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Time for German military to take more active role?

German men mostly died in WW2. These days they are mostly of Turkish immigrant origin. Yeah, the culture is still there, but the fighting spirit isn't there anymore.
for what? dying for America? We have some of the most peaceful neighborhood in the world
I don´t think so. Why should germany build up a bigger military? We are EU now. We should build up a EU military and not individual little member armies who don´t coordinate each other.
German men mostly died in WW2. These days they are mostly of Turkish immigrant origin. Yeah, the culture is still there, but the fighting spirit isn't there anymore.

bullshit like usually. I mean serious, why do you always write down absolute nonsense and rubbish? In numbers, not even 2% of men were killed in WW II. Turks today do not mix with germans. They basicly live in ghettos. You should not judge nations you never visited.
bullshit like usually. I mean serious, why do you always write down absolute nonsense and rubbish? In numbers, not even 2% of men were killed in WW II. Turks today do not mix with germans. They basicly live in ghettos. You should not judge nations you never visited.

6 million German men died in WW2, out of a population of 60 million, out of 30 million men, out of 15 million adult men, that's more than a third. Not to mention the number who were crippled.
6 million German men died in WW2, out of a population of 60 million, out of 30 million men, out of 15 million adult men, that's more than a third. Not to mention the number who were crippled.

funny how you ignore that almost no german / turkish mixing exists and turks complain nonstop to basicly live in ghettos.

And nope. It did not die 6 million german men. Since death as german men was evrybody numbered who was in the german army. This included basicly any european ethnicity as well as even some iranians.
& the Japan Also must regain its economic might
That was bound to happen. Either from here or there. :D Complacency defeated Germany. Nothing else. :P
No I think hilter invasion of Soviets russia was blunder but he has no alternative. the resources of Germany were not enough to withstand such long war although if he had effectively coordinated his battle strategies perhaps Third reich might not have fallen . although it's bad for humanity although:confused::confused:
The Germans need to reform their constitution as well. I don't see why our German Brothers should remain benign.

They have always been a proud, and powerful military nation. Long have the Prussian Army been an idol of foreign armies.

Germania needs to awaken again.
Don't agree. Germany has one of the best constitutions as is.
Not gonna happen.Not in current political climate.Should read what Minister Of Defense has said about readiness of German Army.Of course most probably situation is not so bad.It was just a polite NO for calls from NATO for more active participation of German Army.Basically in normal language was a simple FU NATO - wanna engage in silly games.Sure be my guest but Germany not gonna participate in.Also Merkel is getting under increased attack at home-from both politicians and business groups.Pushing for bigger activity in NATO to put it mildly very questionable activities under her watch when there is no sign of end for West sanction games against Russia(and inflicting more damage to German economy) is last thing she needs. So despite desire of USA(NATO=USA for those who cant get such simple reality) and their media arm( " truth " loving MSM) Germany will stay at current course.
You mean, ASIDE from the fact that most NATO countries (many of which suffered Nazi German occupation) don't want a larger German role !?....
funny how you ignore that almost no german / turkish mixing exists and turks complain nonstop to basicly live in ghettos.

And nope. It did not die 6 million german men. Since death as german men was evrybody numbered who was in the german army. This included basicly any european ethnicity as well as even some iranians.
Sure, as if Italy is any better....

The German Red Cross in 2005 put the total combined German military and civilian war dead at 7,375,800, including ethnic Germans outside of Germany and Austrians. This figure includes 4.3 million military dead and missing, 500,000 killed by strategic bombing, 300,000 victims of Nazi political, racial and religious persecution, 2,251,500 civilian dead in expulsions and 24,300 Austrian civilians. In addition 200,000 Germans were murdered in the Nazi euthanasia program
German casualties in World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The best warriors of Germany were Prussians. I mean - East Prussia, Konigsberg. East Germans were better warriors than Western. I once read an interview with the German general. He said that without the help of NATO FRG could resist the Army of the GDR no more than one week.
Balony. What is your substantiation for this? WHat evidence? What German general (as if there is only one). Likewise the GDR army is little without Warsaw pact support. The Germany on Germany scenario would NEVER have taken place without conflict between the blocks and the power of GDR military derived from Russian military support an equipment. West Germany simply didn't have enough strategic depth to absorb an all out attack, whereas behind East Germany would come Poland and then ... and then ...

Königsberg (until 1946 officially: Königsberg i. Pr.) is the former name of Kaliningrad (Калинингра́д) in the Russian Federation. It was the easternmost large city in Germany until it was captured by the Soviet Union near the end of World War II.
Königsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East Prussia: Southern part to Poland and Northern part to Soviet Russia.
East Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of East Germany's proximity to the West during the Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91), its military forces were among the most advanced of the Warsaw Pact. Defining what was a military force and what was not is a matter of some dispute. See East Germany wiki.


West Germany v East Germany


West+East Germany v the old Germany (Potsdam: the Allies (incl Russia) jointly occupied Germany west of the Oder–Neisse line.


Prussia (blue), at its peak, the leading state of the German Empire


Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East Prussia (red), within the Kingdom of Prussia, within the German Empire, as of 1871.
East Prussia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So much BLA about East Prussia.....

GDR: traditional USPD/SPD country.
Unabhängige Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands USPD > split of left wing of the SPD, later merged with the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAPD). > Communist
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands SPD > Social Democratic Party
Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deutschnationale Volkspartei DNVP > . Conservative nationalis party , an alliance of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements, supported by the Pan-German League.
German National People's Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bayerische Volkspartei BVP > Conservatice Bavarian Catholics
Bavarian People's Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deutsche Zentrumspartei (Zentrum) > Catholics


(East) Prussia over 55% NSDAP!
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italy is the best country in the world. Nowhere its more beautiful. :) Thats why i dont understand this stupid militaristic bla bla here. I would never join an army. I see myself as too good for that. I love life and would never waste it for such nonsense.
Italy's new ghetto?
In the nation that housed the first ghetto, a new segregation is taking place. The persecution of Roma gypsies is shocking
Tana de Zulueta: In the nation that housed the first ghetto, now Roma gypsies are being segregated | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Fun and Games at Italy's Largest Immigrant Ghetto | VICE | United States
Amnesty fear as Italy closes immigrant ghetto - TelegraphThe Rights of Immigrant Workers in the European Union: An Evaluation of the ... - Joanna Apap - Google Boeken
That was bound to happen. Either from here or there. :D Complacency defeated Germany. Nothing else. :P
That could be construed as an insult to all the military and civilans from many countries that died in the proces of ridding the world from the Nazi regime....

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