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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

I think only peaceful in Pakistan are Mirzaye

Only a dumb like you will call'em peaceful even after wrong translation of the Holy Quraan.

Final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw) the seal of prophethood. No kana mana can take the place of the hair of his(saw) Camal!

They have no relation with Islam. Don't put'em here!
Only a dumb like you will call'em peaceful even after wrong translation of the Holy Quraan.

Final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw) the seal of prophethood. No kana mana can take the place of the hair of his(saw) Camal!

They have no relation with Islam. Don't put'em here!
I mean you didn't counter how they are not peaceful
All you said was that they are wrong- which is just a disagreement

They aren't going around damaging property, killing police men, regular people, hate speeches

Your lot are -In any civilized, non-banana republic
Your lot are the evil, negative character

Pretty accurate in some aspects.
@Pak Nationalist , @pakpride00090
We like to blame IK for being meek in dealing with extremists
But in this situation someone else was responsible for this state surrender
do not ask for Muslims to "grow" their population in an already overpopulated country
Dear Braindead! Don't go against Islam. Allah is the best planner for us from birth to death!
Peer and Qabar Parasti
No sect encourages it but some idiots. Calling innocents Muslims as non Muslim will return to you!

So who decides ?
Qazi/judge or a brain dead mob ?
The chosen one!!!

They aren't going around damaging property, killing police men, regular people, hate speeches
They against the law of the country some kind of terrorists planning in background!
US is peaceful even after destroying many countries! 2xlol!
Only a dumb like you will call'em peaceful even after wrong translation of the Holy Quraan.

Final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw) the seal of prophethood. No kana mana can take the place of the hair of his(saw) Camal!

They have no relation with Islam. Don't put'em here!

Your are true @$$h0le..

Put some type of glasses on your eyes, and read what i said, they are still peaceful.. How many people killed by them?
Dear Braindead! Don't go against Islam. Allah is the best planner for us from birth to death!

No sect encourages it but some idiots. Calling innocents Muslims as non Muslim will return to you!

The chosen one!!!

They against the law of the country some kind of terrorists planning in background!
US is peaceful even after destroying many countries! 2xlol!
A- So wearing condoms, using birth control is going against Islam?
B- write clearly so I can understand what are you trying to say

C- So a qazi/judge as they are the chosen one?
Is it true that that liberal circles of Pakistan changes their path when coming into cintact a with black cat or regukarly pay visit to the plamists aside from asking zodiacs etc to decide who the new spy chief should be ?

You know those good and bad omens other than scolding their servants for for being jinxed whenever things don't go as per their wishes?
If you are calling IK liberal than
Maro mujhe maro- he is a a Rw
No sect encourages it but some idiots. Calling innocents Muslims as non Muslim will return to you!

I am not calling anyone Kafir or non-muslim. It's your firqah that calls others Kafir - read Hasam-ul-Harmain by your Ala Hazrat! It's you lot calling others Kafir that will return to you! Being part of this Kafir Fatwabazi firqa is something you should be worried about!
If you are calling IK liberal than
Maro mujhe maro- he is a a Rw

The right wingers i know don't believe in superstitions . Seriously its always the liberals and sufi going stones , emulates, bones etc . Like Saddam, as per someone close to him,the fellow used to change path after an encounter with a cat . And its also no secret the clients taking services of fortune tellers ,zodiac gurus mostly belong to the gentry , the suited fellows.
Seems like agreement has been made between TLP and Government. Sheikh Rasheed, Fawad Chaudhry and drunk terrorist molvi Tahir Ashrafi have been sidelined so that agreement can be signed..

اہم ترین معلومات ۔معاہدے کے نکات
ذرائع کے مطابق 13 نکاتی معاہدے کے چند نکات درج ذیل ہیں۔

1)سفیر کے معاملے میں پارلیمنٹ کے اندر پیش رفت کی جائے گی نیز ووٹنگ کے ذریعے فیصلہ ہوگا کہ سفیر نکالا جائے یا نہیں۔
2) حافظ س ع د رضوی صاحب کی نظر بندی ختم کی جائے گی۔
3) حافظ س ع د رضوی صاحب پر عائد الزامات و مقدمات میں انھیں قانونی رستہ اختیار کرنے کا مکمل اختیار ہوگا کسی قسم کی رکاوٹ نہ ڈالی جائے گی
4)پچھلے تمام مقدمات سے س ع د رضوی صاحب کو بری کیا جائے گا
5) بطور شخص س ع د رضوی صاحب کو کلعدم قرار دیا گیا تھا ،یہ بات واپس لی جائے گی
6)تحریک کو کلعدم کیا گیا تھا یہ بھی ختم کیا جائے گا
7)جن رہنماؤں یا کارکنان کا نام فروتھ شیڈول میں ہیں انھیں فورتھ شیڈول سے نکالا جائے گا
8)جو کارکنان یا رہنما مقدمات میں گرفتار ہیں فی الفور رہا کیا جائے گا ۔

ان تمام امور کے لیے سات سے دن کا وقت مانگ لیا گیا۔

دھرنا وزیر آباد سے آگے نہیں جائے گا بلکہ دو آپشن میں سے ایک آپشن اختیار کیا جائے۔یا تو مارچ کا قیام سات دن کے لیے وزیر آباد میں قیام کرے گا تاکہ حکومت پہلے مطالبے مانے پھر دھرنا ختم کیا جائے یا مارچ آجکل میں ختم کردیا جائے گا ۔

(یہ معلومات ایک قابل اعتماد صحافی و ذرائع سے موصول ہوئی ہیں ، باقی حتمی فیصلہ و اعلان یقینا مرکزی شوریٰ اپنے سٹیج سے کرے گی ان شاءاللہ)

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Agreed , that's why i was hoping someone would park a few LNG tankers among you creatures and then explode them.....but sadly it's also a fact that SATAN will be around until the end of the world.
Death is some thing you can't deny. Keep everything aside it will not scare a wise man as it's reality!

In the end satan will be surrendering!!

satan can also be around my posts!!!😂

Dont type/call him like gr@n&p@!
Death is some thing you can't deny. Keep everything aside it will not scare a wise man as it's reality!

In the end satan will be surrendering!!

satan can also be around my posts!!!😂

Dont type/call him like gr@n&p@!
The first person to be put on trial should be your teacher or your mentor for teaching you some nonsense but then again TLP losers are zombies, no matter how many brains they eat, they will never have one of their own.
Pity your grandpa never took precautions.

The first person to be put on trial should be your teacher or your mentor for teaching you some nonsense but then again TLP losers are zombies, no matter how many brains they eat, they will never have one of their own.
Pity your grandpa never took precautions.

Excuse me!
Sorry to say but:
I never consider you as my brother so keep you gp and serve him as he just surrendered/surrendering!
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