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Three US soldiers among 9 killed in Dir blast

If they were there to help train the frontier corps. Then I am 99.9% sure they were green berets. Training other forces is the primary mission of the Special forces with combat operations secondary. Though both intertwine a lot of the time. before they were under the Special Operations Command. They were under the U.S. Army Institute for Military Assistance. Which had a long history of training Pakistani troops.

AFAIK, the US military (as well as the Brits) are primarily deploying SF's for training purposes. Not sure which branch though.
After hearing Dr Afia has been found quilty today i hope ALL AMERICAN gets killed. Nice to hear 3 were killed i hope we hear more good news in coming days. assholes
After hearing Dr Afia has been found quilty today i hope ALL AMERICAN gets killed.

Did you follow the case from start to finish? Do you have any legal or technical expertise to analyze all of the evidence that was presented for and against her?

If not, then on what basis are you taking umbrage at the court decision that found her guilty?

You have demonstrated extremely poor judgment in calling for the deaths of people who had nothing to do with the verdict.

Take a break from this forum and rethink your prejudice and irrational hate.
Killing school children and innocent is to be condemned.
If you believe in a cause at least fight fair
God love those little girls lost and their wounded friends. Killing soldiers is one thing and our men knew the risks and, I presume, so too yours. Even civilian officials in this area can't be ignorant of the obvious.

But all these girls? Don't talk to me about military targets when planting pressure-plate bombs on roads/trails commonly used by civilians and DEFINITELY don't talk to be about such when it's a suicide bomber or a command-detonation that leaves the time and place to the discretion of the attacker.

Gutless beasts.

My heart goes out to these children and their parents and I'll spare no wrath for any who attempt justifying this heinous sh!t. May those girls who died become shining lights and if God deems a few to become avenging angels, I'll fully understand.

This was very reckless of the US soldiers. When the Taliban are killed along with innocent people by US bombs and missiles, the US administration blames the Taliban for THEIR actions, and here we have US soldiers using school girls to travel with knowing full well they are targets more then anyone in pakistan and yet used little girls for their benefit. I blame the US for this attack as their deaths were caused because of the US soldiers, same logic is applied here.
This was very reckless of the US soldiers. When the Taliban are killed along with innocent people by US bombs and missiles, the US administration blames the Taliban for THEIR actions, and here we have US soldiers using school girls to travel with knowing full well they are targets more then anyone in pakistan and yet used little girls for their benefit. I blame the US for this attack as their deaths were caused because of the US soldiers, same logic is applied here.

None of the various reports posted here suggest that the US troops were 'traveling with school girls'.

They all point out that the US troops were accompanying a Pakistani paramilitary convoy en-route to a school inauguration. Pakistani forces were in charge of the convoy, not the US trainers.

They all point out that choice of the attack location was that of the attackers (Taliban) - the Taliban could have chosen any number of locations to attack the convoy, but they chose to attack them in the vicinity of the girls school.

I therefore fail to see how you can argue that the people in the convoy were responsible for the deaths of innocents. This was a terrorist attack carried out at a populated location, no doubt to increase damage.

The symbolism of carrying out the attack appears clear - the convoy was on its way to inaugurate a girls school destroyed by the Taliban, and the Taliban chose to attack the convoy and attempt to destroy another girls school in the same attack.

Don't let blind hatred cloud your judgment. This was an attack on Pakistani forces, those assisting Pakistani forces and Pakistani civilians.
None of the various reports posted here suggest that the US troops were 'traveling with school girls'.

They all point out that the US troops were accompanying a Pakistani paramilitary convoy en-route to a school inauguration. Pakistani forces were in charge of the convoy, not the US trainers.

They all point out that choice of the attack location was that of the attackers (Taliban) - the Taliban could have chosen any number of locations to attack the convoy, but they chose to attack them in the vicinity of the girls school.

I therefore fail to see how you can argue that the people in the convoy were responsible for the deaths of innocents. This was a terrorist attack carried out at a populated location, no doubt to increase damage.

The symbolism of carrying out the attack appears clear - the convoy was on its way to inaugurate a girls school destroyed by the Taliban, and the Taliban chose to attack the convoy and attempt to destroy another girls school in the same attack.

Don't let blind hatred cloud your judgment. This was an attack on Pakistani forces, those assisting Pakistani forces and Pakistani civilians.

Well if that is the logic that is applied here, then the Taliban are not resposible for US missile strikes where civilians are killed along with Taliban fighters..........you cannot cherry pick what you want and don;t want.

