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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

Your types are the fitna and khawarijs, those are righteous protesters excercizing there rights, protesting for what was already to them, stop lying to yourself!

Haha, religious fanatics! Have no worth to them except causing fitna in the world! You ask them what they do for a living? And they all do nothing! Their economic, social and industrial contribution to Pakistan is nil, zich, zero! At most they'd be selling eggs, fruits or vegetables thats about it, 0 value addition. Only charging 2Rs per Kilo for themselves. 0 value addition whatsoever. Billions of dollar worth of body & mind is otherwise returning nothing on investment! (God's free investment). Its a useless waste of being! Their religious knowledge is nil, zich, zero! They will be molesting a child in a madrassa if they weren't breaking other people's properties! Whatever they think they are doing is not ISLAM!

Pakistan has a huge problem with exports, we do not have much export markets to trade with. But we have a lot of expensive imports. We are stuck in an increasing debt trap, our shitty nation of uneducated mullahs produce nothing to sell to the world. These mullahs would like to have imported convenience goods but can't produce jack shit! Our biggest export market is Europe, we can't loose it. Our economy is already in shambles. We are desperately trying to increase our export markets, despite terrorism, instability & non-competitive energy rates we are trying to stay afloat in a loosing battle.

Everyone, whose a Muslim & every Pakistani is hurt when bad comments are made against our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but to satisfy a bunch of angry mobsters, state has a responsibility NOT to put livelihoods of millions of other Pakistanis at stake! This is exactly what the state is doing! First become strong enough economically, politically and militarily to take on the world and then try to stand up to it! (Barken marny sy pehlay okaat paida kro! Okaat takay ki nahi ha aur apny logon k samny uchalna koodna aur bhonka ata a bs!) Given our weaknesses, these TLP demands are nothing but nemesis for Pakistan! Completely stupid, worthless, useless, of no difference to the world. Wrong use of freedom of speech issue has already been raised by PM on several levels. Sending back the French Ambassador would not have any impact that would benefit us or our cause. If TLP had any educated person in it, they would have known how much damaging their actions are for the country. But unfortunately these imbeciles will jump up & down and cry over inflation, but will go out same day destroying other people's livelihoods, burning cars, destroying economy, blocking roads!

By your definition Sahaba Akram (R.A.) were very weak humans? Were really bad Muslims? And you know better than them!? Since for a long time in early days of Islam they witnessed our Prophet P.B.U.H. being stoned till his shoes filled with blood? They saw that he was thrown rubbish over him daily? He was being called a mad/crazy person? He was being called a poet? A liar? And what not? But instead we made treaties with the oppressors. It was not until much later when their fitna and subjugation had become 100% evident and till the time we had grown stronger that we fought anyone? By your & TLP definition Sahaba Akram (R.A.) should have gone out, started hitting every other Sahabi? Burnt down their own houses, shops & cattle? Just because they had such a strong Ishq e Rasul S.A.W. they were so angry at the Sahabis not burning down the city with them? They should have burnt down any one who didn't commit to a suicide mission for revenge? I mean.. talk sense! If you have slightest of brain, use it.
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Proved Funny Team

2021-10-24 00_34_47-Geo Headlines 12 AM _ 24th October 2021 - YouTube.png

2021-10-24 00_35_18-Geo Headlines 12 AM _ 24th October 2021 - YouTube.png

BUT IT will not stop ..!!!

We remain in mosque so that seculars currupt cleanshave can **** the whole country and its ppl like they are doing for past 70 + years ? Na na! Islam didnot come to remain in mosque but to rule and to fight injustice on weaks and poors who are beaten and killed by seculer cleanshave waderas /chaudary / saeen/generals/police etc whenever they want .

Just to give you an example ..you think shahbaz sharif would have killed tehrul qadris ppl if those were members of a secular political party? Same with tlp, Would police have killed and murdered 23 plus of their member if tlp was seculars political party ? The anwser is no and thats what will cause the end of the present secular anti religous set up and then inshallah religious folk will take their revenge from all the secular who are happy to see them murdered ..you get what you sow ..and seculars are sowing hate just to make their lords in the west happy and for their currupt way of ruling an islamic nation.

