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Tibet issue

I am not being snarky ... maybe a little short alright.

But how am I going to "enlighten you" about things relayed to me as "personal communications"? Where do you think I heard the word "Dravidian" from? Not from Google I tell you ...

You have internet, books, history, and people around you. Really, if you wish to be "enlightened", you will find sources, particularly given where you are.

Could you share some of your 'personal communications' (I hope they're not too 'personal' :oops:)
Since chromosomes have been brought in.

On the paternal side, southern Hans and northern Hans share similar frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups (Supplementary Table 2), which are characterized by two haplogroups carrying the M122-C mutations (O3-M122 and O3e-M134) that are prevalent in almost all Han populations studied (mean and range: 53.8%, 37–71%; 54.2%, 35–74%, for northern and southern Hans, respectively).

Haplogroups carrying M119-C (O1* and O1b) and/or M95-T (O2a* and O2a1) (following the nomenclature of the Y Chromosome Consortium) which are prevalent in southern natives, are more frequent in southern Hans (19%, 3–42%) than in northern Hans (5%, 1–10%). In addition, haplogroups O1b-M110, O2a1-M88 and O3d-M7, which are prevalent in southern natives17, were only observed in some southern Hans (4% on average), but not in northern Hans.

Therefore, the contribution of southern natives in southern Hans is limited, if we assume that the frequency distribution of Y lineages in southern natives
represents that before the expansion of Han culture that started 2,000 yr ago5. The results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) further indicate that northern Hans and southern Hans are not significantly different in their Y haplogroups (FST ¼ 0.006, P . 0.05), demonstrating that southern Hans bear
a high resemblance to northern Hans in their male lineages.

On the maternal side, however, the mtDNA haplogroup distribution showed substantial differentiation between northern Hans and southern Hans (Supplementary Table 3).

It does indicate much about the chromosomes, the original identity of the people of the two regions and how it was 'merged'.

And it is not Wikipedia for the usual debunking brigade up in arms to obfuscate filling everything with irrelevance and not permit sane discussion.
Having said that, I believe that the PRC mishandled Tibet ... particularly since Mao brought Cultural Revolution there. In fact a "Vatican-in-Lhasa" is not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

BTW, we all know that India's North East is not that stable. Ethnically, culturally, and linguistically.

But there is no need to add to the "instability".

I believe in peace and good will to men. I don't particularly look forward to the "end time", despite being an evangelical.

That is absolute correct.

In fact, there is a great variety in the population of India in every way, not only in the NE, but everywhere.
On the paternal side, southern Hans and northern Hans share similar frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups (Supplementary Table 2), which are characterized by two haplogroups carrying the M122-C mutations (O3-M122 and O3e-M134) that are prevalent in almost all Han populations studied (mean and range: 53.8%, 37–71%; 54.2%, 35–74%, for northern and southern Hans, respectively).

Haplogroups carrying M119-C (O1* and O1b) and/or M95-T (O2a* and O2a1) (following the nomenclature of the Y Chromosome Consortium) which are prevalent in southern natives, are more frequent in southern Hans (19%, 3–42%) than in northern Hans (5%, 1–10%). In addition, haplogroups O1b-M110, O2a1-M88 and O3d-M7, which are prevalent in southern natives17, were only observed in some southern Hans (4% on average), but not in northern Hans.

Therefore, the contribution of southern natives in southern Hans is limited, if we assume that the frequency distribution of Y lineages in southern natives
represents that before the expansion of Han culture that started 2,000 yr ago5. The results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) further indicate that northern Hans and southern Hans are not significantly different in their Y haplogroups (FST ¼ 0.006, P . 0.05), demonstrating that southern Hans bear
a high resemblance to northern Hans in their male lineages.

On the maternal side, however, the mtDNA haplogroup distribution showed substantial differentiation between northern Hans and southern Hans (Supplementary Table 3).

It does indicate much about the chromosomes, the original identity and how it was 'merged'.

Just knew it ... DNA studies! And how is that at variance with what Tiger born in 1986 just wrote?

But how? By "humiliation" or "dowry" or "gun powder" or "tribal council"? Yep, DNA studies tell you how ... in the absence of historical reference.

Look, Chimps are 99% homologous with humans, so did Chimps "humiliate" human ancestors or vice versa?
Lets get to the heart of the matter.

Tik Tam Tam wants China to give up Tibet because he feels it is illegal.

Here is the reality. We don't give a damn and if a country has the balls they are free to try and take it from us.
Lets get to the heart of the matter.

Tik Tam Tam wants China to give up Tibet because he feels it is illegal.

Here is the reality. We don't give a damn and if a country has the balls they are free to try and take it from us.

Typical Chinese way to push a canard repeatedly to make it a 'truth'!

Machiavellian, to say the least.

Throughout I have said, India recognises that Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

Let us not spread falsehood!
Since chromosomes have been brought in.

