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To All Bangladeshi fans

Two things I would like to add...

first being that the umpiring went heavily in favor of India, there is no doubting that. I do not believe in conspiracy theories and there is absolutely no reason to believe in foul play from the umpires. However, there is no justification for a sports body to be dictated by 3 nations. Does not seem fair.

Secondly, the OP must understand that this is WC Quarter finals, every single decision makes a huge impact. So definitely some of the fans reaction is justified. I do not think Indians would take it kindly if Australia is offered such a reprieve to their premier batsman during the semis. Please note, India would have most likely scored under 270 and the game would have been different. If you understand cricket you would know that chasing 270 is a lot lot easier than 300. There wont be as much scoreboard pressure and less risks and less wickets.

What exactly are you suggesting ? Say it loud and clear.. Match fixing ? ICC sold out to India, right under the nose of a thousand people and all the participating nations ? What is it that you are accusing ?

I used to think, that one is innocent until proven guilty..You sound completely other way around!!

What is it that you are saying ? Bangladesh lost to India in QF with a margin of hundred runs. Before that Bangladesh lost a bunch of other matches while India has lost none..

Now that Bangladesh has now lost to India, so there must be some conspiracy going on ? What is the basis of all this gibberish, may I ask ?

Butthurt ? About what ? Care to explain that ? Sucking it up is bitter, I understand, but its you who went that way, not me. And now all that you can say is some idiotic terms that you have learnt over the internet, found in urban dictionaries.

As I said, the joke is on you, and with each every post you just manage to make a bigger joker and ignorant fool out of yourself..

As you can see from my previous post (bolded), I am definately not suggesting that the decision were made with the intention to favor india. Just stating some facts... 1/ With such power comes the misfortune of being blamed as being abusive with the power. So revert ICC with the way it was.
As you can see from my previous post (bolded), I am definately not suggesting that the decision were made with the intention to favor india. Just stating some facts... 1/ With such power comes the misfortune of being blamed as being abusive with the power. So revert ICC with the way it was.
BCCI does have more influence on ICC than other boards, but they use the influence in trying to get better revenue share, or favourable policy decision, or more rights, or help in IPL etc, not silly no ball or winning a match against bd.
But then, you cant explain that to autowallah and rickshawwallahs...
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Why zooming wasnt done in mahmudullah's case? Why 3rd umpire was so quick? Its qf not a random match.

Its quite obvious that umpires were liberal on india's side.

why australia and bangladesh did not play the next day when it rained, why the match was abandoned. BS!
As you can see from my previous post (bolded), I am definately not suggesting that the decision were made with the intention to favor india. Just stating some facts... 1/ With such power comes the misfortune of being blamed as being abusive with the power. So revert ICC with the way it was.

What is there to revert ? Is India running ICC ? Today, New Zealand is a small nation, much smaller that Bangladesh, let alone India, in terms of viewership or any other tangible parameter..But today, they are the biggest contenders for the WC '15. Do you see anybody complaining about that ? Ireland is yet another small nation and they played remarkably well and, we all know and acknowledge that..So what is the problem with you all ? Can't take defeat in the spirit of the game ?

Accusing the better side without any concrete reason, simply undermines the good game played by your own National cricket team..
What is there to revert ? Is India running ICC ? Today, New Zealand is a small nation, much smaller that Bangladesh, let alone India, in terms of viewership or any other tangible parameter..But today, they are the biggest contenders for the WC '15. Do you see anybody complaining about that ? Ireland is yet another small nation and they played remarkably well and, we all know and acknowledge that..So what is the problem with you all ? Can't take defeat in the spirit of the game ?

Accusing the better side without any concrete reason, simply undermines the good game played by your own National cricket team..

sorry what and when did i accuse anyone ?....
I am saying out loud for the umpteenth time, Umpires are not to be blamed.. neither is India.

I am saying that the system is flawed, I mean seriously flawed...

Also Bangladesh got rough decisions so fans are unhappy, but most of these fans dont know anything about the game to be honest, some only watch the game when bangladesh is playing and they have no idea about the rules and regulation. So no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill just because of fan outrage.
sorry what and when did i accuse anyone ?....
I am saying out loud for the umpteenth time, Umpires are not to be blamed.. neither is India.

I am saying that the system is flawed, I mean seriously flawed...

Also Bangladesh got rough decisions so fans are unhappy, but most of these fans dont know anything about the game to be honest, some only watch the game when bangladesh is playing and they have no idea about the rules and regulation. So no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill just because of fan outrage.

Rest is fine, please elaborate on the system flaw..
sorry what and when did i accuse anyone ?....
I am saying out loud for the umpteenth time, Umpires are not to be blamed.. neither is India.

I am saying that the system is flawed, I mean seriously flawed...

Also Bangladesh got rough decisions so fans are unhappy, but most of these fans dont know anything about the game to be honest, some only watch the game when bangladesh is playing and they have no idea about the rules and regulation. So no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill just because of fan outrage.
what do we make of the ICC president then... wants to build political career again in BD? he is not just another random bd dude right?
BD should be scrapped from cricket.Forever minnows.
they are still whining non-stop.Had hoti hai.

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