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Tibet issue

This is pretty much i've said before.

We were both descended from a common forefather, so it is enough to recognize each other as brothers.

It is not just genetics though.

Like someone said on another thread, China is a "civilization state"... that is united by a shared sense of civilization.
Do you know what the ultimate sign of an inflexible and "contrived" mind is? A self-insistence on being the purveyor of ultimate truth.

We should just leave and let him talk to himself and other Indians who agree with him. It'll be just like his Defense forum of India.

Yeah like we took it out on you as well. You guys were easier than the Tibetans

That would explain why you ran away as we regrouped. Perhaps our definitions of victory and honor defer. But such cultural differences are understandable. It is not your fault.
That would explain why you ran away as we regrouped. Perhaps our definitions of victory and honor defer. But such cultural differences are understandable. It is not your fault.

Yeah where we took land inflicted 4000 casualties and took 4000 POWs. Not a victory at all.

I don't know how Indians define victory but thats how the rest of the world defines it.
Could you share some of your 'personal communications' (I hope they're not too 'personal' :oops:)

So you want me to tell you what a South Indian (granted a Tamil) told me what "North Indians" did to them ... when I was in my ESL class?

And you want me to relay what a few North Indians said to me about South Indians over the years? I will give you but one partial example ... I was in high school and an Indian-origined pupil was joking quite amicably with a Pakistani-origined pupil (I kid you not ... in fact, I found that North Indians hang out with Pakistanis more frequently than with, say, Tamils, at least in high school. Universities were different) ... and the subject was Bengalis and war ... and both the Indian and the Pakistani pupils were derogatory. Well, probably these things will go away with time.

Mind you, the said (North) Indian also had choice words about the West Indians (from the West Indies) ... and how they were descended.

The rest were just the history I learned. I am not saying all that "history" was accurate to the letter, since a good portion of it was written/influenced by the Brits.

Anyways, the other examples are quite personal and not particularly pleasant indeed, if you don't mind.
It is not just genetics though.

Like someone said on another thread, China is a "civilization state"... that is united by a shared sense of civilization.

Even it is true, then this is not the reason why China should be splitted into pieces according to some people with the hidden agenda.

Now, even genetic test has proved that we are closely related to each other, so the meaning of affiliation is beyond cultural.
Do you know what the ultimate sign of an inflexible and "contrived" mind is? A self-insistence on being the purveyor of ultimate truth.

I am purveyor of nothing in the line of 'ultimate truth'.

Every time, I have given LINKS from scholarly tomes.

Take it or leave it.

I have not gone into blood brothers, Sancho Panzas etc.
Yeah where we took land inflicted 4000 casualties and took 4000 POWs. Not a victory at all.

You do realize that in the civilized world a war is considered to be won when there is a Treaty of Surrender - perhaps China never actually evolved enough to imbibe and grasp these rather basic factors on what constitutes a war and can't distinguish between a war and a skirmish. Once again, in no way am I blaming Chinese members for this - it is their educational system and its deficiencies and its state controlled media and system of governance which must be blamed.
Yeah where we took land inflicted 4000 casualties and took 4000 POWs. Not a victory at all.

I don't know how Indians define victory but thats how the rest of the world defines it.

Well we do not run away from the truth.

Yes, it was a defeat and it is not the world, but Indians states so.

But then, it was good of China to wake up India.

India showed the difference that Chinese action brought about. In this context, ChoLa, NathuLa and Sumdorong refers.

It also showed that China realised its worth, where they failed to give support to Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, and in 1971, the US assured China that they would look after USSR and beseeched China to attack India. China baulked!

Possibly, the Indian action at Chola, Nathula and sumdonrong, encourage a small nation like Vietnam to give a bloody nose to China when it tried to flex its muscle and show the world that China is but a paper Tiger (to use a Chinese term).
You do realize that in the civilized world a war is considered to be won when there is a Treaty of Surrender - perhaps China never actually evolved enough to imbibe and grasp these rather basic factors on what constitutes a war and can't distinguish between a war and a skirmish. Once again, in no way am I blaming Chinese members for this - it is their educational system and its deficiencies and its state controlled media and system of governance which must be blamed.

Sorry we were being so uncivilized when we were crushing your troops. You are correct that it was a skirmish in Chinese history. The rest of the world records it as a war though. It was a victory either way. As for Chinese education it makes people literate unlike your Indian education which fails to educate a third of your country.
Well we do not run away from the truth.

Yes, it was a defeat and it is not the world, but Indians states so.

But then, it was good of China to wake up India.

It showed the difference in ChoLa, NathuLa and Sumdorong.

It also showed that China realised its worth, where they failed to give support to Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, and in 1971, the US assured China that they would look after USSR and beseeched China to attack India. China baulked!

Of course they balked. It is one thing to attack an unprepared nation but when push comes to shove, they just don't have it in them. It's as absurd as Hitler's forces entering Stalingrad when the Soviets were not expecting it - capturing it and then withdrawing back to Berlin as the Soviets regrouped. Haha - and that is a victory!
Yeah where we took land inflicted 4000 casualties and took 4000 POWs. Not a victory at all.

I don't know how Indians define victory but thats how the rest of the world defines it.

This is getting pointless ... really.

Honour is in the eyes of the beholder. And if Jacky beholds himself as quite the "honourable" ... who are others to argue otherwise?

Pretty soon it's gonna be "Bhai bhai", "back-stabbing", "we are the best", "they cheated" ...

Look, the man even trotted out Stalingrad and Hitler ... and the "Civilized world" ... let it be.

Surely the British did teach manners exceedingly well.

But still, aren't you sick of it?
Sorry we were being so uncivilized when we were crushing your troops. You are correct that it was a skirmish in Chinese history. The rest of the world records it as a war though. It was a victory either way. As for Chinese education it makes people literate unlike your Indian education which fails to educate a third of your country.

Still doesn't explain why Chinese citizens seek refuge in India but Indians don't ask for refugee status in China. Imagine the plight and state of the poor Chinese people when they have migrate to India - a poor nation with a bad education system and so much poverty because the Chinese citizens think they have a chance at a better life in India. Now I understand why you must conform to the Chinese line of thought - even if you are in Morgantown, you must have friends and family in China and by agreeing with me you might put their lives in danger. It is ok, I understand.
India showed the difference that Chinese action brought about in ChoLa, NathuLa and Sumdorong.

It also showed that China realised its worth, where they failed to give support to Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, and in 1971, the US assured China that they would look after USSR and beseeched China to attack India. China baulked!

The length people will go to, in order escape humiliation in their own minds.
Still doesn't explain why Chinese citizens seek refuge in India but Indians don't ask for refugee status in China. Imagine the plight and state of the poor Chinese people when they have migrate to India - a poor nation with a bad education system and so much poverty because the Chinese citizens think they have a chance at a better life in India. Now I understand why you must conform to the Chinese line of thought - even if you are in Morgantown, you must have friends and family in China and by agreeing with me you might put their lives in danger. It is ok, I understand.

I don't agree with you because you are a retard. No other reason.

As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

The length people will go to, in order escape humiliation in their own minds.

And I was so nice to even look it up for them.
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