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To Web Administrator

the site is responding very slow right now....extremely slow.On my end other sites 're working fine so I know its not my connection problem.
Guys this log-in/out problem still continues and it annoys so much...

yep same here. everytime you access pdf, you have to log-in. is this a security thing or error.....
i just posted a thread, then i refreshed the page, it asked me to log-in.....webby this is getting out-of-hand man
i just posted a thread, then i refreshed the page, it asked me to log-in.....webby this is getting out-of-hand man

Can you try logging out and try logging back in again now? And let me know if it happens again.
Can you try logging out and try logging back in again now? And let me know if it happens again.

Sometimes when I open a new tab for PDF after logging in, it asks me to login again, but inconsistently.
yep same here. everytime you access pdf, you have to log-in. is this a security thing or error.....

I'm facing the exact same problem.

I cleared my cookies and all browser data, even switched browsers. On both my smartphone and PC.

It's still happening. About a 50/50 chance of the site recognizing my login, or not.
Guys this log-in/out problem still continues and it annoys so much...

Guys really wtf is going on... New problems added...

Today these happened...

I login and page refreshes... And i see i couldn't login... I again try to login, it repeats... Then i retried to login but this time i logged in as another member i know @Nefer ... Not only 1 time but error repeats... Also more then 1 time i logged in as a member which i don't know @think@best ... I rarely be able to login with my own account... Really wtf ?..

As @Targon too...
you wont belive this....
i could access the site without logging in...
i opened up in 3 different accounts IR 1907, Sherin6 and Iqtidar Cheema
place has gone 'loco'
@WebMaster @Horus
I know one of you did this ....


Please it looks funny. You dont have to make everything sound like a threatening.
"Dont post graphic content" would suffice because that includes bloody and dead .

Members here 're not kindergarten students who need a spanking every now and then.
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@WebMaster @Horus
I know one of you did this ....

View attachment 179793

Please it looks funny. You dont have to make everything sound like a threatening.
"Dont post graphic content" would suffice because that includes bloody and dead .

Members here 're not kindergarten students who need a spanking every now and then.
some of the irritating members gives you assumption that they did not go to kindergarten to debate in civilised manner.
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