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Three Army personnel killed in encounter


I think it happened in Friday/Saturday and the fight was on.
@Albatross Should worry more about 4 Pakistani soldiers including a Captain Riaz killed by Pashtun fighters in Central Kurram on the same day.

Also in Tirah Valley a Pakistan Army Captain Ahmed of SSG died along with same soldiers in a mortar attack 2-3 days back.

These are sad unfortunate events.
But you are basically supporting terrorists in this post..
Great... We will also support Maoist and Kashmiri freedom fighters...
Didnt 28 of yours die to Maoist yesterday?

How would u feel if we rejoice over that like u r doing?

Well if you wanna play politics here its fine..RIP.... But we all know when some indian is killed in kasmir we are happy and whenever some Pak soldier is killed these indians are happy nomatter what they say on surface...By merely saying RIP wont address the miseries of the families of killed soldiers is kashmir its the actual problem which needs to be addressed according to the wishes of kashmiries..By having one armed soldier for every 4 kashmiri adult men certainly india is trying to suppress their voice without realizing the fact that in history no country had been able to suppress people by force and I am talking abour great empires of rome and we had a recent example of bristish era in subcontinent. I am sure kashmiries will soon find more support from two sides now so its upto now indian establishment whether they want keep on throwing their dead soldiers into burning fire or listen to the voice of kashmiries something they will have to do eventually why not earlier...Its indan government whoz responsible for the death of these and 50thousand other soldiers and police that died in last 4-5 decades..

I am not against your ideology
I completely support the Kashmiri freedom fighter cause and any occupier they kill is a relatiation for the thousands of civilians the occupiers killed.

But here is not the thread to do it.
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And which 'people' are you talking about? 90% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan. So why are you so concerned about their 'welfare'? Are you shooting your mouth just to get some brownie points by showing your undying love for the Kashmiris who care two hoots except for the foreign funded Hurriyat propaganda machine controlled and bankrolled by that UN designated terrorist called Hafiz Saeed and others of his ilk?

Wake up and smell the coffee. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge. It's 2013 now. But you my friend seem to be in a time warp.

And more importantly you need to get your own house in order first before attempting to give unwarranted advice that counts for nix.

I knew such harsh truth will burn your ... but the fact is 97% muslim populated kashmir dont want to be attached to your incredible india and if you are so sure of so much support of masses why dont you guys conduct referendum there to finish it off for once and forever and if they are so pro indian why you have to keep an active 5 lac army in that small place...Its you who need to smell the reality as its coming for you guys , its a matter of years now not even decades before your sorry a$$es will be kicked out...
By believing in your governments brainwashing you may feel fine but kashmir is taken as a disputed territory and this is accepted by whole world except some dumbhead indians and even after getting 50 thousand of your soldiers killed your govt is telling you 90 % are with india and you believe that then whoz the idiot here??
RIP to the Soldiers!! Now we will retaliate and bring down more militants..... rather I think we should start an operation and bring down all the militants at one go. The whole country will be there with Indian Army.
some posts in this thread relect how uncultured some pakistani members are, supporting terrorists and calling them freedom fighters:disagree:
If 90% of Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan, why is India keep rejecting plebescite??

I'll make it as simple as I can:

1. The preamble of the UN RESOLUTION 47 (1948) recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the opinion of the Council are appropriate to bring about a cessation of the fighting and to create proper conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to accede to India or Pakistan.

The Government of Pakistan should undertake:

To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State.

That hasn't happened till today. Failure to withdraw Pakistani troops and tribesmen has resulted in the inability of India to put into effect the UN Resolution.

Secondly, these Resolutions are under Chapter VI and therefore non enforceable. Why did Pakistan agree to this? Why did they not insist on including it under Chapter VII which is enforceable?

Now the ball is in your court. Back, by facts, your argument that India indeed 'rejected' a plebiscite. The truth is India never rejected it!! It's been nearly 65 years, but Pakistan has yet to comply with the conditions mentioned in the Resolutions!
I wanted to open a thread on economic viability of an independent,completely controlled pakistani or completely controlled Indian Kashmir
Wanted to know if I need permission for this
Even mods & webmaster call them freedom fighters.
Cause they are.
thats only for you guys for rest of the world they are terrorists, lashker e taiba is a terrorist organisation as per the US& EU
I'll make it as simple as I can:

1. The preamble of the UN RESOLUTION 47 (1948) recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the opinion of the Council are appropriate to bring about a cessation of the fighting and to create proper conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to accede to India or Pakistan.

The Government of Pakistan should undertake:

To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State.

That hasn't happened till today. Failure to withdraw Pakistani troops and tribesmen has resulted in the inability of India to put into effect the UN Resolution.

Secondly, these Resolutions are under Chapter VI and therefore non enforceable. Why did Pakistan agree to this? Why did they not insist on including it under Chapter VII which is enforceable?

Now the ball is in your court. Back, by facts, your argument that India indeed 'rejected' a plebiscite. The truth is India never rejected it!! It's been nearly 65 years, but Pakistan has yet to comply with the conditions mentioned in the Resolutions!

well if 90% supports india why not to go for plebiscite just to shut our mouths? Its because you know 90% are against india and you guys will loose a big time but as I said earlier its been decades of your aggression there but still this is what you have got ,your soldiers are getting killed everyday and it will only get worse with time..come to real world and see how much they hate you and what have you done with them by killing the like insects..
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