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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

He won't answer you as he has no answers. These lot do not give a damn about not following Islam, they have their own religion which they THINK is Islam.

why? why can ahmadi not be Muslim? how was Ghulam ahmad any worse than the occupiers of them graves that brelvis revere and worship?

Ghulam Ahmad was an arrogant and stupid man and his khalifahs even more so by admitting to him being a fake prophet in Parliamentary Committee meeting and labelling everyone else kafir. He should have declared himself a Ghous or something else instead of a fake prophet to make a new sect. Qadyanis are admittedly Hanafi, the parent sect of Brelvi and Deobandi.

Brelvi and Deobandi dead ulema get away with kalima in their names, all in their mainstream books. But they are clever and make up stories to defend those stories of kalimas in the name of Mr Chishti RasoolAllah (naozabillah) and Mr Ashraf Ali Thanwi RasoonAllah (naozabillah) in their books. I have been close to a Brelvi peer family ... Mr Peer talks of being given the best darood in the universe and claims to have met Prophets (PBUT) and Allah SWT and interacts daily with angels! They regurgitate and even add to the contents of their books.

if ahmad raza khan can be kaleemullah, if dead pirs can grant wishes and have direct connection with God, if gautam can be shamah e haq, nanak can be noor e Ibrahimi, why can Ghulam Ahmed not be noor e Muhammadi?
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He won't answer you as he has no answers. These lot do not give a damn about not following Islam, they have their own religion which they THINK is Islam.

Ghulam Ahmad was an arrogant and stupid man and his khalifahs even more so by admitting to him being a fake prophet in Parliamentary Committee meeting and labelling everyone else kafir. He should have declared himself a Ghous or something else instead of a fake prophet to make a new sect. Qadyanis are admittedly Hanafi, the parent sect of Brelvi and Deobandi.

Brelvi and Deobandi dead ulema get away with kalima in their names, all in their mainstream books. But they are clever and make up stories to defend those stories of kalimas in the name of Mr Chishti RasoolAllah (naozabillah) and Mr Ashraf Ali Thanwi RasoonAllah (naozabillah) in their books. I have been close to a Brelvi peer family ... Mr Peer talks of being given the best darood in the universe and claims to have met Prophets (PBUH) and Allah and interacts daily with angels! They regurgitate and even add to the contents of their books.
you too lol
My family also has that character lol
First of all stop using this nonsense against me. I would rather like to be burnt/buried alive instead of even thinking about it!

It's another thread you are referring towards! Kill the blasphemer on spot and same goes for murderer/Fake ghazi
(Like that bank guard who killed the BM of NBP he must be hanged in public!)

Don't run in circles, be specific! Can i shot you on a rumour? Yes or no?
Rumors are rumors. But no mercy for a blasphemer!

But in that scenario iam angry at you being accused of blasphemy- ------- so for me rumours won't do the trick. Iamma just whack you anyways .

Where do you take your Islam btw from The Book of ALLAH Swt or your " noorani spirits " ?
Qadiyani’s aren’t peaceful their the biggest snakes in Pakistan they act peaceful and spread hatred amongst us Muslims. Their behind every fitna in Pakistan. They get others to do their dirty work. They use the money they get from Zionists for their dirty work.
Kaffir hai qadiyani!

Ironic then how there is only you and your one cohort here spreading "hatred amongst us Muslims".

Ismailis are a Shia sect however they are not considered Muslim to us Sunnis and even many Shias believe their not Muslim.

Those specific "Shias" also believe that you are non-Muslim, and you believe those "Shias" are non-Muslim. You also do not speak for Sunnis, who do not consider Ismailis as non-Muslim. Then your desperate attempt to use appeal to popularity, incorrectly too, in a society where religion is little more than an excuse to further one's own imbecilic political, personal, and/or economic agendas. Look at yourself, for example. An agenda driven fitnah peddler who has no clue about the religion he claims to be the defender of but still goes around mouthing off against other Muslims declaring them non-Muslim. Do you know what your punishment is under Islamic Law?

You're out.

Kill the blasphemer on spot!!!

Yet another pretender who only uses the Deen for posturing.
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@Jf-17 block 3 I'll give it here as well.

The "Amman Message" Conference took place in Amman, Jordan on 04-6 July 2005 and a three-point declaration was issued by 200 Muslim academics from over 50 countries focusing on the three issues of:
1. Defining who is a Muslim;

2. Excommunication from Islam (takfir); and

3. Principles related to delivering religious edicts (fatāwa).

The summarization by Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad explicitly delineates on page 11 the place of the Ismailis as being within the Ja'fari school as stated by the Aga Khan.

Let's see how much you adhere to the principles your Deen and your Prophet (S.A.W) teach you.
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these scumbags always popup their fugly faces whenever FTFA sits for review of Pakistan , do we have pigs killing spray in our arsenal to deal with these haramis on streets ??

