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Time for German military to take more active role?

italy is the best country in the world. Nowhere its more beautiful. :) Thats why i dont understand this stupid militaristic bla bla here. I would never join an army. I see myself as too good for that. I love life and would never waste it for such nonsense.
what if every one in italia said that ?
@Nihonjin1051 - You have called for 'Germany should awaken'. Sounds eerily close to Deustcheland Erwache. :D

I'm sure and confident that our German Brothers have learned of the unfortunate circumstances of the last war. The same for Japan. It has been over 75 years since Germany started a war. They are a responsible, and powerful nation. As the economic machine of the entire EU, they should also carry their own weight militarily.
That was bound to happen. Either from here or there. :D Complacency defeated Germany. Nothing else. :P

Starting a two-front war was the largest mistake of our German Brothers. In defense of the Wehrmacht, they involved in not only the Eastern Front with the Russians, but had also forces in North Africa and Mideast, then defending the Italian Theater, then the Atlantic Wall. At the same time trying to defend against Allied Bombing Raids.

Given the circumstance , the Germans proved their military worth. Save for their bloody business involving the Jews, the Gypsies, and political prisoners.
I don´t think so. Why should germany build up a bigger military? We are EU now. We should build up a EU military and not individual little member armies who don´t coordinate each other.

At the same time Germany is the Largest nation in Western Europe. Literally in terms of economics (greatest economy), and in terms of population (over 80 million Germans). Germany, as the spinal cord of the EU, has to do more.
Impressive Prussian-Style Military March, a tradition preserved by the German Bundeswehr:

At the same time Germany is the Largest nation in Western Europe. Literally in terms of economics (greatest economy), and in terms of population (over 80 million Germans). Germany, as the spinal cord of the EU, has to do more.
:lol: I see you wish Germany to follow Japans' footstep in re-militarization, i don't think the majority of Germany has the urge to revive this spirit at the current time or any time soon.
At the same time Germany is the Largest nation in Western Europe.

Germany is not a western European country. Germany has been under Hunnic influence since the early days. Germans put words together into very long words like Asian people do :rofl:
Germany is not a western European country. Germany has been under Hunnic influence since the early days. Germans put words together into very long words like Asian people do :rofl:
Which doesn't mean Germans are not indigenous.
The Huns came from the East, but there already lived people in the West.

The Huns were a nomadic group of people who are known to have lived in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.The Huns first appeared in Europe in the 4th century. In 395 the Huns began their first large-scale attack on the Eastern Roman Empire. In 451, Attila's forces entered Gaul
Huns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A suggested path of Hunnic movement westwards

The Barbarian invasions of the 5th century were triggered by the destruction of the Gothic kingdoms by the Huns in 372-375. The city of Rome was captured and looted by the Visigoths in 410 and by the Vandals in 455

The Germanic tribes are thought to date from the Nordic Bronze Age or the Pre-Roman Iron Age. From southern Scandinavia and north Germany, they expanded south, east and west from the 1st century BC, coming into contact with the Celtic tribes of Gaul as well as Iranian, Baltic, and Slavic tribes in Central and Eastern Europe.[27] Under Augustus, Rome began to invade Germania (an area extending roughly from the Rhine to the Ural Mountains). In AD 9, three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus were defeated by the Cheruscan leader Arminius. By AD 100, when Tacitus wrote Germania, Germanic tribes had settled along the Rhine and the Danube (Limes Germanicus), occupying most of the area of modern Germany; Austria, southern Bavaria and the western Rhineland, however, were Roman provinces.[28]
In the 3rd century a number of large West Germanic tribes emerged: Alemanni, Franks, Chatti, Saxons, Frisii, Sicambri, and Thuringii. Around 260, the Germanic peoples broke into Roman-controlled lands.[29] After an invasion by the Huns in 375, and with the decline of Rome from 395, Germanic tribes moved further south-west. Simultaneously several large tribes formed in what is now Germany and displaced the smaller Germanic tribes. Large areas (known since the Merovingian period as Austrasia) were occupied by the Franks, and Northern Germany was ruled by the Saxons and Slavs.[28]
Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hunnic Empire 420–469 at its peak under Attila (in power in 445):

Once the Hun political unity failed the ethnos lacked a way to re-create it, especially because the Huns had become a multiethnic empire even before Attila. The Hun Empire included, at least nominally, a great host of diverse peoples, each of whom may be considered "successors" of the Huns. However, given that the Huns were a political creation, and not a consolidated people, or nation, their defeat in 454 marked the end of that political creation. Newer polities which later arose might have consisted of people formerly in the Hun confederacy, and carrying closely related steppe cultures, but they represented new political creations

Locations of Hun successor states in 500 AD

Frisians Rule!
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OH, we neighbours really really don't like this stuff....

The night march is not a Nazi creation, however, it was a Prussian military tradition. It predates even the rise of the Nazi Party , or even Adolf Hitler.

Let's examine, shall we?

This symbolizes the beauty of German military tradition.

Note: The Prussian Eagle in their banner, compare that to the Imperial Prussian Eagle:

The night march is not a Nazi creation, however, it was a Prussian military tradition. It predates even the rise of the Nazi Party , or even Adolf Hitler.

Let's examine, shall we?

This symbolizes the beauty of German military tradition.

Moving back in time .... WW1, Franco–Prussian War of 1870, ... still we don't like it much

thats why italy is beautiful. We dont allow immigrants among us. They are put in ghettos.

what if every one in italia said that ?

I speak for myself, not for evryone. Individualism is something many oriental cultures lack i guess. Italy is safe, secure and in no danger. Give me a reason why i should join military?
Balony. What is your substantiation for this? WHat evidence? What German general (as if there is only one). Likewise the GDR army is little without Warsaw pact support. The Germany on Germany scenario would NEVER have taken place without conflict between the blocks and the power of GDR military derived from Russian military support an equipment. West Germany simply didn't have enough strategic depth to absorb an all out attack, whereas behind East Germany would come Poland and then ... and then ...

Königsberg (until 1946 officially: Königsberg i. Pr.) is the former name of Kaliningrad (Калинингра́д) in the Russian Federation. It was the easternmost large city in Germany until it was captured by the Soviet Union near the end of World War II.
Königsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East Prussia: Southern part to Poland and Northern part to Soviet Russia.
East Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of East Germany's proximity to the West during the Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91), its military forces were among the most advanced of the Warsaw Pact. Defining what was a military force and what was not is a matter of some dispute. See East Germany wiki.


West Germany v East Germany


West+East Germany v the old Germany (Potsdam: the Allies (incl Russia) jointly occupied Germany west of the Oder–Neisse line.

View attachment 160025
Prussia (blue), at its peak, the leading state of the German Empire


Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East Prussia (red), within the Kingdom of Prussia, within the German Empire, as of 1871.
East Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So much BLA about East Prussia.....

GDR: traditional USPD/SPD country.
Unabhängige Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands USPD > split of left wing of the SPD, later merged with the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAPD). > Communist
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands SPD > Social Democratic Party
Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deutschnationale Volkspartei DNVP > . Conservative nationalis party , an alliance of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements, supported by the Pan-German League.
German National People's Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bayerische Volkspartei BVP > Conservatice Bavarian Catholics
Bavarian People's Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deutsche Zentrumspartei (Zentrum) > Catholics


(East) Prussia over 55% NSDAP!
Too few soldiers, too little time: the People's Army of the GDR could win West Germany and throughout one week to reach the borders of the Netherlands, according to a former general of the Bundeswehr Hanno von Kilmansegg.
Kalter Krieg: Warum die NVA den Westen erobert hätte - DIE WELT

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