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Time for India to Take Down Dawood Ibrahim

So what wrong i said. india using some Pakistani people to create havoc on Pakistan, and same is Pakistan doing with india using its own people, like DI, who is also an indian

That's fine..till he contributed to the mafia gang war away from our shore and in karachi we are fine. ...plus he isn't the only one, there's the bhatkal scum laanthi's who threatened isi if they stop supporting them and ended up joining aq or hafiz mahmood who again threatend Pakistan if they stopped supporting terrorism....All these scums add up to your terrorist landscape and we are fine with it till they keep thems elves to pakistan.
modi?? no way....
what about dawood for rahul gandhi:azn::azn:???

For Rahul we have a gem ourselves.......the undisputed heavyweight king of the world in corruption, blackmailing and incompetence, the one and only ...... Asif Ali Zardari aka Mr. 25%!!
with most of his businesses in dubai...its highly unlikely tat he is in pakistan

Much of his business is in India too. He'd be an easy target for Indian intelligence if he were in Dubai. He is Pakistan's Daamad and well protected there.
But at the end it was your
No, it wasn't 'inefficiency'.

real enemies came from western border
Real enemies? Are you talking about the Taliban and OBL or are you talking about the US? If you're talking about the Taliban, they don't have aircraft. Radars are useless when your enemies come on donkeys and through mountain passes. If you're talking about the USA, no amount of Radars could have picked them up. Difficult terrain + Stealth choppers = very, very hard to detect. When they got out of the difficult terrain (abbotabad, is, by the way, surrounded by mountains), they were detected. If it wasn't for them murdering everyone in the compound and running away, they'd have been shot down.

About your second comment what a deficient brain
You know you've lost the argument when you make these kinds of comments.

Covert operatives wont give invitation before they kill you
And they won't teleport either. If any 'covert operatives' kill Dawood Ibrahim, it would have to be a secret as to who did it, because if India admits they violated Pakistan's sovereignty and launched a covert operation there, it would be an act of war. That is if the ISI doesn't hang your operatives by their balls first.
No trolling on innocent man, deal with Modi first before you come across the border thank you
For Rahul we have a gem ourselves.......the undisputed heavyweight king of the world in corruption, blackmailing and incompetence, the one and only ...... Asif Ali Zardari aka Mr. 25%!!
thik thik lao .. 25% is too much.
No, it wasn't 'inefficiency'.

Real enemies? Are you talking about the Taliban and OBL or are you talking about the US? If you're talking about the Taliban, they don't have aircraft. Radars are useless when your enemies come on donkeys and through mountain passes. If you're talking about the USA, no amount of Radars could have picked them up. Difficult terrain + Stealth choppers = very, very hard to detect. When they got out of the difficult terrain (abbotabad, is, by the way, surrounded by mountains), they were detected. If it wasn't for them murdering everyone in the compound and running away, they'd have been shot down.

You know you've lost the argument when you make these kinds of comments.

And they won't teleport either. If any 'covert operatives' kill Dawood Ibrahim, it would have to be a secret as to who did it, because if India admits they violated Pakistan's sovereignty and launched a covert operation there, it would be an act of war. That is if the ISI doesn't hang your operatives by their balls first.

Instead of Pakistan if it was other nation with a decent radar network they might be soonly pick up their helicopter.

Have you ever heard about covert operation intiated under Rajiv Gandhi?And it was successful.We can do it again if we want.
This message is in reply to the Pakistani who said the US cannot mount an operation in Karachi. The US can mount a special operations mission on any corner of the planet they want. It does not matter whether the city is Anbottabad, Karachi or even Islamabad. There may not be helicopter intrusions but there are other means to send in covert forces. Regardless of whether Dawood Ibrahim is Pakistan's main man or not the US can kill them whenever they want only if they wish to do so.

The US is simply not bothered about South Asia unless it suits her interests. What is Pakistan without US aid and weapons? US drones are bombing Pakistan and do not be surprised if those drones are based and maintained by PAF personnel. The thing is US does not care if India and Pakistan bomb and nuke each other. But the US cares if a Indo-Pak war hurts US interests in the region.

Honestly, The US cannot conduct a successful ground operation in any country which has a stable and well disciplined military unless it has explicit and implicit support of the Establishment and Politicians of that country. Otherwise, the potential risk of things getting out of control become exponentially realistic and dangerous.
What about the 6 months he has in Dubai.. Perhaps India does not have the military or intelligence capability to strike him in Dubai.
Instead of Pakistan if it was other nation with a decent radar network they might be soonly pick up their helicopter.
Ignoring your extremely incoherent grammar, you should note that you made a pure assumption here with zero factual basis. Naturally, like most such assumptions, it is incorrect. No amount of radar coverage can pick up stealth helicopters in the middle of a bunch of mountains. You are delusional if you believe that India or any other 'decent' nation can.
author: Elizabeth Bennett
lol great piece

Dawood Ibrahim is perhaps the most notorious “underworld don” in South Asia, involved in everything from supporting terrorist organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba and now Boko Haram to organized crime and even fixing cricket matches. Dawood’s connection to al-Qaeda, allowing the use of his smuggling routes out of Afghanistan into Pakistan, made him a U.S. Treasury Department’s Specially Designated Terrorist in 2003. He is also wanted by INTERPOL. Most recent reporting has Dawood and his criminal syndicate D-Company headquartered in Pakistan under the protection of the Pakistani ISI.

take away

Dawood Ibrahim is bad influence for cricket
Dawood Ibrahim is partner of Northern Alliance and ISAAF enabling him to smuggle goods from Afghanistan into Pakistan
US treasury department is busy designating people terrorists instead of formulating a monitory policy & monitoring the American economy
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