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Time to offload Afghan refugee/terrorists into India alongwith US agent/Liberal sympathizers

A.A. Khan

Nov 17, 2016
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Pakistanis on social media rising to the occasion where the US/NDS agents the Pak media alongwith liberal sympathizers continue to create diversions by again doing sick blamegame to polarize and divide Pakistanis. For decade USA has arm-twisted Pakistan to keep these refugee/terrorists and use agents like Hamid Mir, Klasra, etc.. in media anad 'activists' Mosharraf Zaidi, Jibran Nasir to divert Pakistanis from these animals. Pakistanis have had it. PAkistan officially protested with ample proof Afghan hosting these animals abetted by their NDS. Har**mzada liberals like Jibran Nasir trying to divert to protect these afghan parasites who are bleeding Pakistan at will. Pakistan needs to screw its self-defeating policy and go into Afghanistan to kill these rodents. Pathetic US funded Pakistani media continues to screw Pakistani state with their blamegame knowing Afghan terrorists' using refugee areas as well as relatives on this side. PAkistanis on social media are taking upon themselves to screw these Afghan Refugees/terrorists, refusing these refugee/terrorists from being employed in Sadar area and requesting Sindh Govt. to push these animals over the border and offload them in Rajasthan, Gujarat states to hit the goodwill of the Afghan/Indian as well as show india's gloating face to the w. orld. Jibran Nasir, Zaidi like US agents also need to be thrown out as well with a zero tolerance policy. The US agent PAkistani liberals/Afghan terrorists ar3e the same snakes both need to be eliminated for this bleeding to stop. Inept Pakistani civlian govt. continues to remain pathetically quiet and repercussions are being suffered on Pakistani public. Pakistanis knows who are their enemies and Pakistan now needs to act upon it and clean its country from these paid liberal cockroaches/refugees who have used our ignorance to kill us.




NDS Afghani cockroach celebrating Pakistani deaths in his tweet


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Pakistanis on social media rising to the occasion where the US/NDS agents the Pak media alongwith liberal sympathizers continue to create diversions by again doing sick blamegame to polarize and divide Pakistanis. For decade USA has arm-twisted Pakistan to keep these refugee/terrorists and use agents like Hamid Mir, Klasra, etc.. in media anad 'activists' Mosharraf Zaidi, Jibran Nasir to divert Pakistanis from these animals. Pakistanis have had it. PAkistan officially protested with ample proof Afghan hosting these animals abetted by their NDS. Har**mzada liberals like Jibran Nasir trying to divert to protect these afghan parasites who are bleeding Pakistan at will. Pakistan needs to screw its self-defeating policy and go into Afghanistan to kill these rodents. Pathetic US funded Pakistani media continues to screw Pakistani state with their blamegame knowing Afghan terrorists' using refugee areas as well as relatives on this side. PAkistanis on social media are taking upon themselves to screw these Afghan Refugees/terrorists, refusing these refugee/terrorists from being employed in Sadar area and requesting Sindh Govt. to push these animals over the border and offload them in Rajasthan, Gujarat states to hit the goodwill of the Afghan/Indian as well as show india's gloating face to the w. orld. Jibran Nasir, Zaidi like US agents also need to be thrown out as well with a zero tolerance policy. The US agent PAkistani liberals/Afghan terrorists ar3e the same snakes both need to be eliminated for this bleeding to stop. Inept Pakistani civlian govt. continues to remain pathetically quiet and repercussions are being suffered on Pakistani public. Pakistanis knows who are their enemies and Pakistan now needs to act upon it and clean its country from these paid liberal cockroaches/refugees who have used our ignorance to kill us.




NDS Afghani cockroach celebrating Pakistani deaths in his tweet


Then we should start a hunting season against these filthy afghans since they love coming into Pakistan, and no one else wants them either.
I agree with some of what you posted. What about the Zionist sympathizers on this forum ?

I think we don't need to confuse these agents who are funded from USA (Zionist/Evangelist/neocon/whatever), they operate using different labels 'liberals' 'atheists' 'seculars' 'marxists' etc... People think they are harmless or focused towards mullahs, but thru their literature publications Express Tribune, Tribune blogs, Dawn Oped have been diverting criticism from Afghan terrorism, Afghan intelligence NDS. towards things unrelat4ed to them. They intentionally have polarized their viewers against the stae as well as the society. They are as dangerous as the Afghan terrorist cockroaches and need to be dealt with.

I agree with some of what you posted. What about the Zionist sympathizers on this forum ?