The US troops could have quite easily concealed identities and travelled in a different route, different times and different vehicles, but no.......they decided to travel in the convoy in which they did, not the Taliban......the PA was in charge or not, the US is very well aware of itself being a target in Pakistan....
Well if that is the logic that is applied here, then the Taliban are not resposible for US missile strikes where civilians are killed along with Taliban fighters..........you cannot cherry pick what you want and don;t want.
I in fact do not agree with the rationale advanced by some that the civilians who get killed in drone strikes 'deserve it' or are fair game.
The US troops could have quite easily concealed identities and travelled in a different route, different times and different vehicles, but no.......they decided to travel in the convoy in which they did, not the Taliban......the PA was in charge or not, the US is very well aware of itself being a target in Pakistan....
One of the reports suggests that the US trainers were in civilian clothes. Your argument is flawed since it assumes that the Taliban only attack convoys that might have US nationals in them. Have you paid any attention to the attacks in FATA and Malakand division? The majority of the time there are no US personnel in the convoys and those killed are Pakistani soldiers and civilians. So the argument that this bombing was 'invited by the US' by virtue of having US soldiers present in the Pakistani convoy is ludicrous - under your logic there should not be any attacks on Pakistani forces any other time, and that is clearly not the case.

This attack was likely planned in advance, since you need to prep the suicide bomber and prepare the vehicle and plan your attack (target, location, travel etc.). If the Americans had not been traveling with the convoy the suicide bomber would have likely killed just Pakistani troops.

Please stop trying to make excuses for terrorism.
I in fact do not agree with the rationale advanced by some that the civilians who get killed in drone strikes 'deserve it' or are fair game.

One of the reports suggests that the US trainers were in civilian clothes. Your argument is flawed since it assumes that the Taliban only attack convoys that might have US nationals in them. Have you paid any attention to the attacks in FATA and Malakand division? The majority of the time there are no US personnel in the convoys and those killed are Pakistani soldiers and civilians. So the argument that this bombing was 'invited by the US' by virtue of having US soldiers present in the Pakistani convoy is ludicrous - under your logic there should not be any attacks on Pakistani forces, and that is clearly not the case.

This attack was likely planned in advance, since you need to prep the suicide bomber and prepare the vehicle and plan your attack (target, location, travel etc.). If the Americans had not been traveling with the convoy the suicide bomber would have likely killed just Pakistani troops.

Please stop trying to make excuses for terrorism.

You firstly can stop making ecuses for the US personnel on board in this convoy.

Your logic is ludicrous to say the least, the US soldiers should not have been in this convoy and maybe, just maybe the convoy with school kids would not have been attacked....maybe, you and I cannot just assume that it would have on speculation.

PA soldiers are attacked because we are at War with these people, hence why quite obviously they will attack........see how that works now, that is what happens in War, Something which Bush didn't expect either, you appear to be in the same silly category.

FATA and other areas are Pakistani territory and no US, I repeat NO US soldiers should be here whatsoever.
Jihad is mandatory on Pakistan army to wage on Taliban both Afghan and TTP, the longer they wait the more it will displease Allah SWT.
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You firstly can stop making ecuses for the US personnel on board in this convoy.
US soldiers are in Pakistan at the request of Pakistan, training our forces to combat terrorists - the soldiers who died deserve our respect and gratitude since they died while preforming a role assisting Pakistan.

Your logic is ludicrous to say the least, the US soldiers should not have been in this convoy and maybe, just maybe the convoy with school kids would not have been attacked....maybe, you and I cannot just assume that it would have on speculation.

PA soldiers are attacked because we are at War with these people, hence why quite obviously they will attack........see how that works now, that is what happens in War, Something which Bush didn't expect either, you appear to be in the same silly category.

FATA and other areas are Pakistani territory and no US, I repeat NO US soldiers should be here whatsoever.
There is no speculation here - Pakistani military and paramilitary convoys are regularly attacked by IED's and suicide bombers, this is not the first time. Many of those attacks also result in civilian casualties since the Taliban deliberately choose busy intersections/markets for their attacks in order to avoid detection in the surrounding traffic as well as to inflict higher casualties (Civilian+Military).

So to suggest that this attack occurred just because of US soldiers is, again, ludicrous since there have been dozens of similar attacks carried out in Malakand division on Pakistani forces.

What do you think the militants were going to do with the explosive and brainwashed idiot who blew himself up if there were no Americans accompanying the convoy? Blow up the school with the girls inside it instead?

Again, stop making excuses for terrorism. The American soldiers are in Pakistan at Pakistan's request and are assisting us in our war against terrorists, they deserve our respect for offering the ultimate sacrifice in this case.
US soldiers are in Pakistan at the request of Pakistan, training our forces to combat terrorists - the soldiers who died deserve our respect and gratitude since they died while preforming a role assisting Pakistan.

There is no speculation here - Pakistani military and paramilitary convoys are regularly attacked by IED's and suicide bombers, this is not the first time. Many of those attacks also result in civilian casualties since the Taliban deliberately choose busy intersections/markets for their attacks in order to avoid detection in the surrounding traffic as well as to inflict higher casualties (Civilian+Military).

