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To all indians: please sign the petition, just 3 days left

So u know what is good for others. All hail 'mu2cents'. Please be our fuhrer. Make us all ur slaves, cause we do not know what is good for us.

I did not get my point across- my bad. I said that when you are in control then you can choose what is good for you. But if you give that control to others then you are relying on their choices which may or maynot be best for you. Why would you want to relinquish that control???
OP is banned already. Thank You Zuckerberg.

I do not support net neutrality. Internet should be a contract between customer and internet provider(IP). If u want net neutral internet sign such contract with ur IP. Don't force such a contract on the whole country and on IPs.

do you think your internet provider is going to listen to you ?
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