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Time to create Pakistan's very own NSA


Apr 28, 2011
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All the people here who are following developments around the world specially related to defence have clearly noticed various nuclear plants in Iran and other stuff getting blown up again and again specially in past ten days. These are clearly the result of Israel and USA cyber attacks like they did few years ago in form of STUXNET. They seem to be back on track and using Cyber Warfare to cause the damage for which until few years ago you needed to carry out a physical attack or sabotage to achieve that.

Therefore either we I mean Pakistan could try to keep our eyes shut and simply choose to ignore the threat of cyber warfare which if not now, will be knocking on our doors soon or we could establish our own dedicated agency which does following jobs.

  1. Cyber Warfare
  2. Cyber Defence
  5. Helping other Government agencies and private companies in establishing their cyber wings and how to secure their data and protect themselves from cyber attacks.
Yes we have budget constraints but we have to start with whatever we have otherwise good luck in future wars.

@jaibi @Horus @Slav Defence @WebMaster @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan @BLACKEAGLE @PanzerKiel @Foxtrot Alpha @cabatli_53 @Suff Shikan @syed_yusuf @Rafi @MastanKhan @Blacklight @waz @HRK
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We have ignored this aspect of our security so much that right now we are defenseless here. Any determined enemy with a state backing can take Pakistan offline at their own discretion.
Instead of pushing into digital space and taking control we are moving backwards and armed are moving away from technology.
Fully support your argument here , what will be all those economic constraints and considerations worth if enemy takes down your whole banking network in hours? Imagine the loses then.
It has been tried twice to implement this idea but failed both times. Civilian wants more control and a larger playing field in this type of intel institution. On the other hand military establishment and ISI wants a dominant part of it. Same old turf war bullshi*

So until there is trust among civil and military institutions, its a waste of time to think about it.
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These are some great books on Cyber Warfare specially for those who still think this is not that big of a threat. You seriously need to read.
It has been tried twice to implement this idea but failed both times. Civilian wants more control and a larger playing field in this type of intel institution. On the other hand military establishment and ISI wants a dominant part of it. Same old turf war bullshi*

So until there is trust among civil and military institutions, its a waste of time to think about it.
We'll be better off handing control of it over to civilians as at least they would be experts in the field. I have seen the caliber of uniformed software engineers and putting them incharge would be a disaster.
We'll be better off handing control of it over to civilians as at least they would be experts in the field. I have seen the caliber of uniformed software engineers and putting them incharge would be a disaster.

You are right about the capacity issues of military, even US/UK, and western countries have civilians running this type of intel institution with military oversight. But in Pakistan's case its matter of control. The military is happy to bring civilians into the fold but they want the control as they don't trust political leadership (I agree with it in Nawaz sharif's case).

On the other hand politicians don't want another powerful tool on the military establishment's disposal. So until trust issues are resolved we will see the usual bickering and Country will suffer as a result.
All the people here who are following developments around the world specially related to defence have clearly noticed various nuclear plants in Iran and other stuff getting blown up again and again specially in past ten days. These are clearly the result of Israel and USA cyber attacks like they did few years ago in form of STUXNET. They seem to be back on track and using Cyber Warfare to cause the damage for which until few years ago you needed to carry out a physical attack or sabotage to achieve that.

Therefore either we I mean Pakistan could try to keep our eyes shut and simply choose to ignore the threat of cyber warfare which if not now, will be knocking on our doors soon or we could establish our own dedicated agency which does following jobs.

  1. Cyber Warfare
  2. Cyber Defence
  5. Helping other Government agencies and private companies in establishing their cyber wings and how to secure their data and protect themselves from cyber attacks.
Yes we have budget constraints but we have to start with whatever we have otherwise good luck in future wars.

@jaibi @Horus @Slav Defence @WebMaster @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan @BLACKEAGLE @PanzerKiel @Foxtrot Alpha @cabatli_53 @Suff Shikan @syed_yusuf @Rafi @MastanKhan @Blacklight
not this thread again :fie:
I am into it for more then one yr now....currently we are at ground Zero. Some very hardworking and dedicated kids came here to work with Govt /Pakistan...but after spending few months , the got cold response as usual, they went back to their foreign nests....

Very sad state of affairs....
This would require enthusiasts and cyber geeks who don't just pursue this as a job to earn but are extremely passionate about it.
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