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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

Zia fucked us up enough and now immi chan is trying to preach us deen. Fuckin clowns

Zia was from the liberal community . It was his practical approach to be in the good books of yankees so he took the role of a priest. But why you are complaining against Zia? You prolly arenot aware about the amount of alms and green cards that man managed to receive from the white people? You may also find net beneficiaries of his approach in your family as well
So you finally managed to get a sight of a liberal party? Ajeeb log hain bhai yeh liberals b takreeban sb family members he kisi na kisi relation m rehty hain while there feudal daddies steal from the villages to keep chil parties going on in dha's.

Yeah last time they got handed over cheques by "angelic" figures. Are the maamay chaahay of Pakistan still open for business ?

You and others keep comparing TLP with evil liberals - as if they are on par.

Millions of liberals live in Pakistan. The biggest danger they pose is candle-light vigils, social media posts and educated debate.

On the other if you have even 1000 religious extremists in a city - it becomes filled with disorder and violence.

Even maulvis know the truth of this, as they flock from the religious backwaters to the liberal cities all over the world.

If you think the liberal ideas are dangerous - then it shows your own ideas are weak. if you think liberals are corrupt- are maulvi leaders any less?
In the end Real Pakistanis will have to deal with the menace of TLP just as we did with TTP. This policy of appeasement with these khawarij will destroy our country. We have lost so many soldiers to scums of TTP and now loosing people to TLP khawarijis as well. At the end of day Pakistan will have to crush this cancer by force. Its either them or us. Pakistan iss liye nae bana kay Rizvi kay khawariji londay usko agg lagayein har do roaz baad.
Millions of liberals live in Pakistan

Fools! Real liberals been control of the country not achoo gama wanna be cool guys from the suburbia. I coundnt care less if a bunch of liberals take there degenerate primitive kanjar practices including drugs to a corner and sit there quietly but when it involves money then you or any liberal can come to us and check their liberal privilege whether it yields results or not . We aren't going to pay for the monetary deals struck by the oxford breed precisely for their needs without the peoples consent at large . People get shot dead for stealing in the streets

Control your itch for fancy lifestyle , promote industry, eat from your own pocket and stop begging from the Whiteman every time you run out of foreign remittances, in short get a life.
There uncles are in control of the police why would they kill em ? And no they don't mind their own business, all the imf deals , the socio economic screw ups are to blamed on these liberals. Provide uniform curriculums to the country atleast give them the same books which your kids read .
Ah yes every Pakistani leader was so liberal that today Pakistan is the most secular society in the world, forget the west Pakistan shines brighter, hence why we should blame liberals. How about you search up the meaning of liberal and then properly formulate a return argument rather than bringing up this 'liberal' trope and slap in IMF and other economic jargon with it. It's quite ironic that you are mentioning SNC here when the TLP group and others like it have been the biggest barrier against it because they want more focus on Islamic studies and have been non-cooperative mostly.
Ah yes every Pakistani leader was so liberal that today Pakistan is the most secular society in the world

It's real, every leader been to a christian madrassa , hails from either a feudal of capitalist background , gets enraged on demands like agri reforms or uniform curriculum like it's sort of blasphemy to read the same books ,Kept the massess uneducated or atleast below a certain threshold coz then there wont be no bogey man to show to the white folks to stay relevant .
You and others keep comparing TLP with evil liberals - as if they are on par.

Millions of liberals live in Pakistan. The biggest danger they pose is candle-light vigils, social media posts and educated debate.

On the other if you have even 1000 religious extremists in a city - it becomes filled with disorder and violence.

Even maulvis know the truth of this, as they flock from the religious backwaters to the liberal cities all over the world.

If you think the liberal ideas are dangerous - then it shows your own ideas are weak. if you think liberals are corrupt- are maulvi leaders any less?

Pakistan has coconuts, not liberals. Pakistani so called liberals are the most rabidly intolerant people I've come across. They're worse than religious extremists because they don't even have an ideology to be zealots behind - they're focused on contempt for anyone who isn't them.

I hope you get the opportunity to meet real liberals, those based in the west. This political ideology is focused around tolerance, acceptance, inclusivity, socialist values.

Pakistani so called Liberals are focused on behaving like the English, in clothing, language, food, culture - while looking down on anyone who isn't the same as them. Whisky and sexual promiscuity isn't what defines someone as a political Liberal. Liberal has become a lifestyle choice in Pakistan not a political ideology.
Pakistani so called liberals are the most rabidly intolerant people I've come across.

They are selfisb opportunist milking the white people displaying a handicapped nation on a wheel chair much like what beggars do but wont allow medical treatment for him. If you scratch them and offer the real essence of liberalism by exposing the real deal involving their families in the civilzed of ways they go crazy like revealing what their real worth is like we say in punjbai

"Ay hun kacha shadarra bahar aya e "
Here are some of the coconuts playing clergy when not acting liberals all for the right price/gains. Gosh the speed with which they adopt different tags and characters is just mind boggling.

Be advised some of them liberals can get you thrashed by their guards/police for falling out of line or simply making an eye contact when visiting their rural estates. And to the ordinary brainwashed joe mistaking the local liberals vibes for progress well believe what you believe but looks could be deceiving
They are selfisb opportunist milking the white people displaying a handicapped nation on a wheel chair much like what beggars do but wont allow medical treatment for him. If you scratch them and offer the real essence of liberalism by exposing the real deal involving their families in the civilzed of ways they go crazy like revealing what their real worth is like we say in punjbai

"Ay hun kacha shadarra bahar aya e "

You know who was a real Liberal? Abdul Sattar Edhi. He helped people without judgement or prerequisite.
You and others keep comparing TLP with evil liberals - as if they are on par.

Millions of liberals live in Pakistan. The biggest danger they pose is candle-light vigils, social media posts and educated debate.

On the other if you have even 1000 religious extremists in a city - it becomes filled with disorder and violence.

Even maulvis know the truth of this, as they flock from the religious backwaters to the liberal cities all over the world.

If you think the liberal ideas are dangerous - then it shows your own ideas are weak. if you think liberals are corrupt- are maulvi leaders any less?

On the contrary they are some of the biggest traitors in the country
I am not sure why some people feel the urge to bring liberal vs conservative into discussion, there isn't a binary at work here for we have people like Hussain Haqqani and people like Saad Rizvi who are trying to destroy the country by their own modus operandi. Tajjamul Hussain Malik was known to be a conservative yet he fought for Pakistan with all his strength and there were people like Peter Christy, Middlecoat and Ruth Pfau who fought to their adversaries to protect Pakistan. How do you say that one specific religion, caste or creed is patriotic while the other is not?

People think that anyone who dons a western outfit is automatically a liberal or someone who drinks is the true definition of a liberal and hence they make erroneous assumptions.

Let me say it again, that whoever thinks that Hussain Haqqani, Tarek Fateh, Waqas Goraya, Gul Bukhari and Bilawal Bhutto are liberals, is mistaken and will find soon enough that these guys are partisans not liberals.

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