So to suggest that this attack occurred just because of US soldiers is, again, ludicrous since there have been dozens of similar attacks carried out in Malakand division on Pakistani forces.

What do you think the militants were going to do with the explosive and brainwashed idiot who blew himself up if there were no Americans accompanying the convoy? Blow up the school with the girls inside it instead?

Again, stop making excuses for terrorism. The American soldiers are in Pakistan at Pakistan's request and are assisting us in our war against terrorists, they deserve our respect for offering the ultimate sacrifice in this case.

eeerrrr hello......the US is in Pakistan because it has its own ulterior motives and goals to achieve, not Pakistan's, they couldn;t give two cents about Pakistan.

Again, you are using your absurd logic to justify US presence in Pakistan, tell me what training it is the PA needs to fight AQ or TTP. The PA knows all too well how to perform its duties, they don;t need US boots on its soil.

This presence will have serious effects when we are trying to win hearts and minds in the local area. This is clearly not going to happen now, especially when the TTP will clearly make maximum gain from this by highlighting they were right all along that US troops are in Pakistan and helping to kill Pakistanis.

I m no supporter of TTP in Pakistan however, we need to tread carefully on who should be allowed in Pakistan and the US is not one of the countries that should as their presence will not be aken lightly in the area where these attacks have happenned.
eeerrrr hello......the US is in Pakistan because it has its own ulterior motives and goals to achieve, not Pakistan's, they couldn;t give two cents about Pakistan.

Again, you are using your absurd logic to justify US presence in Pakistan, tell me what training it is the PA needs to fight AQ or TTP. The PA knows all too well how to perform its duties, they don;t need US boots on its soil.
I would argue there are different levels of US presence in Pakistan. I am well aware of the tensions over US contractors and other diplomatic and non-diplomatic officials possible engaged in espionage, but in the case of the US trainers, US forces are attached to various training camps and are involved in training the FC and others.

And it would be foolish to assume that one knows everything worth knowing. Military forces around the world have training exchange programs, and there is nothing wrong with learning from the different experiences of the Americans, British, Australians and Germans. In any case, the GoP invited them in, they did not kick the door in and force us to allow them to train the FC. At the end of the day they are in Pakistan at our invitation.
This presence will have serious effects when we are trying to win hearts and minds in the local area. This is clearly not going to happen now, especially when the TTP will clearly make maximum gain from this by highlighting they were right all along that US troops are in Pakistan and helping to kill Pakistanis.

I m no supporter of TTP in Pakistan however, we need to tread carefully on who should be allowed in Pakistan and the US is not one of the countries that should as their presence will not be aken lightly in the area where these attacks have happenned.
I agree their presence will have a negative impact, which is why their presence has been kept low-key so far, and why these trainers were reportedly dressed in civilian clothes with cameras to disguise themselves as reporters. But just because a j-ahil awaam may not understand the sacrifice these soldiers offered while assisting Pakistan does not mean those of us capable of more 'rational thought' not try to rationally analyze and understand the situation.

Or do you consider yourself part of the 'j-ahil awaam' that is more obsessed with an emotional knee jerk reaction of blaming the soldiers, instead of recognizing the sacrifice of the soldiers?

Most reports suggest that the soldiers wore civilian Pakistani clothes to disguise themselves. The precautions taken to hide their identity to me indicates that the Taliban got lucky with this attack, since the preparation involved in setting up a suicide attack rules out any 'instantaneous response' to news that Americans were seen boarding the convoy.

This description in the NYT suggests that the US trainers were in the middle of the convoy, flanked by FC vehicles. It is possible that the vehicle was not targeted because of the US trainers, since the bomber was aiming at the center of the convoy to maximize casualties, since that would allow the blast to also hit the vehicles in front and rear of target vehicle.

To disguise themselves in a way that is common for Western men in Pakistan, the American soldiers were dressed in traditional Pakistani garb of baggy trousers and long tunics, known as shalwar kameez, according to a Frontier Corps officer.

They were wore local caps that helped cover their hair, he said.

Their armored vehicle was equipped with electronic jammers sufficient to detect remote-controlled devices and mines, the officer said. Vehicles driven by the Frontier Corps were placed in front and back of the Americans as protection, he said.
Troop Deaths Draw Focus to U.S. Presence in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

The only way I can see this as being directed specifically at US trainers is if they had planned and announced in advance that US trainers would be accompanying the Pakistani convoy, something I doubt the US troops would do, but it is a possibility. If very few people knew in advance that they would be traveling with the convoy, those 'few' should be the subject of intense scrutiny.
1st of all this is a tragedy.
Please remember that money comes with many strings attached. I can only imaging what pressure this will put on Pakistani Government by the US. They will want a timely answer, or more like a strike.
Also I hope this does not escalate to send more US soldiers, weather they be US Marines, Army, Air Force as each has some type of special forces that trains PA at various times.
Taliban will answer with more bombings, result more civilian casualties.

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