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Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill


Now you understand the predicament they are in!
I salute your steadfastness. However it seems it might be a tall order. I think the count of IAF planes downed is more than 2, peerhaps 3/4. However this cannot be confirmed and therefore PAF has only claimed 2 losses which are confirmed. The interesting thing is that if the MKI carcass was not found where did they pull out the AIM C5 from. This is why I am claiming more than 2 kills. There was certainly news in Indian media of one more Bison going down in IHK around the same time. Is that another kill?
our version : we kill indian Su-30 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)
Indian version: they kill F-16 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)

reality is:

that day Pakistan shot down an indian Mig-21, everybody witnessed it and all data is available from the beginning of the story till the the end, these days even if some one stole a motorbike next day video could be viewed at social media.... but can anyone post a single patient video of downed F-16??? or SU-30??? any official radars or flight or communication data records ??? if answer is no ... then plz stop these type of threads or merge them together because hundred of pages have been filled up with these fictions and theories with no final result...
our version : we kill indian Su-30 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)
Indian version: they kill F-16 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)

reality is:

that day Pakistan shot down an indian Mig-21, everybody witnessed it and all data is available from the beginning of the story till the the end, these days even if some one stole a motorbike next day video could be viewed at social media.... but can anyone post a single patient video of downed F-16??? or SU-30??? any official radars or flight or communication data records ??? if answer is no ... then plz stop these type of threads or merge them together because hundred of pages have been filled up with these fictions and theories with no final result...
There are actually videos of plane(s) going down in flames. We just don't have confirmation of the type due to poor quality.
our version : we kill indian Su-30 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)
Indian version: they kill F-16 (no concrete proof put forward till todate but web is full with lots of theories and stories)

reality is:

that day Pakistan shot down an indian Mig-21, everybody witnessed it and all data is available from the beginning of the story till the the end, these days even if some one stole a motorbike next day video could be viewed at social media.... but can anyone post a single patient video of downed F-16??? or SU-30??? any official radars or flight or communication data records ??? if answer is no ... then plz stop these type of threads or merge them together because hundred of pages have been filled up with these fictions and theories with no final result...

Sir, please let these people have their circle jerks. Why take away the only good thing in their miserable lives currently ?
Looks like cover up story made by indian and that too in pulwama region. #midnightwalk
Yes but those ACs were supposed to provide cover to search Party engaged in searching the area for big bird wreckage ....The fear was PAF 2nd attack on same day....

Road accident at 3:17 am.
So you agree... :yahoo:

I hope you understand the meaning and repercussions of this specific sentence "Chance of the Century" there is lot more to it...

@NA71 @Armchair @Blueskiez 2001 @Mangus Ortus Novem
Bull Shit Dhanoa is the captian of sinking boat...that is why he keeps vomiting on time after time. you see he is loosing weight and in extreme stress...where is that joker Bipin...the lock on his mouth tells a lot.

Pakistan will take this chance of the century...
The chief declaring that a jet did well means that its electronic countermeasures and support systems kept it safe out of the missiles engagement range... not that it shot them down.

The amount of loading/unloading of weapons on/off strike jets at a certain base was comical and echoed their disarray in 65.
Actually sir the Air chief's comments are more to do with what's happened on the night of 26th and the second part of your post. With missile warning tonnes buzzing, some of the Mirage 2000 pilots literally jettisoned their weapon load and bugged out indeed reminiscent of Mystere IV pilots over Sargodha in 1965.
Actually sir the Air chief's comments are more to do with what's happened on the night of 26th and the second part of your post. With missile warning tonnes buzzing, some of the Mirage 2000 pilots literally jettisoned their weapon load and bugged out indeed reminiscent of Mystere IV pilots over Sargodha in 1965.

Sir, there was just 1 x F-16 that tried to intercept. IAF operation was quite good one should be give credit where its due.they were able to spread and thin our air defenses from north to south.

PAF learned from it!
The interesting "Much More" that causes diarrhea to Indians now.

Sir, there was just 1 x F-16 that tried to intercept. IAF operation was quite good one should be give credit where its due.they were able to spread and thin our air defenses from north to south.

PAF learned from it!
Actually the JF-17s had good radar locks but by then the Indian jets were well within Indian airspace. Since none of the jets hit any target, we weren't even sure what was their purpose until some tree demolition was discovered next morning.
Sir, there was just 1 x F-16 that tried to intercept. IAF operation was quite good one should be give credit where its due.they were able to spread and thin our air defenses from north to south.

PAF learned from it!

What lessons were learnt possibly? Without building a strong, network centric air defense system across our 3000km border with india---PAF will always be susceptible to getting "thinned out" by iaf's intrusion and diversion attempts at multiple sectors at once.

PAF needs robust air-defence network with mix of medium and long-range air defense assets.

PAF's immediate focus should be inducting following assets within next two-three years max

JF-17 block III with powerful AESA radar and PL-15 BVRAAM
HQ-9 air defense batteries in adequate numbers
@tallguy if you notice a few threads, what you've been ridiculed for saying for so long is slowly coming out. Quite a few senior members now seem to be talking about "pilots" and what not.

PAF has become like a drama serial or like one of those drama queens. Why can't they act like men, one wonders. Keep it simple, keep it straight. No, instead they will play their drama with fanciful "calculations".

I heard with my own two ears General Asif Ghafoor say that the second INDIAN pilot died in the hospital. It was on an ARY show I think.....Does no one remember that??? How can something like that be ignored???

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