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Three Indian soldiers killed in Pakistan Army’s response to firing at LOC

How much time before you stop b!tching about Pakistani soldiers?

Oh wait. You can't

Look who is talking -

An obsessive troll, with such a sad life, that entire year round, he compiles picture of dead of Indian soldiers. So he can create a thread about them, at the year's end.
Look who is talking -

An obsessive troll, with such a sad life, that entire year round, he compiles picture of dead of Indian soldiers. So he can create a thread about them, at the year's end.

Dude it's getting weird now, just stop.
When ever Indian soldier dies, Indian armed forces declares it and Indian media is the first to break the news.

When was the last time, ISPR announced, that one of its soldiers has even been injured on the loc?

In Pakistan a Shaheed's funeral is considered a privilege to attend and people from 50 miles radius come for the final prayer, so no one can hide a shaheed
Sir, I think Indian army preference is to target civilians at LOC because civilians are easy targets.
RIP these Indian soldiers need to understand, times have changed if you gonna kill innocent civilians for fun or target Pakistani soldiers, one way or another you will get killed in response.

You pakistanis can easily prevent civilian casualties by not building your posts among the kashmiri populace and then use the said PA posts to provide cover fire for the terrorists infiltrating into India from the pakistani side.

But then again, how else can PA virtue signal and gather those sweet-sweet brownie points by quite literally, using civilians as human shields.

Why not do it like us?
Cordon off the area and remove the civilians, build them new bunkers and houses elsewhere and compensate them for their loss of property.

Government to build 14,460 bunkers for Jammu and Kashmir border dwellers

In Pakistan a Shaheed's funeral is considered a privilege to attend and people from 50 miles radius come for the final prayer, so no one can hide a shaheed

No wonder pakistan hides its casualties.

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told
Every time someone dies at LoC, fanboys from boths sides always devolve the thread repeating the same points. Nothing but chest thumping. No value is added.

That being said please continue...... :pop:
How many months has it been since even a single Pakistani soldier was even injured on the LOC?
Casualties simply don't occur due to someones wishful thinking.
It's a well documented fact that Indian forces fire indiscriminately and target civilian areas.
One could also argue that last dozen or so Indian soldiers fell to the Pakistani snipers....why, are the Indian soldiers immune to say artillery, rocket or mortar fire. !!!
Look who is talking -

An obsessive troll, with such a sad life, that entire year round, he compiles picture of dead of Indian soldiers. So he can create a thread about them, at the year's end.


Just to give pain to losers coming to this forum
Casualties simply don't occur due to someones wishful thinking.
It's a well documented fact that Indian forces fire indiscriminately and target civilian areas.
One could also argue that last dozen or so Indian soldiers fell to the Pakistani snipers....why, are the Indian soldiers immune to say artillery, rocket or mortar fire. !!!

Has it happened in the history of region, that one side is suffering all the casualties for months now, and on the other side, not even a single soldier even getting injured.
You pakistanis can easily prevent civilian casualties by not building your posts among the kashmiri populace and then use the said PA posts to provide cover fire for the terrorists infiltrating into India from the pakistani side.
Sir G, believe me, Phalcon radars from Israel, State of the art sensor on borders, satellites up there. Indian narrative is that the all equipment are so sensitive that if cat moves in Pakistan or bird flies in Pakistani space, Indian got all info - so it means all your efforts are useless when it comes to infiltration. This is never ending Insecurity and fear. It will never change - because Indian are built for this rona dhona.

Why not do it like us?
Cordon off the area and remove the civilians, build them new bunkers and houses elsewhere and compensate them for their loss of property.
Where we move civilians, Indian guns will follow them. You could see in IOK, Indian army's lust for civilian blood, I don't have to say anything.
Sir G, believe me, Phalcon radars from Israel, State of the art sensor on borders, satellites up there. Indian narrative is that the all equipment are so sensitive that if cat moves in Pakistan or bird flies in Pakistani space, Indian got all info - so it means all your efforts are useless when it comes to infiltration. This is never ending Insecurity and fear. It will never change - because Indian are built for this rona dhona.

You expect us to track terrorists infiltrating in dense foliage with AWACS and EO sensors? :rofl:

You realize LOC is upwards of 700km long and no amount of fencing or technology is enough to completely prevent 100% of the infiltration.

Look at Israel, compared to India it has an even more comprehensive barrier in its West Bank yet terrorists still infiltrate.

Where we move civilians, Indian guns will follow them. You could see in IOK, Indian army's lust for civilian blood, I don't have to say anything.

You would like to think India is as as irrational as pakistan but no way would India risk its status by killing civilians if it can prevent it.
Why would any army waste ammo firing at civilians if they were settled away from the military?

PA basically uses civilian settlements in kashmir as shields to gather brownie points.
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