On the paternal side, southern Hans and northern Hans share similar frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups (Supplementary Table 2), which are characterized by two haplogroups carrying the M122-C mutations (O3-M122 and O3e-M134) that are prevalent in almost all Han populations studied (mean and range: 53.8%, 37–71%; 54.2%, 35–74%, for northern and southern Hans, respectively).

Haplogroups carrying M119-C (O1* and O1b) and/or M95-T (O2a* and O2a1) (following the nomenclature of the Y Chromosome Consortium) which are prevalent in southern natives, are more frequent in southern Hans (19%, 3–42%) than in northern Hans (5%, 1–10%). In addition, haplogroups O1b-M110, O2a1-M88 and O3d-M7, which are prevalent in southern natives17, were only observed in some southern Hans (4% on average), but not in northern Hans.

Therefore, the contribution of southern natives in southern Hans is limited, if we assume that the frequency distribution of Y lineages in southern natives
represents that before the expansion of Han culture that started 2,000 yr ago5. The results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) further indicate that northern Hans and southern Hans are not significantly different in their Y haplogroups (FST ¼ 0.006, P . 0.05), demonstrating that southern Hans bear
a high resemblance to northern Hans in their male lineages.

On the maternal side, however, the mtDNA haplogroup distribution showed substantial differentiation between northern Hans and southern Hans (Supplementary Table 3).

It does indicate much about the chromosomes, the original identity of the people of the two regions and how it was 'merged'.

And it is not Wikipedia for the usual debunking brigade up in arms to obfuscate filling everything with irrelevance and not permit sane discussion.

This is pretty much i've said before.

We were both descended from a common forefather, so it is enough to recognize each other as brothers.
Just knew it ... DNA studies! And how is that at variance with what Tiger born in 1986 just wrote?

But how? By "humiliation" or "dowry" or "gun powder" or "tribal council"? Yep, DNA studies tell you how ... in the absence of historical reference.

Look, Chimps are 99% homologous with humans, so did Chimps "humiliate" human ancestors or vice versa?

Chromosomes were raised by someone. That is DNA studies.

I agree it is uncomfortable to live with the truth when one has been drilled into believing something that is quite contrary and contrived.

I have shown history, then some raised chromosomes and I showed that too!

People slandered that I quote Wikipedia. I told them to open up there eyes (in lines of the Beatles song), that was declared racial since the person had never heard of the Beatles even though the world knows of them, then chromosomes were brought in, and even that I gave from scientific sources and now, you debunk that!

What a way to go!!
Typical Chinese way to push a canard repeatedly to make it a 'truth'!

Machiavellian, to say the least.

Throughout I have said, India recognises that Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

Let us not spread falsehood!

Tiki - It is only a matter of time, before China matures enough as a civilization and evolves as a society to see the futility of trying to hang onto Tibet. Right now, as a nation they realize their impotence over trying to acquire Taiwan and take it out on the poor Tibetan people - who being Buddhist and simple are hardly going to put up a fight.
Tiki - It is only a matter of time, before China matures enough as a civilization and evolves as a society to see the futility of trying to hang onto Tibet. Right now, as a nation they realize their impotence over trying to acquire Taiwan and take it out on the poor Tibetan people - who being Buddhist and simple are hardly going to put up a fight.

Yeah like we took it out on you as well. You guys were easier than the Tibetans
This is pretty much i've said before.

We were both descended from a common forefather, so it is enough to recognize each other as brothers.

Japanese are also brothers.

Y-DNA haplogroup D2, making up 36% of the Japanese male lineages, is interesting because it is only found in Japan. Its closest relatives are scattered around very specific regions of Asia : the Andaman Islands (between India and Myanmar), Indonesia (only a small minority), Southwest China (mostly among the Qiang ethnic group), Mongolia (also a small minority) and Tibet. Haplogroup D is thought to have originated in East Africa some 50,000 years before present. The first carriers of the gene would have migrated along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, through Indonesia, and gone up to Japan, South-East Siberia, then moved inland to Mongolia, with the last part of the group continuing as far as Tibet. However, whereas the Japanese belong to haplogroup D2, Tibetans are part of the completely separate D3a, the Qiang of D1, and the Andaman Islanders D*

In Chinese classical literature, at least two texts mention the prehistory of Japan.

Wei Zhi - Dong Yi Chuan (Official history of Wei, about Eastern Strangers, /Gishi-touiden/ -- jp, or known as /Gishi-wajinden/) reports about Japanese in AD 3c. Beside a description of the female governor and the tattooed faces of men, there is a part that says, "When asked, everyone answered they were descendants of TaiBo of Wu (/taihaku/ of /Go/ -- jp )".

Sima Qian (/Shibasen/ -- jp) wrote that Xu Fu (/Johuku/ -- jp) said to Shi Huang Di of Qin (/Shikoutei/ of /Shin/), that he was leaving for the Eastern Sea to search for a medicine for eternal life in Fenglai (/Hourai/ -- jp) islands, which the Chinese people consider to be Japan. He left with about 3000 people, but didn't come back because he became the king there.
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