in an interview in the US? or how about that love letter to Peres?

MB been in power for 15 years Egypt would be the most powerful Arabic nation and would have restored its military power.

Of course, because economic mismanagement with a heavy dose of incompetency is a terrific formula for the creation of a power, as is wielding religion as a tool for oppression and legitimacy. About "restoring" Egypt's military power, how would they do that given they effectively had zero say in military procurement or budget? naivety.

Confronting the US administration when they tried to accuse Iran of trying to produce a nuclear weapon.....
Confronting the US when they tried to stick the same charge on Iraq in the year leading up to the 2003 Iraq war, he and his agency were a large part of why the coalition forces didn't receive UN approval of an invasion.
You are being intentionally fallacious. If that were true then why wouldn't the Egyptian Armed Forces sign CISMOA effectively giving the US oversight on communications and unrestricted checks on their hardware? That would also allow currently restricted systems to be exported to Egypt such as the AIM-120 for example. Why would AIPAC lobby congress not to allow the sale of F-15 fighters (among other things) to Egypt as long as the Egyptian military only exists for the benefit of Israel?

Because they get the best of both worlds.

Your point may have been valid if the Egyptian Armed Forces did in fact receive military aid from any nations apart from the United States last year.

Funding to fill in their military budget, I'm not speaking of actual equipment

No one thought it could be.

That's why media and people will spreading panic amongst Egypt...

Plus, Riba pertains to interest, of which the IMF loan had a rather extortionate %. The MB tried to excuse said interest as administration fees.

This won't make sense to people here so we shouldn't speak of it but it has more to do with personal loans.

Since there's about 900,000 males reaching military age per year and Egypt has mandatory conscription for those with the right circumstances, a significant portion of those are called up for a year and/or upwards. Now, would it be difficult to find any of these men who served that time and ask them if they were ordered to do something by command? maybe a disgruntled officer may like to vent? or how about one of those anonymous military sources? perhaps a spot of investigative journalism wouldn't go amiss...

No it isn't, that's why one of your higher ranked soldiers joined a militant organization and was behind a car bomb against your troops, I remember this not too long ago.

So it kicks off, you both have at it for a bit, then mediation, then ceaseifre, then it kicks off again, its a vicious cycle.

No, we get attacked and defend ourselves with a response no arab countries would ever dare try.

You're flattering me, a janitor who worked for MI6 wouldn't even be directed to reply to a 2nd generation? US-Palestinian immigrant on a rather poor internet forum. Nice to see your manners in action, again. All this time and I have never attacked you personally but you insist on insulting me, petty.

Only immigrant here is you, lol. Keep dreaming nationalist kiddo, I take pride in being on God's earth.

Did you see me type anything to do with a time scale, none of what I mentioned were at risk from the MB, not even if they were in power for sixty years rather than one.

Governments plan decades ahead, and the rest of your statement is unsupported nonsense.

As hard as I was when Mohammed Morsi tried to say his statements (before elections of course) about Israel/Americ and Jews were taken out of context while in an interview in the US? or how about that love letter to Peres?

This is funny, you guys frame a letter discussing a two state solution urging Israel to be serious about peace a 'love letter'.

Of course, because economic mismanagement with a heavy dose of incompetency is a terrific formula for the creation of a power, as is wielding religion as a tool for oppression and legitimacy. About "restoring" Egypt's military power, how would they do that given they effectively had zero say in military procurement or budget? naivety.

Please indicate which economic mismanagement exactly, which religious oppression, and which incompetency so we can over this one by one. Be specific about it, you're being a victim of your slanders against me.

Confronting the US administration when they tried to accuse Iran of trying to produce a nuclear weapon.....
Confronting the US when they tried to stick the same charge on Iraq in the year leading up to the 2003 Iraq war, he and his agency were a large part of why the coalition forces didn't receive UN approval of an invasion.

Apparently I'm wrong and he seems like a better guy than I thought he was, looks like he's opposed to your Sisi which you're an apologist for:

On 14 August 2013, following a violent crackdown by security forces on supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi, in which at least 525 people were killed,[60] ElBaradei resigned as vice president.[61] In his resignation letter, ElBaradei stated: “...I always saw peaceful alternatives for resolving this societal wrangling, certain solutions were proposed, which could have led to the national conciliation, but things have come this far...It has become difficult for me to continue bearing the responsibility for decisions at which I do not agree, and I fear their consequences; I cannot bear the responsibility for single drop of blood before God, before my own conscience or citizens...”[62] He then left the country for Vienna, where he was previously based in his UN capacity.[63]

Because they get the best of both worlds.

