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Three RAW agents arrested

Indian hindus are such hypocrites that they always strike from behind. They face to face show how cultured and humanistic they are, but if you remove the mask you can see the real face.

It may seem off topic, but it has a relevancy, an indian hindu whose name is Ashoka has posted on my visitors message box some slangs and that reflects they have no respect for their own mothers and sisters. Anyone if you know hindi, can visit my profile page to see an example of hindu culture.
Indian hindus are such hypocrites that they always strike from behind. They face to face show how cultured and humanistic they are, but if you remove the mask you can see the real face.

It may seem off topic, but it has a relevancy, an indian hindu whose name is Ashoka has posted on my visitors message box some slangs and that reflects they have no respect for their own mothers and sisters. Anyone if you know hindi, can visit my profile page to see an example of hindu culture.

I know man Indians are very hostile and gatiyya, I think most of them are dreaming about destroying Pakistan...you will find just maybe 1 out of a million Indians who are decent.
Or give 5 raw agents u get ONE ISI INFORMER. Its like currency bhai. Every country has its own value. 3 fisheman not equal to 3 fisherman.

you are very right.

PAK Army < Indian Army
Pak inteligensia < Indian Intelligensia
Pak economy < Indian economy
Pak Poverty < Indian Poverty
number of people dying in pak due to hunger < people dying in ind due to hunger
Pak Literacy rate > Indian literacy rate
Pak Doctors for Current population > Indian Doctors for its population
Educational inst for current Pak population > Educational inst for current ind population

Bai Every country has its own standards

number of indian fishermen cought >> number of Pakistani fishermen cought

thats why we cant hav equality rit
I know man Indians are very hostile and gatiyya, I think most of them are dreaming about destroying Pakistan...you will find just maybe 1 out of a million Indians who are decent.

That amounts to only about 1,100 decent Indians in whole India.....LOL not bad...

That amounts to only about 1,100 decent Indians in whole India.....LOL not bad...


Yes according to your logic, then it is a microscopic minority in your democracy where majority rules. So it is majoritarian politics which oppresses the minority.
read this thread:

and you should appriciate RAW ....they are sending ppl not monekys or tigers ....oh ya even eagles.....

Could someone here disclose their nationality or religion or names. Just want to know how RAW ppl are ....they might be afghan or even pakistan ppl..mere information collectors.

They may be Pakistani! what difference does it make that how they look like?
They are mere perpetrators and RAW is the mastermind which is involved in all terrorist attacks on civilians in Pakistan, incl. attacking school buses and schools.
Traitors like Zardari, Rehman Malik, Haqqani etc. all are RAW agents.
They will ensure the safety of arrested and they will make sure that those arrested were taken to a friendly police station for interogation.
Zardari will loose his job if he make any noise about the masterminds of terrorist attacks.
This is why indians are so comfortable with the arrests because they have suceeded in infiltrating very deep in our society.

Pakistan ka Khuda Hafiz.
LOL the Indians never seize to amuse me. You people are still not over the monkey, eagle and tiger conspiracy saga. What a ridiculous and comical conspiracy theories. I got to give credit to the broad imaginative thinking though...
Sending monkey, tiger and eagle. Haha!
Another hoax by Pakistani media without any corroboration or official statement from the government.
Another hoax by Pakistani media without any corroboration or official statement from the government.

Involvement of RAW agents with acts of terrorism in Pakistan is far from being a hoax. Since India is suddenly dangling in the arms of United States, it'll take time for us to provide a detailed analysis of the Involvement. But let's just wait and see if the story further develops. If our Government has credible evidence, they'll come forward with it at the right time.
Three Indian agents held
Source: OUR STAFF REPORTER submitted 6 hours 20 minutes ago

LAHORE - Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) Lahore Saturday arrested three alleged terrorists from Wagha Border and recovered sensitive documents from their possession.
According to sources in the CIA police, the arrested terrorists were hired by an Indian intelligence agency. During interrogation, they have committed doing several terrorist activities in different cities of Pakistan. The sources said that they had also been involved in the bomb blast that took place in Liberty Market a couple of years back and another in front of the Rescue 1122 office a year ago.

The police also recovered sensitive documents from their possession including photographs of headquarters of Lashkar-e-Taiba, some other important public buildings and sensitive installations of the country.
The terrorists further disclosed that they had provided important information to the intelligence agency of the neighboring country about Pakistan&#8217;s different departments and buildings. They did this while crossing the Indian-Pakistan border on foot several times.
They also disclosed that three terrorists were living at Barki village for the last several years, but they did not disclose the names and other particulars of the terrorists, the CIA sources said.
I know man Indians are very hostile and gatiyya, I think most of them are dreaming about destroying Pakistan...you will find just maybe 1 out of a million Indians who are decent.

dude that is not true. i have met many indians here in the US that are really friendly and helpful and dont care much about destroying pakistan as our generation does destroying india. all of this is just a hang over from partition and no one cares about this anymore
As far as the RAW agents are concerned lets wait for a while and let the government comment on this and then i will believe the news getting a little ahead of ourselves arnt we.
dude that is not true. i have met many indians here in the US that are really friendly and helpful and dont care much about destroying pakistan as our generation does destroying india. all of this is just a hang over from partition and no one cares about this anymore
As far as the RAW agents are concerned lets wait for a while and let the government comment on this and then i will believe the news getting a little ahead of ourselves arnt we.

You're talking about the "American Born" Indians. HIGHLY liberal hippies who can't even pronounce the name of their own states. They're a minority. Try meeting the Indians living in India and you'd know the ground realities.
dude that is not true. i have met many indians here in the US that are really friendly and helpful and dont care much about destroying pakistan as our generation does destroying india. all of this is just a hang over from partition and no one cares about this anymore
As far as the RAW agents are concerned lets wait for a while and let the government comment on this and then i will believe the news getting a little ahead of ourselves arnt we.

I met an Indian who told me that if it wasn't for China, India would've wiped Pakistan off the map a long time ago and he was serious and I met an Indian "Muslim" man who said Pakistan shouldn't even have existed...so Indians hate our existance...99&#37; of them hate the existance of Pakistan. As for the Indians born here in U.S. they try way too hard to be American and try to get away from their Indian culture but goraiys will never accept them.
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