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Tibet issue

So you want me to tell you what a South Indian (granted a Tamil) told me what "North Indians" did to them ... when I was in my ESL class?

And you want me to relay what a few North Indians said to me about South Indians over the years? I will give you but one partial example ... I was in high school and an Indian-origined pupil was joking quite amicably with a Pakistani-origined pupil quite amicably (I kid you not ... in fact, I found that North Indians hang out with Pakistanis, at least in high school. Universities were different) ... and the subject was Bengalis and war ... and boththe Indian and the Pakistani pupils were derogatory. Well, boys will be boys I suppose.

Mind you, the said (North) Indian also had choice words about West Indians ... and how they were descended.

The rest were just the history I learned. I am not saying all that "history" was accurate, since a good portion of it was written/influenced by the Brits.

Anyways, the other examples are quite personal and not particularly pleasant indeed, if you don't mind.

I could also tell about personal communication about what the Miaos and Huis (Chinese Muslims) have to say about Hans.

But then let it pass, since personal anecdotes are hardly cognisable in a forum discussion - something like Tibetans and Chinese are blood brothers, but the Japanese are not!!
Of course they balked. It is one thing to attack an unprepared nation but when push comes to shove, they just don't have it in them. It's as absurd as Hitler's forces entering Stalingrad when the Soviets were not expecting it - capturing it and then withdrawing back to Berlin as the Soviets regrouped. Haha - and that is a victory!

why were we not prepared..because nehru and krishna menon thought that the forward policywill not break out into war..it was our foolishness to think so.
I don't agree with you because you are a retard. No other reason.

As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

And I was so nice to even look it up for them.

They were kicked out ??? Do you have any sources for this or is this another figment of your fertile imagination like a fictional victory in a so-called war?
The length people will go to, in order escape humiliation in their own minds.

Facts are difficult to digest, right?

Debunk them and prove you are correct!

The length to what people will do throw sand in the eyes when they are found to be wanting in facts!!

Humiliation to Hanise people is even worse. Calling people who refuses to be Hans as barbarians and primitive!!
Typical Chinese way to push a canard repeatedly to make it a 'truth'!

Machiavellian, to say the least.

Throughout I have said, India recognises that Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

Truth? I think the truth is very obvious. China conquered Tibet. Chinese are the overlords in Tibet and that is the truth. I don't understand what you are trying to convince here.:what:
Indians can keep up their "lip service" regarding tibet issue, but the reality is tibet will be part of China whether you like it or not,
its "undisputed" not like a shameless country "illegally" occupying Kashmir with a brutal force of 700000.
Personally, i wish China should show more support to people of IOK. Wonder why the international community turn a blind eye on this issue.
Still doesn't explain why Chinese citizens seek refuge in India but Indians don't ask for refugee status in China. Imagine the plight and state of the poor Chinese people when they have migrate to India - a poor nation with a bad education system and so much poverty because the Chinese citizens think they have a chance at a better life in India. Now I understand why you must conform to the Chinese line of thought - even if you are in Morgantown, you must have friends and family in China and by agreeing with me you might put their lives in danger. It is ok, I understand.
Chinese citizens seek refuge in India is for better environment to live in,I think.Warm weather of India attract anyone,isn't it?
Facts are difficult to digest, right?

Buddy, you keep claiming that you give out "facts"... but you don't actually do that. :lol:

On the other thread, all the posters were laughing at you because you kept making the most fundamental mistakes. You just glanced over Wikipedia, and decided to write something illogical that everyone called you out on.
I don't agree with you because you are a retard. No other reason.

As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

And I was so nice to even look it up for them.

There are none more abusive to others than they that lie most open to it themselves.

Imagine that Tibetan were kicked out from their OWN LAND and it is proudly stated!

If that is not imperialism, then what is?
Look Ray. Maybe people in Defence Forum of India agree with you every time you make a comment.

On here you are no more then a unpleasant surprise on peoples shoes.
Chinese citizens seek refuge in India is for better environment to live in,I think.Warm weather of India attract anyone,isn't it?

Please provide them with basic amenities like heat in the winters - perhaps they will then stop asking for refugee status. We are not a rich country - I do realize we provide a better alternative to China for a variety of reasons - but refugees from Bangladesh and China stretch our already thin resources - do your best to keep them in your country.
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