Weak answer. Surely if the Egyptian military cooperated with the United States on all levels to ensure Israels security then it wouldn't have a problem signing CISMOA which threatens its own national security and further enhances Israels.

Funding to fill in their military budget, I'm not speaking of actual equipment

Actually you were, the statements made by some Arab countries pertained to funds for arms procurement and not to 'fill in' Egypt's military budget. There has been no money whatsoever transfered from any nation except the US in the form of FMF to the Egyptian Armed Forces over the past year and you have nothing to prove otherwise.

That's why media and people will spreading panic amongst Egypt...

Because there was panic and the media exasperated that panic being a mechanism which reports news and general public feeling, its not like Egypt has been going through a phase of stability and prosperity for the past three years.

This won't make sense to people here so we shouldn't speak of it but it has more to do with personal loans.

Personal or not, the Islamic finance system does not use Riba and Islam itself forbids it and trying to excuse it as administrative fees after you made a public statement saying that you will not allow the Egyptian people to live of off it is hypocrisy at best nifaq at worst.

No it isn't, that's why one of your higher ranked soldiers joined a militant organization and was behind a car bomb against your troops, I remember this not too long ago.

An officer who was kicked out of the force for having extremist Islamist views in the 1990's who then went on to see action in Afghanistan and other theaters post 9/11. He has nothing to do with the subject at hand, there is no independent evidence or unbiased reports which attribute the fuel shortage to the military command.

No, we get attacked and defend ourselves with a response no arab countries would ever dare try.

So it still kicks off. I'm not sure you understand what kicks off means, it doesn't really matter, a trivial point.

Only immigrant here is you, lol. Keep dreaming nationalist kiddo, I take pride in being on God's earth.

Yes, and? I'm a second generation Egyptian immigrant in the United Kingdom and you live in a nation built upon emigration/immigration and you are by definition one as are the great majority of the US. By the way, you are a nationalist, unless you don't believe in the right to have a Palestinian state?

Taking pride in something you had nothing to with is laughable. We exist, why should we take pride in that, embrace it sure but to have a feeling of satisfaction from something that isn't even an achievement is in no way justified or a reason to brag on an internet forum.

Governments plan decades ahead, and the rest of your statement is unsupported nonsense.

As is your assertion that the MB were going to hurt US interests in any way.

This is funny, you guys frame a letter discussing a two state solution urging Israel to be serious about peace a 'love letter'.

It was genuine, any attempts after the fact to make it appear as false were in vain and eventually it was confirmed that the letter had in fact been sent by the Presidency. Why didn't you comment on the first line? Why did Mohammed Morsi backtrack on the statements he made about Israel/US and Jews?

Please indicate which economic mismanagement exactly, which religious oppression, and which incompetency so we can over this one by one. Be specific about it, you're being a victim of your slanders against me.

Economic mismanagement example: Raising indirect taxes on essential goods such as cooking oil, butter, rice etc. overnight and then backtracking on that after a backlash the next day, prices remained at the increased price brought about by the tax rise, this affects every citizen in the nation.

Religious oppression example: Using religious mottos and phrases in election/referendum campaigns, for example "yes is the path to heaven" in the first constitutional amendment referendum and then the constitutional referendum or their famous slogan 'Islam is the answer'. The judiciary had planned to ban such slogans but they decided not to, the use of religious slogans has now been banned though.

Incompetency example: The minister for water (elray) who was part of Morsi's campaign team was "surprised" that Ethiopia was building a damn which could threaten Egypt's national security, Morsi then called a national security meeting which was aired live on TV and he invited idiots who suggested we should use military force to stop Ethiopia or use our soft power in the form of Mohammed Aboutrika to stop the dams completion.

The list can go on.

Btw I haven't 'slandered' you.

Apparently I'm wrong and he seems like a better guy than I thought he was, looks like he's opposed to your Sisi which you're an apologist for:

Show me one post, either with its serial number or quote in which I have been apologetic on behalf Elsisi or excused his actions, because there's several of me stating he should be on trial. You call me an apologist when I'm not but you apologise on behalf of the MB....

Post #3983 in the main Egyptian crisis thread.

Why do you say it turned out to be false? What tells you that? And these people committed an action on their own and don't represent the vast majority of MB supporters, this violence isn't sanctioned by the MB. However, police violence is ordered by the ministry which gets higher command.

All this article states is they were suspected supporters of the MB and they could be anybody who knows how many in number.

