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Tibetans killed by Chinese Forces ; Nun self-immolates protesting

good```one less waste needs to be fed with our hard earned money
RIP to the innocent Tibetans, shame on you china :tdown: :tdown:

The brutal cpc dictators have crushed its own people under military tanks and in the name of cultural revolution, giant leap etc. etc. its nothing surprising.
[/COLOR]China police fire on Tibetans, nun burns to death: Report

BEIJING: Chinese police shot and injured two Tibetan protesters in southwestern China last Sunday, and a Tibetan nun burned herself to death the following day, a group advocating self-determination for Tibet said, the latest in months of protests.

The self-immolation and the protests signal that anger is swelling in Aba county, a mainly ethnic Tibetan part of Sichuan province that has been the centre of defiance against Chinese control.

Rights groups say the unrest could provoke Beijing to stage a renewed crackdown in Aba, which erupted in violence in March 2008 when Buddhist monks and other Tibetan people loyal to the exiled Dalai Lama, their traditional religious leader, confronted police and troops.

The condition and whereabouts of the two casualties, Dawa and Druklo, are unknown, the London-based Free Tibet group said.

Elsewhere in Sichuan, a 20-year-old nun, Tenzin Wangmo, set fire to herself on Monday afternoon outside a nunnery, three km (1.8 miles) from Aba county, the ninth self-immolation this year in the Tibetan parts of China, Free Tibet said.

She had called for religious freedom in Tibet and for the return of the Dalai Lama as she set herself alight, the group said.

Her death comes seven months after a Tibetan Buddhist monk, Phuntsog, 21, from the restive Kirti monastery, burned himself to death. That prompted a crackdown, with security forces detaining about 300 Tibetan monks for a month. .

A Sichuan government propaganda official surnamed Yuan told Reuters that she knew "nothing about the two cases so far".

Free Tibet said that it was not known why security personnel opened fire on Dawa and Druklo, adding that one was shot in the leg and the other, in the torso. It did not specify who suffered what injury.

"Information from Tibet suggests there are more who are willing to give their lives, determined to draw global attention to the persistent and brutal violations Tibetans suffer under Chinese occupation," Free Tibet Director Stephanie Brigden said in a statement sent late on Monday.

"The acts of self-immolation are not taking place in isolation, protests have been reported in the surrounding region and calls for wider protests are growing."

Brigden said that the group has "grave concerns that greater force may be deployed if protests spread".

Nine ethnic Tibetans, eight of them from Aba prefecture, have burned themselves since March to protest against religious controls by the Chinese government, which labels the Dalai Lama a violent separatist, charges he strongly denies.

However, the protests have yet to spread to what China calls the Tibet Autonomous Region, which Beijing has controlled since Communist troops marched in 1950. It says its rule has bought much needed development to a poor and backward region.

China police fire on Tibetans, nun burns to death: Report - The Times of India
no human rights.........so what else we can expect.

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

Dude,anti-china thread is not allowed in PDF

only anti-India :sniper:
Really? Perhaps such apathy toward human life explains why that kid was run over and no one came to her aid. One less mouth to feed.

which occurs in India million times a day as million starving to death, and one of this happened we feel ashamed, but indians``lol what can i say, they laughing at their own millions of unfortunate dead due to their incompetent government to feed and clean their own citizen.
RIP to the innocent Tibetans, shame on you china :tdown: :tdown:

The brutal cpc dictators have crushed its own people under military tanks and in the name of cultural revolution, giant leap etc. etc. its nothing surprising.

RIP to those Maoist who dead under the dirty guns of India mafia government, they fought for their very basic freedom, such as education, food, social equality and justice. those murdered millions of Indian minorities will come back to haunt this evil government which holds the world biggest starving population as the sad hostage
Only the worst kind of soul laughs at a Nun's death. You may not have any apathy with the cause of non violence but to laugh and ridicule it--- shows a deep failing in the upbringing.
RIP to the dead, I will neither support the Tibetiens demand or that of the CCP's actions.
When a protest goes out of control, police has to restore order and that action some times leave some one dead.
The best advice to the Tibets is to restore to non-violent protest and if the CCP brings a censorship on what is happening, make a video tape and publish it in the internet form some other country, so that let the world leaders if find attrocities by CCP forces, lay pressure on the CCP.
For the indian members, if we say that CCP can not enact special acts on disturbed lands, then we should not either enforce Armed Forces Special Powers act in Kashmir or any other state. Let the Chinese Government decide what is best for its people. I hope China is not prepared to commite genocide on its own people and does not consider Tibetiens as 2nd grade citizens.

@rcmj, kindly respect life, do not give comments such as the earlier comments you have given
It's a very powerful message that the nun lit herself on fire. History repeats itself yet again but this time it's going to be China.
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