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Tillerson Receives Cold Welcome During Pakistan Visit

Tillerson is a businessman, not a diplomat. Such things like diplomatic protocol don't mean anything to him. He gets to the point. It's a refreshing change from the diplomatic BS we normally see.
Whether businessman or a janitor, he came here as US secretary of state on an official visit and will be extended the diplomatic protocol but we are still awed that why did our PM and COAS met him.
Both your COAS and CM were there to meet US secretary of the state... if this is cold then what's hot shoulder. Pakistan should have let him meet only his counterpart: a major general from army and a foreign minister from the civilian side.

The parliament passed rule of engagement a few days ago but the govt ignored its own resolution and parliament thus this parliament has lost its value.

Apparently they violated NA Resolution dictating US officials can only meet their opposite number. Tillerson met with the PM, army chief and ISI DG and everyone else in the same room. This is certainly not a cold shoulder.

At some point Pakistan will have to behave like a nuclear power and start trusting its inherent powers and position rather than fold at every turn.

Another disappointment from the civilian and military leadership
If this is cold then what is warm relations. There is no need of army chief or PM to meet this idiot. Khawaja asif or some brigadier can do the job well done.
We should have just ask him to first request permission for visa before arriving uninvited , we haver other urgent matter to attend

We have important local matter to attend security , economy and other important item we don't have time for Trump and Tillerson

There won't be anything drastic till next year when elections take place till the we have to simply say sorry visit next year we are busy

Costs 5-6 Million to arrange for security and we can't be wasting funds for uninvited guests


Let him Squat and put some effort
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Apparently they violated NA Resolution dictating US officials can only meet their opposite number. Tillerson met with the PM, army chief and ISI DG and everyone else in the same room. This is certainly not a cold shoulder.

At some point Pakistan will have to behave like a nuclear power and start trusting its inherent powers and position rather than fold at every turn.

Another disappointment from the civilian and military leadership
I think our leadership both civilian and military does not believe in delegating powers. Even a CEO of a midsize company behaves better than our leaders.

When I started my business, me and my partner were the only people so we had to do everything from dealing with the customers to installing the systems at their premises but now I have managers to whom I have delegated most of my responsibilities / powers.
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I think our leadership both civilian and military does not believe in delegating powers. Even a CEO of a midsize company behaves better than our leaders.

When I started my business, me and my partner were the only people so we had to do everything from dealing with the customers to installing the systems at their premises but now I have managers to whom I have delegated most of my responsibilities / powers to them.

I think it’s more than delegation of responsibility issue. The humiliating tone they are addressed, it makes one think of the Pakistani leadership as bunch of school boys in front of a headmaster. Utterly humiliating stuff.
Well we should giver Tillerson the cold shoulder.

This baboon can only say bad things about Pakistan.

We Pakistanis have suffered a lot in the war on terrorism or rather the "war of terrorism."
Whether businessman or a janitor, he came here as US secretary of state on an official visit and will be extended the diplomatic protocol but we are still awed that why did our PM and COAS met him.

It would' be a good idea just for Tillerson to meet FM Asif. I thought Pakistan wanted to keep things equal to US. Don't remember FM Asif meeting with President Trump. Strange.

We should have just ask him to first request permission for visa before arriving uninvited , we haver other urgent matter to attend

Tillerson wasn't an uninvited guest. Whether he asked to come to Pakistan, or was invited to come, Tillerson is not an uninvited guest. If Pakistan didn't want him to visit, they would say so to US. But he was going to visit Afghanistan and India anyway, and there will be some folks here then asking why Tillerson ignored Pakistan. I saw this as clearing of the air. That's all.
I think it’s more than delegation of responsibility issue. The humiliating tone they are addressed, it makes one think of the Pakistani leadership as bunch of school boys in front of a headmaster. Utterly humiliating stuff.
I think it is a combo of both (1) the lack of the dignity and self respect and (2) delegation of powers and trusting their subordinates with responsibilities.

If I was in their boots and I knew that the bully is coming with a "do more" attitude, I would ask even my foreign minister to become "sick" and order the foreign secretary to meet Mr Tillerson and order the COAS to send a brigadier to the meeting. US sec. then may ask as much "do more" as he wants and all they reply is "we have noted your concerns and will convey to the right authorities"
I think it is a combo of both (1) the lack of the dignity and self respect and (2) delegation of powers and trusting their subordinates with responsibilities.

If I was in their boots and I knew that the bully is coming with a "do more" attitude, I would ask even my foreign minister to become "sick" and order the foreign secretary to meet Mr Tillerson and order the COAS to send a brigadier to the meeting. US sec. then may ask as much "do more" as he wants and all they reply is "we have noted your concerns and will convey to the right authorities"

Or have a very weird press conference with hostile press and rebut every silly allegation they make aggressively. There’s no room for meek stunts in diplomacy. It only invites aggression.
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