I'll reply to this here. I know it to be false because there was no official record from the health ministry of said lady being injured or committed to a hospital, all falsifications by the Brotherhood supporters had been shot down by the usual commentators and social media addicts as pictures of a woman from other (completely unrelated) events. Anyway if true it does not justify brutal murder.

The MB continues to call for protest, the result being loss of life on all sides, protesters, security forces, and innocent bystanders (by both the MB protesters and the security forces). This happens every Friday and there are numerous examples of this every week. Knowing full well this happens, the MB go on with a disregard for human life.

The entire event was caught on camera, Friday evening (MB hold protests every Friday), Alexandria, protest with a couple of hundred to a thousand people (they don't get much bigger than that now) all brandishing four fingered posters and pictures of Mohammed Morsi.
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Actually you were, the statements made by some Arab countries pertained to funds for arms procurement and not to 'fill in' Egypt's military budget. There has been no money whatsoever transfered from any nation except the US in the form of FMF to the Egyptian Armed Forces over the past year and you have nothing to prove otherwise.

Correct, this is my mistake I thought the 14$ billion in aid was also open for military aid. Thanks too journalists confusing me.

An officer who was kicked out of the force for having extremist Islamist views in the 1990's who then went on to see action in Afghanistan and other theaters post 9/11. He has nothing to do with the subject at hand, there is no independent evidence or unbiased reports which attribute the fuel shortage to the military command.

Where do you get this information?

Yes, and? I'm a second generation Egyptian immigrant in the United Kingdom and you live in a nation built upon emigration/immigration and you are by definition one as are the great majority of the US. By the way, you are a nationalist, unless you don't believe in the right to have a Palestinian state?

Not by terms of pan Arabism, I'm an moderate Islamist.

As is your assertion that the MB were going to hurt US interests in any way.

This is a pointless deflection, what I said stands.

It was genuine, any attempts after the fact to make it appear as false were in vain and eventually it was confirmed that the letter had in fact been sent by the Presidency. Why didn't you comment on the first line? Why did Mohammed Morsi backtrack on the statements he made about Israel/US and Jews?


Post the link for this copy and paste you're getting. Doesn't Egypt have a constitution also based somewhat on Islam anyways? That doesn't seem like a big issue and it was proposed to cabinet I believe which is largely non MB.


Quit writing irrelevant things, if you haven't noticed I'm skipping over many things you waste time on. Because they are irrelevant and opinion based drivel.
Where do you get this information?

It was in the video released by the Champions of Jerusalem/Ansar Beyt Almoqades.


Not by terms of pan Arabism, I'm an moderate Islamist.

You don't necessarily have to be pan-Arabist to be a nationalist. people can identify with many ideologies, such as islamism and nationalism. I'm a liberal-democrat who is also a nationalist and has socialist or social democratic views as well as liberal ones, its normal.

This is a pointless deflection, what I said stands.

It certainly doesn't since you have nothing to back up your claims of conspiracy by western nations and the Zionist entity.

And then on his visit to the United States;


Report: Morsi wants 'real' friendship with US - Yahoo News

Suddenly he want's to reaffirm that Egypt and the US are allies and that his comments were somehow taken out of context.

Post the link for this copy and paste you're getting.

I hyper linked what I wrote. Click on the text to see the links.

Doesn't Egypt have a constitution also based somewhat on Islam anyways?That doesn't seem like a big issue and it was proposed to cabinet I believe which is largely non MB.

It states that all legislation must be based on the principles of Sharia, this in itself is completely different from using religious slogans in elections or referendums.

Its a massive issue, when political parties use religious slogans such as "yes is the path to heaven" in a referendum for example it means that those who oppose voting yes are on the path to hell i.e munafiqeen or kuffars and so any legitimate political opposition can be dismissed, which happened in the constitutional referendum of 2012. The use of the slogan or motif "Islam is the answer" in electoral campaigns is also massive issue because it leads to what I have stated above and at the same time defames or tarnishes religion because individuals can be corrupted and/or fail once elected (or already are), now when you base your actions upon Islam (as the MB claim) that must mean that Islam itself is corrupted or bound to fail which leads to apathy towards religion and Islam.

The use of these slogans and religion itself in the political arena against parties based on non religious ideologies is extremely unfair especially in a religiously conservative nation with a moderate to high illiteracy rate because they are lead to believe that going against or opposing parties that use religion as their basis is going against the religion itself. The use of places of worship for political broadcasts or campaigning has also been banned.

Quit writing irrelevant things, if you haven't noticed I'm skipping over many things you waste time on. Because they are irrelevant and opinion based drivel.

