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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

He is not your average drunkerd parlement member who go on national tv to show their unbringing..he never cursed anyone maan or behn . I would advice to you, dont be total *** in you hate for some1 . He used words which are cursus.. nothing wrong with those wordt when used against species kind of ppl ..Even Allah subhanahoe wataA'la uses those words to describe ppl like ... presently ruling us .
yes i love it when he used those words

They seems to be following path of anarchist in-cheif Niazi.

There are videos of PTI Leaders praising TLP, participating in their rallies, during elections senior PTI leadership was given task to form alliance with TLP but Khadim Hussain Rejected.
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Heavy hand ? From who? Police ? Gulla butts (police)Is already doing all that ..military? You want civil war ? You think if faujis were murdering citizens like in egypt , bajwa will survive? I have 3 family member in military and if they were killing ppl like punjab police goons , you bet i would be up in arms against my own family member in military. You cant uses military as gullu butt police and expect average soldier to follow your order when its clear to all who is wrong and who is right and gov is defnitely wrong .
TLP is wrong, they are using religion for their personal gain. Yes, heavy hand is required to save the country from this menace. Already we face external threats and now these baboons are on the street.
They seems to be following path of anarchist in-cheif Niazi.

There are videos of PTI Leaders praising TLP, participating in their rallies, during elections senior PTI leadership was given task to form alliance with TLP but Khadim Hussain Rejected.
This is crux of the matter . All the parties know tlp votes are going to get only bigger . Pti together with our establishment thought they can put pressure on tlp to compromise on their core issue by giving bribe to tlp leadership, Like parlement seats etc etc but they misculcalated that religious ppl are very ideologie oriënted unlike the rest of parties who are personality cults. Tlp was and is going to get bigger after this crackdown unless our pro west generals decide to play sisis role and ban and kill their leadership and in turn cause civil war which i am afraid will be won by religious folks , simply because generals bullet wont match their (tlp) dedication to their cause to implement islamic jurisprudence.
This is crux of the matter . All the parties know tlp votes are going to get only bigger . Pti together with our establishment thought they can put pressure on tlp to compromise on their core issue by giving bribe to tlp leadership, Like parlement seats etc etc but they misculcalated that religious ppl are very ideologie oriënted unlike the rest of parties who are personality cults. Tlp was and is going to get bigger after this crackdown unless our pro west generals decide to play sisis role and ban and kill their leadership and in turn cause civil war which i am afraid will be won by religious folks , simply because generals bullet wont match their (tlp) dedication to their cause to implement islamic jurisprudence.

I concur, crushing TLP with brute force will make them more popular, the Govt should have dealt with them by discussion after the death of Molana Khadim Hussain Rizvi sahib in a foresighted manner knowing that the conditions set forth in their original agreement were still pending.

Again their major demands were:

1. To get rid of French Ambassador
2. Release of their kaarkunaan from jails

For point number # 1, the Govt should have gave assurances in closed door meetings with TLP that a better rather practical solution is in the works that will require time …

Moreover, TLP “by design” from inception till today is NOT anti-Pakistan neither will collude with anti-State or foreign agents like TTP, that is the main reason they have been funded by local wealthy businessmen from across the Country, just go to any middle class bazaar and ask the question to any shop keeper what TLP is asking and you will get affirmation on them … their recent MO of dharna and destroying imlaak Is definitely wrong … I hope that the settlement between them and the Govt should be made as soon as possible so any “third party” will NOT be able to take advantage of the prevailing volatile situation.

Note: Beware of false flaggers…
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Some people when they have nothing to loath start whining that TLP is using religion (most of them are of the branches who survive on Iranian and Saudi charity) as if they are the only one using religion, it was not using religion when Niazi and his corrupt party was supporting TLP against Noora League? It was not using religion in election when Niazi gang tried to persuade them to form alliance.

The blood is on hand of criminally incompetent Niazi Govt whose minister signed agreement to present matter of France in Parliament and then resorted to arrest, torture and other state sponsored brutalities on its own citizens.

What if Govt had presented the matter of France in Parliament?
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They are exercising there right to protest on the most serious matter there is, on the other hand the cowardly state is acting unconstitutionaly, they are the terrorists because they have thrown the constitution out of the window.

You are out of your mind and on some cheap crack! TLP is a fitna, just like Khawarij!
They are exercising there right to protest on the most serious matter there is, on the other hand the cowardly state is acting unconstitutionaly, they are the terrorists because they have thrown the constitution out of the window.
Right to Protest ?? Ho Muhammadi aur baat kare protest ki.. Mazaak to na karo bhai
Protest against who?/ Its own State? Do you know the Power and Respect of State as per Islam? Going against decision of State is Fitna..
Oh well , now maybe the state is against islam...No? Thats why they are against state

Protest karna ha to Jao Visa Lagwao aur protest karo France mey US mey England mey.. Oh Yeah Sorry That sounds tough but we are talking about self exaggerating Muhammadisss...
You are out of your mind and on some cheap crack! TLP is a fitna, just like Khawarij!

Your types are the fitna and khawarijs, those are righteous protesters excercizing there rights, protesting for what was already promised to them, stop lying to yourself!
Protest karna ha to Jao Visa Lagwao aur protest karo France
Maybe the French should issue a visa to all these protestors and then have them enlist in the French Foreign Legion. Dealing with Boko Haram and the likes might bring them to their senses
@Desert Fox 1 don't worry about any Indian Invasion, the homefront is well manned and prepared by TLP, all the extra shinny build up divisions and brigades are wasted, when the people of Pakistan have to take up stick and stones for basic rights like clean drinking water, free choice of a job etc. ... or is this really just a religious affair ? Of course, the fault lies in the weak economy and corrupt mentality of all previous and current governments!

See first the conquest of Pakistan Punjab:

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