These cleanshave can get their bajis to dance 126 days ..burn the whole capital city ..attack ptv and the parliment but a religious party cant even demonstrate because they dont have their bajis dancing on the containers? The hypocrcy is intolerable.

Yes countries are bulit on hard decisions, imran niazi and the puppeteers should finally enforce the sharia, otherwise this country is just another piece of land like endia:-)

What Shariah ? you can't implement Shariah in modern world. And TLP is not a Organization fighting for Shariah, they are scum and pests who just want to hide behind religion to act on their criminal behavior.
@Desert Fox 1 don't worry about any Indian Invasion, the homefront is well manned and prepared by TLP, all the extra shinny build up divisions and brigades are wasted, when the people of Pakistan have to take up stick and stones for basic rights like clean drinking water, free choice of a job etc. ... or is this really just a religious affair ? Of course, the fault lies in the weak economy and corrupt mentality of all previous and current governments!

See first the conquest of Pakistan Punjab:

Exactly sir, since military our defeat has become impossible, enemies find it more economical as well as easier to use us illiterates against other illiterates. Of course the collapse of internal front will deal a fatal blow to the external. This is what India has been trying to do from TTP to BLA, from Laskar-e-Jhanvi to sipah-e-sahaba and Sipah-e-Muhammad, from PTM to MQM; all of these were directly or indirectly sponsored by India. Moreover not surprisingly the success of almost all of these groups were in regions have very low literacy rate and poor economic conditions.
(But Thank god our agencies have crushed most if not all of the above mentioned organisations)
(But Thank God our agencies have crushed most if not all of the above mentioned organisations)
Crushing the above mentioned organistions will only alleviate the symptoms but not the root cause. It's the mentality that these banned organiztions attract, which is the real problem. The very mentality that thinks that their belief system is superior to everythng else and to propagate it, any means is justified. Including seeking funding from hostile elements
Instead of destroying Pakistan, why don't they go to France, declare a war and sort their stuff out.
If you are gonna have democracy, you are gonna have protests and riots. Just look at America, France etc. The police in Pakistan is just too under-resourced to handle them. Establishment has PTSD from 1971 and starts panicking with every major movement, and would rather compromise.
TLP workers will not proceed towards Islamabad, says Rashid as negotiations make progress

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Sunday said the proscribed Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) will not proceed with its march towards Islamabad as negotiations with the group had "almost" succeeded.

Speaking to Dawn News, the minister said the TLP workers would continue their sit-in till Monday or Tuesday "but will not head towards Islamabad".

On Saturday, the relatively less-equipped and poorly trained workers of the proscribed TLP had managed to bulldoze all security layers of the Lahore and Sheikhupura police and entered Gujranwala while chanting slogans and calling other activists to join them.

However, they had slowed down the march after leaving Lahore, and decided to spend the night in the suburban town of Muridke on GT Road.

The minister said that detained TLP workers, along with those placed on the Fourth Schedule, would be released. He said under an agreement signed with the TLP earlier, the issue of expelling the French ambassador will be taken to parliament for debate.

Read more: TLP calls off protest after reaching new agreement with govt

He said that a delegation from the proscribed group will arrive at the interior ministry on Monday for talks. "We will resolve their issues in a day or two," he said.

Ahmed, who was in Dubai to watch Pakistan compete in the T20 cricket World Cup, had returned home on Saturday on Prime Minister Imran Khan's directive to monitor the situation.

On Saturday, TLP protesters had removed several containers from GT Road on the Ravi bridge, the last main security point of Lahore police using a crane, and entered Sheikhupura from where they marched towards Gujranwala after violent clashes with the law enforcement agencies at Kala Shah Kaku.

When multiple security strategies failed, the Gujranwala police dug up a 12-foot-deep ditch and filled it with water as a preventive measure to stop the violent protesters besides making heavy deployment.