Like you are never in any way irrelevant. You skipped an important part of my previous post which is relevant to one of your previous posts:

My post:

Surely if the Egyptian military cooperated with the United States on all levels to ensure Israels security then it wouldn't have a problem signing CISMOA which threatens its own national security and further enhances Israels.


That's not my point, I know there is cooperation between all nations of this world, I'm referring to the military relationship with specifically the United States command. They discuss developments only for the benefit of Israel.

You haven't provided an adequate answer to this. Of course you are welcome to invite third parties into this thread to who actually uses opinion based drivel based on biased and on skewed 'facts' to fit a political narrative. Anyway, I'm not the one who has to be continually corrected.
It was in the video released by the Champions of Jerusalem/Ansar Beyt Almoqades.

Not a reliable website and I doubt we could know of his biography.

It certainly doesn't since you have nothing to back up your claims of conspiracy by western nations and the Zionist entity.

Western governments and powerful nations plan years ahead, what don't you get about that?

And then on his visit to the United States;


Report: Morsi wants 'real' friendship with US - Yahoo News

Suddenly he want's to reaffirm that Egypt and the US are allies and that his comments were somehow taken out of context.

He criticized Obama's comments on Egypt and they certainly weren't pro israel.

CAIRO -- Before embarking on his first visit to the United States since becoming Egypt's first freely elected president, Mohammed Morsi says Washington in the past earned ill will in the Middle East by backing dictators but now he envisions the two countries being "real friends."

There's nothing wrong with that.

Its a massive issue, when political parties use religious slogans such as "yes is the path to heaven" in a

No it isn't, these are all your thoughts and you're trying to make it appear worse than it is. Stop wasting your time brother.

You're still whining and posting irrelevant stuff, this is getting boring.
Not a reliable website and I doubt we could know of his biography.

The source is irrelevant. Its only useful for stating what was in the actual video released by the group. Find the video and his biography is featured in it.

Western governments and powerful nations plan years ahead, what don't you get about that?

Nothing, just that there was no realistic reason to conspire against the Muslim Brotherhood nor was there any reason for nations to overthrow them. Using the same logic you are using then Hosny Mubarak was overthrown in a western backed plot, since practically the same thing happened on the 3rd of July as on the 25th of January and what followed.

He criticized Obama's comments on Egypt and they certainly weren't pro israel.

Not what I was referring too. The blatant anti-Semitism and hatred he called for which was frankly quite disgusting is what I'm talking about as is his views about the US as a whole and not just Obama. Why would he back track on those comments claiming they were taken out of context when he was so obviously against the states and Israel, Israelis, and Jews before the elections? and then reiterate his wish for better ties with the US and reaffirm that we are allies and his wish for us to be 'real' friends and at the same time send a diplomatic letter to Peres calling him his dear friend when he called Israelis and Jews the descendants of apes and pigs. Why this hypocrisy? especially with nations you allegedly claim conspired against him. Also taking into account that governments think ahead would it really make a difference which president is in office in the US to decide whether there should be a change in ties which lead to deeper relations or 'real' friends ?

There's nothing wrong with that.

If the same thing was said by Elsisi or any current official you would be blowing a gasket off. But of course there's nothing wrong with that when its taken as a solitary statement out of its context but when you take into account his original statements about the US it shows blatant hypocrisy.

No it isn't, these are all your thoughts and you're trying to make it appear worse than it is.

Yes it is, there has been and still is great debate in Egypt about religiously based parties and the rules that govern how they run in elections, if there wasn't none of the below would have been important. These are not all my thoughts, there are such things as political analysts in and out of Egypt who agree with my views and of course those who disagree but both agree on the same thing, and that is that this is an absolutely massive issue in contemporary Egyptian politics.

Salafist Nour Party condemns Egypt constitution ban on religious parties - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Constituent Assembly bans formation of political parties on religious grounds - Daily News Egypt

Shura Council to allow religious slogans in electoral campaigns - Daily News Egypt

Egypt generals ban using religious slogans in vote| Reuters

On Religion, Politics, and Democratic Legitimacy in Egypt – Egypt's Transition

Stop wasting your time brother.

I'm not your brother.

You're still whining and posting irrelevant stuff, this is getting boring.

I am not one to 'whine', in fact that seems like the only thing you do on this forum, blasting this person and that for not agreeing with you or the Palestinian cause, whining because Arab nations don't like each other nor support the Palestinian cause enough or whine at people who hate Muslims and then showcase some of the same traits that make people hate Muslims while whining. If its getting boring don't reply but all I'm going to say is that you haven't really proved anything nor have you adequately replied to questions or instances that challenge your own political views.
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