I think we don't need to confuse these agents who are funded from USA (Zionist/Evangelist/neocon/whatever), they operate using different labels 'liberals' 'atheists' 'seculars' 'marxists' etc... People think they are harmless or focused towards mullahs, but thru their literature publications Express Tribune, Tribune blogs, Dawn Oped have been diverting criticism from Afghan terrorism, Afghan intelligence NDS. towards things unrelat4ed to them. They intentionally have polarized their viewers against the stae as well as the society. They are as dangerous as the Afghan terrorist cockroaches and need to be dealt with.

We host/feed/clothe these cockroaches and they get in bed in India. USA policy is for us only and to protect hindus from them. Time to throw these animals in indian laps and see how indian allow them in their territory. This move is win-win in both ways, if indian hindu extremists try to keep them away or let them in. Both ways india will suffer
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It took another massacre for people to wake up again??? TAKE THE FIGHT TO DIRECTLY TO THE HOSTILE ELEMENTS' DOORSTEPS!!!!!!!! Gloves off approach needed. So many attacks within such a short time frame. Theyre trying to demoralize Pakistan and make it a scared nation, just like hostile powers/elements wanted to do the same to Turkiye. We will defeat them Inshallah. The enemies should prepare for the worst now. Every death must be avenged

and where are those die-hard liberals when our security forces lose their lives fighting for our freedom and way of life
NDS Afghani cockroach celebrating Pakistani deaths in his tweet



it is true there's a good # of Afghans who wish ill on us but look at their own mess and their own condition....by the way be careful about accounts like this. Many are run by indian shyt-bags who lie about their ethnicity and nationality, i have busted so many on Twitter i've lost count. Either they slip, or they lack the knowledge of the language or even basic questions I ask them about geography

indian trolls spend a lot of time on the twitter and youtube spreading their filth...what we need to do is counter them, without the need to resort to cheap low level insults. Also if you see twitter accounts promoting violence or celebrating terrorism please report the accounts. If enough people do it they will get shut down and its one less indian filth account spreading lies and fitna

by the way Mosharraf Zaidi is a former diplomat and a political analyst....he does NOT deserve to be put in the same category as idiots like Jibran Nasir. Zaidi is accomplished and if you read a lot of his stuff its clear he is a nationalist and makes only constructive criticism. Not everything he says I agree with but his intentions are very very good. I have even seen him as a guest on "Times Now" debate and he thrashed the goats out of the indian anchors with his knowledge and his passive aggressive approach
No unloading in India.....What if Pakistan sends suicide bombers on those crowds and cause damage in India??
@Abu Zolfiqar

Now this is how PAkistani terror facilitators help terrorists bleed Pakistan. TMosharraf Zaidi is a USAID mgmt. jerk, who has deep ties with USA. Check how he defending Afghan cockroaches when Ashraf Ghani slapped Pakistan in Heart of Asia conf...
Shamelessly defending this ghaddar, protecting these jerks with labels like 'anti-mullah', 'anti-aswj,. 'liberal', 'blogger', human rights activists'. These har**mzaadas terror facilitators are creating more poison using publications like Express Tribune which is more dangerous

I'm a little outraged.

How much we have helped these Afghans, by building hospitals and Universities for them.
And this is what we get, ungratefulness.
there are sooo many afghans in the UK who came with Pakistani passport and went to other countries as well. these mofo's do drugs and crime which gets put on Pakistan because the documents they had! not only sheltered them but gave them equal rights, treated them like brothers and sisters.

the return is absolute haram khori and namak harami quom. It is our fault as well we should have sent them packing in the 90's and made a secure border on the west as well the price for not doing that then we are paying for it today.
@Abu Zolfiqar

Now this is how PAkistani terror facilitators help terrorists bleed Pakistan. TMosharraf Zaidi is a USAID mgmt. jerk, who has deep ties with USA. Check how he defending Afghan cockroaches when Ashraf Ghani slapped Pakistan in Heart of Asia conf...
Shamelessly defending this ghaddar

he's not military......diplomats try to find areas of common interest. He himself has said Pakistan is a big country, we need to look bigger. Afghanistan has been in perpetual civil war and has contributed NOTHING to the region except refugees (many of them criminals), drug addicts, and narcotics

like i said - i dont agree with everything Zaidi said....we shouldnt HAVE to agree on everything but i know enough about Zaidi to say he's a nationalist and he has Pak's interest at heart. He even implies that giving india space in Afghanistan is a mistake. What he DOESNT do is be hard on Afghan government for allowing TTP haven. And that is where we would disagree.

The Heart of Asia summit, SAARC and these platforms are all talk and little action anyways.......Ghani is a nobody to slap Pakistan, he has so many problems at home - he cant even trust his own security guards.
Forget everything the silence of Mian Moohdhi Nawaz Sharif is criminal, the fat arse bastard who cares more about pleasing india then his own nation needs to be removed FIRST!!!

All these blasts are to divert attention from PANAM & DAWN Scandal!
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