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Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

1. Amir Timur was indeed a military genius and a great leader men the like of whom history has seen few. Like Attila and Changis Khan he used speed and surprise, and mobility and concentration of force in all his campaigns.But he excelled both in appreciating logistics, and thread-bare planning and preparation.

2. It would be wrong to judge a man of centuries past by today's standards. The Amir was no better or worse than his contemporaries. We should remember that Western and Hindu historians have plenty of grudge against him-beside envy. They could produce none to equal Timur. Caesar, Alexander or Napoleon were no patch on Amir Timur.

3.The massacre at Delhi resulted from attacks on the soldiers of a victorious and tired army already infuriated at their behavior towards the local Muslims. One needs to read The Eighteen Fifty-Seven edited by Maulana Azad and published by GOI and the Last Mughal by William Darylymp to realize that the destruction and killings in Delhi carried out by the English Co in1857-58 far surpassed anything the city has witnessed in its history.It is to buffer this fact that English historians and their paid Hindu associates have exaggerated the retributions by Amir Timur and Nadir Shah.

4. The Amir was a champion of Islam and a servant in the way of Allah swt. Alas, if he could settle his issues with Byazid differently!
They have very small squinty chinese eyes and are usually not taller than 175 cm

They were still able to conquer your ancestors. It's hilarious how Persians failed completely against Mongols. I think I don't need to remind you that Merv, Samarkand and Buchara were once Persian cities
That historical narrative is only supported by PDF hindus and RSS. Hindus on PDF display many signs of being sons of raped mothers. So going by historical facts which is what Timur wrote, his army raped Indian hindus in mandirs then one dont need to be genius to see who are the results of these rapes.

Unfortunately for you, the world accepts that Pakistan is generally a medieval society at war with itself and generally a bunch of Islamic extremists with no regard for law and order whilst India slowly but quietly trudges up the economic and social scale in vast contrast with its breakaway portion. Now contemplate who really displays the symptoms of the descendants of rapist you noob :D

I know Indian goverment prohibit taking DNA samples of Hindus. But overseas Hindus can test on 23andme.com for just 99$, excelent service. Especially many on PDF who seem to be decendents of Timur and his army :what:

With your intellectual chain, I wonder whether you are nothing more than a 2nd line descendant of Zorg, the famous Neanderthal found frozen in a cave somewhere in Iceland recently :D
Both genius and savage.People after he sacked Delhi,even a bird didnt flip her birds for one month/
Timur was a mass murdering ruler but a brilliant tactician. But if it makes Indians feel any better he killed more Muslims then Hindus.
Timur was a brilliant military general but the was more a mass murderer

Timur's armies were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[7]sizable parts of which were laid waste by his campaigns.[8]Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population.[9][10]
any missile/ship pakistani have to honor their hero :D,
he killed much more Indians<pakistani's hindu ancestors> in modern pakistan geography than indians in modern India.
This is only a fan boy named dream, there is no missile named as such being worked on at all.

You telling me Pakistanis don't see a hero in him unless you suddenly came to know he killed more Muslims than Hindus. Many Pakistanis don't won't stop praising him. :o::o:
You telling me Pakistanis don't see a hero in him unless you suddenly came to know he killed more Muslims than Hindus. Many Pakistanis don't won't stop praising him. :o::o:

I always said he killed more Muslims, go to any old thread made about him before. Most of his conquests were in Muslim lands as well. Nothing wrong with the name Timur though it just means iron in turkic languages.
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