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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

Should i post your version of an advance islamic nation with leaders like zardari ,sisi,imran zaani ,assad and not to forget your muhammad zubair moments with blackmailed and weak women? Or the traitor like hussain haqqani,tariq fateh and other who work on the payroll of Americans and their allies? They all are talk like you and look most probably also like you .

So Keep crying man!
At least they are not morons - they are capable of living in civilization don't think earth doesn't revolve or sun revolve around earth, having sex with donkeys is not "haram", they are capable of rational human behavior and are not literal monkeys, do not call birth control haram, do not ask for Muslims to "grow" their population in an already overpopulated country, are not anti-science, do not indulge in the kind of hate speech we hear on mimbars, also keep connections with foreign entities/countries - thus get used by foreigners as their hired guns

what's the worse they do corruption? - well maulvis also do corruption on top of all of these shenanigan's
Their are thousands and thousands of Zubair molvis preying on young boys
but dead silence on this front

Your lot are dharti ka bojj- plain and simple
This type of statement adds fuel to the fire.
Had we had a system to register every madressa and we taught Islam properly to everyone than no one would be joining ttp or tlp.
But the type of statement you said is wanting to make Pakistan secular. Even the uneducated Muslim who doesn’t support tlp or ttp hearing someone pushing for secularism in Pakistan will join tlp or ttp.
The solution to this issue is having a standard curriculum for madressas and having them all be registered. Also teaching Islam properly and everything about Islam to people so their educated on Islam not jahils.
Saying secularist statements or pushing secularism will just ensure Pakistan’s destruction because you just simply can’t make a society like Pakistan’s secular.
you misunderstand me respected sir.
I am in no position to decide what route someone takes in their life.
also I am under no illusion to declare if our country must be theological or secular and how it should shape its future.

if just my mere comment of disappointment makes people to become Zealots (like joining/ supporting a violent religious outfit) then I am justified in questioning their upbringing, comprehension and understanding of their own faith in the first place. Also further supporting my commentary about the destructive use of faith.

finally the so called secular people you point out to are of no significance. they are a very small minority of urban elite class that is western educated or English medium and thinks that turning our country into Western Europe is the solution.
there is no such danger of imposition of secularism because this class of people is utterly lazy and the most it does is talks over social media in their plush houses and rants on, the way the ordinary people dress, speak and live their lives.

we can still progress, be civilized , peaceful and successful if neither of the opposing lifestyle imposes itself to the other and realizes that a nation of such size and diversity needs mutual coexistence , respect and cooperation.

if the bellies are full, people shelter, education and means to earn their living then only they should debate (peacefully) on what approach is better suited as a nation and be prepared to have differing views unlike a zero sum game of my way or high way.
You are calling the mejority sect of pakistan kafir ? If this is a patriotic forum then you should be banned for such a talk. I thought your kind has problem with khawarij and takfeeri worldview but oh i was wrong! ppl like you have no ideology ,you go and try to eat from any plate which suits you.

Peer and Qabar Parasti makes you lot what exactly then - you tell? Your ideology is from an Indian madrassah by a Kafir declaring Fatwabaaz! My ideology is Quran and Sunnah ONLY - and I call myself what Allah SWT and His messenger Ibrahim PBUH named us - Muslim!

Either you are a Muslim or Brelvi - you can't be both as there is absolutely no provision in Quran and Hadith for sects/groups.

Allah's Command on sects/groups in matters of Deen is CRYSTAL CLEAR (Read Quran 6:159) - but you won't know that as you are forbidden by your Ulema Su to study the Quran - they would throw you out of sect if you did. You believe the religion they teach you, to bow to your peers and to go to mazars asking the dead for things - and to top it all off, your religious beliefs are that your ulema/ghous/whatever will take you to heaven with them or won't enter heaven themselves without you - you jahil lot are brainwashed through and through!
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28th July, Mohammed Malik said our intelligence agencies crack Whatsapp group where all planning been exchanged and members in that group located in South Africa, India, UK, UAE, and Pakistan.

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28th July, Mohammed Malik said our intelligence agencies crack Whatsapp group where all planning been exchanged and members in that group located in South Africa, India, UK, UAE, and Pakistan.

our people are being used and abused by foreign agencies for decades
just name changes first it was TTP now its softcore but more dangerous TLP
rinse and repeat

idiots will always line up to support idiots being used by foreign powers
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our people are being used and abused by foreign agencies for decades
just name changes first it was TTP now its softcore but more dangerous TLP
rinse and repeat

idiots will always line up to support idiots being used by foreign powers

Reading this thread it seems Pakistan have too many groups/party that put their own interests above the interest of the nation. And some of these groups can easily be taken advantage of by foreign agencies. But if the current Pak government/Army go too hard on them it will lead to a civil war and the nation could be fractured as they are quite powerful and popular. it's this the accurate assessment of current situation?
State is depended and exist by the will of its ppl

What kind of Islamist are you?:o:

You are calling the mejority sect of pakistan

Quran has forbidden sects. The "Pak arvaahs" never told you this?
'a man who is constantly fighting against religious values and islamic political parties' ..

The current fiasco is a standard modus operandi of powers to be . Take an example of a vaccine and how it works. Both actors have contributed to further increase a common guy's indifference at many levels -------.

The extent of legit threshold got decreased significantly.
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You believe the religion they teach you, to bow to your peers and to go to mazars asking the dead for things - and to top it all off, your religious beliefs are that your ulema/ghous/whatever will take you to heaven with them or won't enter heaven themselves without you - you jahil lot are brainwashed through and through!

Their secular counter parts do also indulge in mental gymnastics aforementioned. The upper echelons of isms have been convinced by the "Pak arvaah's/enlightened spirits into

"do what thou wilt"

And you'd still be chilling around in hell coz they are the real incharge of the dead world
meanwhile this your version of moronic Islam that you want your future generations to follow

But what can you say anti-Pakistan maulvis will do anti-Pakistan shit
just like their forefathers did in 1947

Mission to destroy Pakistan since 1920s and are still doing it will continue to do so
till its pushed back to IVC ages og harappa or collapse so your abu India can roll over Pak

Is it true that that liberal circles of Pakistan changes their path when coming into cintact a with black cat or regukarly pay visit to the plamists aside from asking zodiacs etc to decide who the new spy chief should be ?

You know those good and bad omens other than scolding their servants for for being jinxed whenever things don't go as per their wishes?
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