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Tipping 25,000 Rupees To Waiters

funny story this remined me off
a couple of days back while i was double parked, beggars where coming every 10sec and have change of 100 ,so 10 rupees to like 5 of them. The next person to knock on my window ,i didnt see was on phone, so i just hand him 10 rupees after a silent of 2 sec, i looked and that's was the most awkward situation ,he was traffic warden.
funny story this remined me off
a couple of days back while i was double parked, beggars where coming every 10sec and have change of 100 ,so 10 rupees to like 5 of them. The next person to knock on my window ,i didnt see was on phone, so i just hand him 10 rupees after a silent of 2 sec, i looked and that's was the most awkward situation ,he was traffic warden.
If my memory is correct I was somewhere in Lahore in 2014 and I saw a child begging on the street outside a restaurant… I felt so sorry for him and I ended up giving him 500 or 1000 rupees I don’t remember now.. after 2 minutes I saw the same child pointing towards me and enters 5-10 beggars all at once coming on my table and asking for money… I told them that I gave your share of money to that child who directed you all to me…

I felt so sorry for the child so out of love I decided to help him and upon this act I felt so disgusted.

Now I feel … end of the day they were all beggars and it wouldn’t have harmed me much if I gave 10-50 rupees to each of them
I follow him for quite some time and posted his Vlogs in Pakistan Tourism.
Recently posted his Highway Food outlets from Karachi to upward country....

If my memory is correct I was somewhere in Lahore in 2014 and I saw a child begging on the street outside a restaurant… I felt so sorry for him and I ended up giving him 500 or 1000 rupees I don’t remember now.. after 2 minutes I saw the same child pointing towards me and enters 5-10 beggars all at once coming on my table and asking for money… I told them that I gave your share of money to that child who directed you all to me…

I felt so sorry for the child so out of love I decided to help him and upon this act I felt so disgusted.

Now I feel … end of the day they were all beggars and it wouldn’t have harmed me much if I gave 10-50 rupees to each of them

Reminds me I was at a veg stall and felt someone tugging my sleeve from behind...it was a poor kid just one I gave some money and carried on. Less then a min later there were 4 more behind tugging at me.

They said they wanted it for ice-cream and to be fair on my walk around back I saw them having ice-cream.
Reminds me I was at a veg stall and felt someone tugging my sleeve from behind...it was a poor kid just one I gave some money and carried on. Less then a min later there were 4 more behind tugging at me.

They said they wanted it for ice-cream and to be fair on my walk around back I saw them having ice-cream.
Once I was accompanied with traders/shopkeepers in my city and a poor man came and begged for money saying he is not a beggar but he doesn’t have money to feed his children and if someone could help him buy food for his family and he will repay when he has the money. Mostly people give Dua and ask them to leave but one of the trader used very harsh language to him saying these are tactics used by you people and go away. I didn’t like the way he spoke but I stayed quiet as I was probably the youngest among them… after 5 minutes I went to find him on my bike as my guess was that he must be on the same road and upon finding him… I said because you are not a beggar as you claimed… I am giving you 1000 rupees which I hope you will return when you have the money… you know where I was sitting so come and give it back to me when you have it… he cried so much after receiving the money that it pierced my heart…

After a month or so… he came back and returned 1000 rupee… moral of the story is… sometime people are truly in need and we should not discard them assuming beggars tactics
Once I was accompanied with traders/shopkeepers in my city and a poor man came and begged for money saying he is not a beggar but he doesn’t have money to feed his children and if someone could help him buy food for his family and he will repay when he has the money. Mostly people give Dua and ask them to leave but one of the trader used very harsh language to him saying these are tactics used by you people and go away. I didn’t like the way he spoke but I stayed quiet as I was probably the youngest among them… after 5 minutes I went to find him on my bike as my guess was that he must be on the same road and upon finding him… I said because you are not a beggar as you claimed… I am giving you 1000 rupees which I hope you will return when you have the money… you know where I was sitting so come and give it back to me when you have it… he cried so much after receiving the money that it pierced my heart…

After a month or so… he came back and returned 1000 rupee… moral of the story is… sometime people are truly in need and we should not discard them assuming beggars tactics

Having alot of scammers makes me wary but I'd use gut feeling in order to hopefully make one genuine persons day it's worth it.
Some people have the money. I don't. But I have always been a generous tipper within my limits. For example, on Friday night in a restaurant the total was $22 and I gave a $15 tip. Today in a restaurant, the total was $35 and I gave a $15 tip. And I often eat cheaper to stay within my budget and pass on the saving to the staff as tips. I also make a point of tipping music bands multiple times giving them $1 each time--shaming others to tip by doing so myself. Call me a softie! ;)

In America there is such a shortage of workers that those who are willing to work--especially in the service industry--must be generously rewarded.
Common Person

Bucks for Pizza Delivery Guy , During pandemic it increased to $5-$7
$5-$6 to Barber during pendemic it increased to $10 as places were closed most of time
2-3% to your Waiter based on your bill when you sit and eat someone serves
$2-$5 Your Taxi or Cab on Top of your Ride Bill
$1-$2 if someone helps you carry your luggage , on top of their service charges

When you are on Group table at restaurant , everyone on
table has to pay a certain % equally 2-3% of their share

So typically the waiter or waitress is extra polite for Group Table or Company Table guests

People are fee to Tip depending on norms of their society If someone is very rich they can certainly even tip $5,000 (Movie Stars of factory owners etc.)

A Tip is a thank you gesture for great customer service, someone has done some work for you and you are very happy at the work quality

Tip & Begging are two different items
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Once I was accompanied with traders/shopkeepers in my city and a poor man came and begged for money saying he is not a beggar but he doesn’t have money to feed his children and if someone could help him buy food for his family and he will repay when he has the money. Mostly people give Dua and ask them to leave but one of the trader used very harsh language to him saying these are tactics used by you people and go away. I didn’t like the way he spoke but I stayed quiet as I was probably the youngest among them… after 5 minutes I went to find him on my bike as my guess was that he must be on the same road and upon finding him… I said because you are not a beggar as you claimed… I am giving you 1000 rupees which I hope you will return when you have the money… you know where I was sitting so come and give it back to me when you have it… he cried so much after receiving the money that it pierced my heart…

After a month or so… he came back and returned 1000 rupee… moral of the story is… sometime people are truly in need and we should not discard them assuming beggars tactics
There is a difference in tipping workers vs paying beggars. Workers specially waiters rarely ask for money. Tipping them is a reward for their work which encourages them to keep working. This becomes a part of their wage.
Paying beggars on the other hand promotes beggary and encourages people to stop working and continue begging.
When I am in Pakistan I never pay a dime to beggars but pay decent amount of tips to waiters.
In Canada and US I think the common courtesy is to give 15% of the total as a TIP.
What's considered a normal tip?

depending on place and amount of order, i normally tip 50 rs for bills under 2k, when bill is between 2-3k i normally tip 100 and if bill is above 10k tip is 200 rs
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