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Three Atomic Clocks Have Failed Onboard India’s ‘Regional GPS’ Constellation

:rofl: Beidou 1, yes, but unlike you, all atomic clocks on Beidou 2 is indigenous built by China
shoddy reporting. India blaming others for their failure as always. wonder why they don't make their own atomic clock ?

So? Didn't I say Beidou 1 use Swiss clocks? Which part you Indians don't understand, that Beidou 2 clocks are indigenous built and got top award in 2016

Yeah, I know, you believe reuters, in the link you gave it says

Chinese companies now appear to have mastered the technology to build these clocks

now satisfied?
dude, you can't be too harsh on these guys. you have to be patient with these autistic Indians.
shoddy reporting. India blaming others for their failure as always. wonder why they don't make their own atomic clock ?

dude, you can't be too harsh on these guys. you have to be patient with these autistic Indians.

You guys behaving like you have no failures.

Anyways, we put a spacecraft around Mars so we know what to do.
shoddy reporting. India blaming others for their failure as always. wonder why they don't make their own atomic clock ?

dude, you can't be too harsh on these guys. you have to be patient with these autistic Indians.
as if CCP will disclose its failures !!
For Chinese : We agree that You are way ahead in space technology, So Congrats!!!!
For Pakistani's: No point in trolling ISRO, because they are way ahead urs (you can, if you believe and consider chinese technology and achievement as yours)

Well Such failures are bound to happen, What is important is how you learn from such failures, and ISRO knows how to come out and resolve them..... All the best ISRO....

Last sat of Beidou 1 was launched in 2003.
Where as the report clearly mentions China purchased the atomic clocks between 2003-07.
Ahhh, another Indy genius, the last Beidou-1 was launched in 2007, genius. I told you we are not like Indians, we learn and take the effort to build things ourselves, we dun like to import unlike our wealthy Indian neighbors.

Whether we copied, , stole. studied, beg, borrowed, absorbed, improved, and innovated on those early rubidium clock remains a mystery. I surely hope we did, but currently, the best atomic clocks are by the Chinis. So get a grip and move on with life. India cannot even make those first gen rubidium clocks.
Whether we copied, , stole. studied, beg, borrowed, absorbed, improved, and innovated on those early rubidium clock remains a mystery. I surely hope we did, but currently, the best atomic clocks are by the Chinis. So get a grip and move on with life. India cannot even make those first gen rubidium clocks.

Second generation of irnss satellites will have indigenous atomic clocks. The same have been developed by ISRO PRL.
Ahhh, another Indy genius, the last Beidou-1 was launched in 2007, genius. I told you we are not like Indians, we learn and take the effort to build things ourselves, we dun like to import unlike our wealthy Indian neighbors.

Whether we copied, , stole. studied, beg, borrowed, absorbed, improved, and innovated on those early rubidium clock remains a mystery. I surely hope we did, but currently, the best atomic clocks are by the Chinis. So get a grip and move on with life. India cannot even make those first gen rubidium clocks.

It's a silly comparison. China's yearly space budget is more than all the money India has ever spent on space since its inception. So you should be surprised if India is actually ahead or even keeping up with China in some areas.

What's important to consider is that when you launch your first set of navigation satellites, you need to use proven technologies. That's why even China imported European clocks for many of the Beidou satellites.

However, the satellites in the early phase installed many imported atomic clocks to guarantee the success.
It's a silly comparison. China's yearly space budget is more than all the money India has ever spent on space since its inception. So you should be surprised if India is actually ahead or even keeping up with China in some areas.

What's important to consider is that when you launch your first set of navigation satellites, you need to use proven technologies. That's why even China imported European clocks for many of the Beidou satellites.

However, the satellites in the early phase installed many imported atomic clocks to guarantee the success.
China's yearly budget is around 6bil USD, India is around 1-2 bil USD, can you tell me how your Indic math came to this conclusion. Remember, Chinese space research was interrupted by cultural revolution for 10 years. As the saying goes, spend peanuts, get monkeys

Btw, there is nothing wrong with importing and absorbing technology, it is just the Indic holier than thou attitude which irritates people. Whether India can absorb the technology remains to be seen since China is at least 10 years ahead and currently has the most accurate clock on earth.

As the saying goes, spend peanuts, get monkeys
China's yearly budget is around 6bil USD, India is around 1-2 bil USD, can you tell me how your Indic math came to this conclusion.

The 1+B budgets are coming up only recently. Add the budgets of all the years, you won't get much since they are much smaller.

And a direct comparison is pointless because China's space industry is run like a corporation under the PLA and includes other aerospace systems as well, including drones.


China divides space expenditure by channeling it through various corporations and research labs, dozens of them. So you won't get an actual figure that we can compare to.

At least India properly divides civilian and military space budgets.

Remember, Chinese space research was interrupted by cultural revolution for 10 years. Btw, there is nothing wrong with importing and absorbing technology, it is just the Indic holier than thou attitude which irritates people. Whether India can absorb the technology remains to be seen since China is at least 10 years ahead and currently has the most accurate clock on earth.

Making atomic clocks isn't really 'difficult'. What's most difficult is spending money on it.

The fastest computer, the most accurate clock, those are no different from getting the most Gold medals in the Olympics, they don't contribute to nation building as much as you think. Whether an athlete came 1st or 8th, there's no difference in the way they lived their lives.

What's important is efficient utilization of resources. No point having the tallest building in the world if it's empty. Instead get smaller buildings that you can afford, that others can afford and make do with those. It's not glamorous, but gets the work done.

What's the point of getting the most accurate atomic clock when less advanced, significantly cheaper generic ones give you all the accuracy you need? What do you want to do, provide navigation to insects?

It has research value, so be satisfied with that. We will start comparing once India's space budget manages to reach even 10% of China's. What ISRO has achieved with their meagre budget is frankly quite incredible.

Our monkey is orbiting Mars right now.

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