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Tibetans killed by Chinese Forces ; Nun self-immolates protesting

they dont have any choice,if given ammunition or suicide belts,they will create blunder for you people.
but that's not a way in tibetan ideology and you must be happy for this

I guess this is the tibetan ideology you were talking about. They prefer beating people to death instead of bombs, much better.
Sensationalist propaganda by Indians I bet. Indian need to stop bashing China and look at themselve. I don't see the Chinese press or people this obsessed with India as India are obsessed with China. What is the deal?
Sensationalist propaganda by Indians I bet. Indian need to stop bashing China and look at themselve. I don't see the Chinese press or people this obsessed with India as India are obsessed with China. What is the deal?

leave about indians,i know how much your kids are brainwashed about tibetans:lol:
Sensationalist propaganda by Indians I bet. Indian need to stop bashing China and look at themselve. I don't see the Chinese press or people this obsessed with India as India are obsessed with China. What is the deal?
Sir we and chinese don't believe in taking army into others terrritories and tell them that u r our friend and attack on their innocent people,just becoz yor CIA was unable to stop 9/11.So u won't understand this issue.Also u have 2 pay the debt so be ready to pay and remember be afraid of """""CHINA""""""""it is coming.....he ha ha ha...
Really? Perhaps such apathy toward human life explains why that kid was run over and no one came to her aid. One less mouth to feed.

Amazingly incredible!

“apathy toward human life” was uttered by a person from the country where 2,000,000 children ruthlessly killed every year!

The biggest “apathy toward human life” is in the country where 2,000,000 mouths to feed every year.
Amazingly incredible!

“apathy toward human life” was uttered by a person from the country where 2,000,000 children ruthlessly killed every year!

The biggest “apathy toward human life” is in the country where 2,000,000 mouths to feed every year.

thats not apathy , its called "economic ability" . Besides China is worse than India in those matters- just that its govt fudges its numbers - so one can't truely benchmark it.

Apathy on the other hand is America's democracy towards some its nefarious citizenry. - If I go screaming in bejing that Govt sucks . Poof! I'll be detained and tortured. Its apathy that allows your existence in the US OF A ( ironical aint it?)
Apathy on the other hand is America's democracy towards some its nefarious citizenry. - If I go screaming in bejing that Govt sucks . Poof! I'll be detained and tortured. Its apathy that allows your existence in the US OF A ( ironical aint it?)

The Chinese government sucks! They are all a$$holes!

F*ck Hu Jintao!!!

Now I am waiting. :rofl:
Amazingly incredible!

“apathy toward human life” was uttered by a person from the country where 2,000,000 children ruthlessly killed every year!

The biggest “apathy toward human life” is in the country where 2,000,000 mouths to feed every year.
being the worlds leader in economy what did you do the rest of the world to save human lives, oh I forgot you bombed most of the civilization in the name of cleaning a mess of terrorist in Iraq, Afgan, Pakistan, Libiya, Yemen, etc....
Forgot to say that you were the ones in human history to use N Bombs to flaten 2 fully developed cities.
Do not lecture us on what you do not understand, we did not get our freedom 260 years before to see the level of development that you have achieved, give us another 50 years and your country will be in Third place, next to China and India in every aspect, unless your brilient CIA comes up with a plan to put India and China in a collision path.
The Chinese government sucks! They are all a$$holes!

F*ck Hu Jintao!!!

Now I am waiting. :rofl:
Can you do that in front of the CPC's building?

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Oh lord - the poor kid thinks " the internets" = Bejing .
Next he is going to think that China invented the Internet.
Why not? People do it all the time. :lol:

Millions of petitioners come to Beijing every single year to complain about the Government.
:lol: So now a profane insult that has nothing to do with a problem is considered a 'petition'. I doubt if YOU can find the CPC's building, let alone have the courage to approach it.
:lol: So now a profane insult that has nothing to do with a problem is considered a 'petition'. I doubt if YOU can find the CPC's building, let alone have the courage to approach it.

Why don't you come over here and try it yourself? :lol: It's not exactly hard to find Government buildings, they are usually in the central area of most cities, I pass by them most days of the week.

But you run away from Communists don't you, like the ones in North Vietnam? :P
Why don't you come over here and try it yourself? :lol: It's not exactly hard to find Government buildings, they are usually in the central area of most cities, I pass by them most days of the week.
Your lame attempt to portray China as the equal of US in terms of rights and freedoms have failed. Spectacularly.

But you run away from Communists don't you, like the ones in North Vietnam? :P
At least I have an excuse: I was a child. What is your excuse today as an adult? You like being a sheeple?

You dont even have to stand in front of buildings

By GILLIAN WONG - Associated Press Writer

BEIJING -- A Chinese court jailed three people Friday who posted material on the Internet to help an illiterate woman pressure authorities to reinvestigate her daughter's death, one defendant's lawyer said, in a trial that attracted scores of supporters

China begins trial against human rights activist
authorities in Beijing on Friday began the trial against Wang Lihong, one of the dozens of human rights activists the government detained earlier this year as part of a crackdown on dissidents in the country. Wang is charged with one count of creating a disturbance [AFP report] for allegedly utilizing the Internet to attempt organizing anti-government demonstrations during the recent period of similar unrest in Middle Eastern and African countries. Her supporters contend that the offense of "creating a disturbance" is purposefully ambiguous, and that it is frequently levied against vocal government opponents.


Chinese government often uses the subversion of state power and the protection of state secret clause to imprison those who are critical of the government.[7]

The government is also heavily involved in censoring news through the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China, even though no state law explicitly gives it such authority.

The Chinese government promised to issue permits allowing people to protest in 'protest parks' during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing,[8] but a majority of the applications were withdrawn, suspended, or vetoed,[9] and the police detained some of the people who applied.[10]

References to certain controversial events and political movements are blocked on the Internet and in many publications.[11] Chinese law forbids the advocacy of independence for any part of its territory, as well as public challenge to CPC domination of the government of China. An unauthorized protest during the Olympics by seven foreign activists at the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park, demanding Tibetan independence and blocking the park's entrance, was cleared[12] and the protesters deported.[13]
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