The TLP’s Central Shura (committee) had also refused to talk to a delegation of federal and provincial ministers, saying the federal government could not have it both ways: negotiate peace and shell them simultaneously.

The Shura took this stance late on Saturday as a three-member team comprising ministers Sheikh Rashid, Pir Noorul Haq Qadri and Ali Amin Gandapur arrived in the city to kickstart dialogue with the TLP leadership.

The two-member Punjab government team comprised Law Minister Raja Basharat and Minister for Prosecution Chaudhry Zaheeruddin joined their federal colleagues to thrash out a strategy. They reportedly sent an emissary to the incarcerated TLP chief Saad Rizvi to offer talks.

3 policemen martyred in clashes with TLP workers
On Friday, three policemen were martyred and several others injured in clashes with TLP workers.

Chauburji, Lower Mall and surrounding areas turned into battlefields with videos of the clashes showing police firing teargas shells to disperse the protesters who in return pelted the law enforcers with stones. Many TLP workers carrying clubs appeared to be fighting back when the riot police tried to disperse them.

In a statement, Lahore DIG (Operation) Spokesperson Mazhar Hussain identified two of the slain officials as Ayub and Khalid. The identity of the third official was not ascertained, but a statement from the provincial chief minister stated that three policemen were martyred.

Hussain said that several others were also injured and taken to the hospital in critical condition. "Protesters also hurled petrol bombs on officials," he said, adding that officials tried to prevent them from vandalising and damaging public property.

"The angry mob also used sticks and pelted stones," he said, adding that officials were showing restraint despite the violence.

A TLP media coordinator, Saddam Bukhari, said the police attacked the peaceful rally that was on its way to Islamabad.

In a separate statement, a spokesperson for the banned group said that workers had endured the "worst shelling in history" and were "attacked from all sides" near the Mao College Pul.
Pakistan should banned TLP. They are backwards, clueless, fanatic and extremists.

I've got nothing to do with this tlp cult but the powers to be should come up with a plan on how to convince the world into maintaining the usual momentum of sadka khyrat by showing them the real deal not a suited cool looking guy just in case things go down . Like it or not these guy actually represent the majority
When Pakistan used to have National dignity.

On 26 June 1979, Le Gourrierec (French Ambassador) and his First Secretary, Jean Forlot, were stopped at a checkpoint. They were driving alone through the town of Kahuta some 25 miles southwest of Islamabad, in a vehicle with a local rather than a diplomatic number plate and without displaying a diplomatic flag. According to Denoël, they were driving to Islamabad, and intended to visit a long-unused military fortress, but accidentally took a wrong turn and passed near a secret nuclear bomb complex.[15]: 191  However, according to several sources, their presence was intentional.[12] There was a physical altercation with five or six men.[12]: 66 [16][17]

Le Gourrierec was severely beaten,[14][16] and sustained a broken tooth, while Forlot had a split skull.[18] The men who assaulted them were not bandits or thugs, as initially suggested by the Pakistani authorities,[15] but were plain-clothed members of the security forces, acting under orders.[16][17] According to Khan, Forlot was passing on information to the CIA and may have been actively spying on its behalf.[16][17][19] Khan suggests that foreigners "got the message" and subsequently avoided the area,[16] but the Yugoslav ambassador later drove slowly along the perimeter wall in a show of solidarity, albeit with a diplomatic flag.[12

Now expelling French ambassador has become matter of National survival under peace'fool regime.
TLP is wrong, they are using religion for their personal gain. Yes, heavy hand is required to save the country from this menace. Already we face external threats and now these baboons are on the street.

i agree with you that religion should not be used for personal gain and advertising, by the way our PM is also doing the same

Indians are sharing this TLP video. Those who are still sitting on the fence on this should make up their mind real quick. Namoos a rasalat has become a business for enemies of the state, miscreant, and anarchist elements like religion has been over the decades. The affection people of Pakistan feel for their holy Prophet and religion is exploited by our enemies to confuse and hurt us. There must be no confusion. These people must be recognized as enemies of the state and Islam. Every step taken by the state no matter how extreme it is should be backed to rid the country of such malign entities.

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