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Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

@Jungibaaz Landed on this thread from yours....any views on this

I agree with that idea Mordor is Turkey as a Turk since I am very familiar with the book and movie. Sam try to save his friend under a crescent in mordor, characters implies dozens of times that is west-east issue, mordor on map very similar to Turkey, Rohan cavalry charge is the same as what happened in Ottoman siege of Vienna and lots of other things. Also writer himself was in ww1 and lost 3 friends,(check his biography) believing every British propaganda told to British soldiers(they were claiming we eat human flesh) furthermore after long allied bombardment some coasts of Turkey were exactly like Mordor(in real not so different from rest of continental Europe). It seems like he really believed that they were there to save western world from evil Turks. I respect the guy for his work, but in mind he is no different from Anders Behring Breivik the Oslo bomber or the Crusaders who were saving Constantinople by plundering it while it was still Christian. Scapegoat Turks are always there to blame
While reading lord of the rings, no one is left in any doubt that it is a little fascist's notebook. and that middle earth is a representation of how a fascist views the world. but its hardly surprising as it was written during the period of world wars.
@Jungibaaz Landed on this thread from yours....any views on this

It's entirely false in my opinion. I'll continue justification in this thread.

While reading lord of the rings, no one is left in any doubt that it is a little fascist's notebook. and that middle earth is a representation of how a fascist views the world. but its hardly surprising as it was written during the period of world wars.

Terrible assessment, perhaps you read and took it foolishly at face value, and didn't bother with the elaborate history.
It isn't meant to be anything like the world we have here, silly comments like that are plentiful, it's a mythology of epic proportions, beyond the patience of some to read, thus would some lead themselves to such conclusions.
I have read the LOTR.....i enjoyed reading it , despite of the subtle racism. The Ottoman angle didnt occur to me. I thought Orcs are simply monsters while dark-skinned evil humans of Harad are inspiration from Arabs.
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