These are just fugly faces pigs londay bazz inka door door tak islam sa koi talik nhi ha
Don't insult Pig... They are of some use... This guys are pure useless.. They are simply out to vent out their violent nature. God Save Pakistan and it's common man.
Your spreading fassad like donkeys

Country has enough problems without you fools acting like fools

A Muslim inspires by example, you turn people away by example TLP, TTP, Taliban your retrograde thinking has become poison
Don't involve poor donkeys in this... Poor animals do hard work and also earn precious Foreign Exchange to Pakistan..
@Jf-17 block 3 where'd you go? You promised,

"Tell me mister moderator which Imam from Sunni Islam from the 4 schools of fiqh consider Ismailis Muslim. If you can tell me the imam name and send link to them saying it I will admit I was wrong"...

This is from a Sunni hanafi website:

So you will not admit that you are wrong even though you have been provided exactly what you asked for? I take that as you admitting to being dishonest and a conniving, hate peddling liar. I gave you a chance, unsurprisingly you just did not have the integrity to take it.

PS: I will not entertain or allow idiotic lies (which can be clarified by a simple google search) from 2-bit websites based on spreading Fitnah. You're out for good now.
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Do you want them to become another insurgency?

Best way to deal with them is to end their funding, decapitate their leadership and educate the masses and re-integrate them into society.
This is the logical approach and we can only hope someone sane is looking at this solution
But my anger needs an outlet
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They are already another insurgency. If you read history of TTP they started off just as these TLP khawarijis did. Their leadership is comprised of opportunits and extremist molvis who only want power and money. If you think you can reason with mind fcuked zombies of TLP then you are in for a treat.
This is another angle
Look up TTP state always tried to accommodate them but to no avail

Maybe sometimes putting the foot down is the only solution
Can I ask you something?

Pakistan is a deeply religious country. I really don't think it can be anymore Islamic, seriously you guys are really devout, that's fantastic for you.

But tell me, why the f**k does it have to involve civil disobedience? Why can't all of you sit in a mosque and discuss things and pray like calm spiritual men on the path to heaven. :lol:

Knowing full well the world is watching the region, these actions are BAD for business especially with how broke Pakistan is right now. Use your f**king brain man.

Sure if TLP DID NOT GO ON RECORD TO SAY EXTREMIST GARBAGE SUCH AS NUKING HOLLAND then maybe but I would deem them a national security threat. Apply full force on them.
Bus ab yeh hamari g**** mein bhi religion tusna chahtey hien

Ab yehi kasar rah gai aur sub toh kardiya hai

Look around do we really need more of the same but with different packages?
Countries are going places technology wise while these clerics are still stuck in if earth is static or not
But people want Thier world view to lead us in the 21st
Depressing af
Rumors are rumors. But no mercy for a blasphemer!
How do you know some one is blasphemer? If tomorrow i declare you blasphemer will that you wajib ul qatal? How can you label someone wajib ul qatal
without giving them a chance to prove innocence? What if molvi or the person who labeled that said person Blasphemer to settle personal vendetta and you killed that person on a rumour? Majority of molvis are liars and londay baaz wouldnt be the first time a Molvi lied.

Lo g ay tay gal hi muk gae. Duniya jahan ka labaikya social media pay galazat bakta raha kay safeer bahir nikalo laikin nikla kuch aur. That is what i have been saying that TLP has nothing to do with namoos e risalat. It was a matter of Toheen e TLP nothing more. In Molviyon ka bas ego hurt ho gaya tha aur Rizvi ka londa reha karwana tha. Aj kay baad Namoos e Risalat kay naam pay drama tu khatam hona chahiye ab tu inkay apnay munh say bawaseer nikal ae hai.
OK, Go & Suck Molvi's D*ck.
All about you! It is what you can do!!!

How do you know some one is blasphemer? If tomorrow i declare you blasphemer will that you wajib ul qatal? How can you label someone wajib ul qatal
without giving them a chance to prove innocence? What if molvi or the person who labeled that said person Blasphemer to settle personal vendetta and you killed that person on a rumour? Majority of molvis are liars and londay baaz wouldnt be the first time a Molvi lied.
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Lo g ay tay gal hi muk gae. Duniya jahan ka labaikya social media pay galazat bakta raha kay safeer bahir nikalo laikin nikla kuch aur. That is what i have been saying that TLP has nothing to do with namoos e risalat. It was a matter of Toheen e TLP nothing more. In Molviyon ka bas ego hurt ho gaya tha aur Rizvi ka londa reha karwana tha. Aj kay baad Namoos e Risalat kay naam pay drama tu khatam hona chahiye ab tu inkay apnay munh say bawaseer nikal ae hai.

You need to know one thing that this matter will go to the parliament where too many true ashiq are available let's see!!
But your tiny mind will not get it what is going on.... cheer dude!
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