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Threat to India’s Muslims no longer an ‘internal issue’: Gulf NEWS

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Threat to India’s Muslims no longer an ‘internal issue’

Country should heed the advice of OIC and UN rights chief




Published: March 07, 2020 16:40Tariq A. Al Maeena, Special to Gulf News
Delhi burning, bleeding in Citizenship Amendment Act protests
Recent events in India have raised worldwide concern as the tempo of violence against the country’s 200 million Muslim minority by Hindu hooligans armed with swords and guns has increased. So much so that the OIC, the largest organisation of the Muslim world headquartered in Jeddah, an organisation that had been quiet earlier had to make a very blunt statement.

In condemning the heinous events in Delhi which resulted in the deaths of dozens of innocent Muslim civilians and terming the riots as ‘ani-Muslim’, the OIC stated that it “condemns the recent and alarming violence against Muslims in India, resulting in the death and injury of innocent people, and the arson and vandalism of mosques and Muslim-owned properties.” The OIC also asked the Modi-led BJP government to “bring the instigators and perpetrators of anti-Muslim violence to justice and to ensure the safety and security of all its Muslim citizens and the protection of Islamic holy places across the country.”

Among those who strongly oppose the BJP-led bill are influential Hindus and scholars who see this as a death knell to India’s secular democracy.
- Tariq A. Al Maeena, Saudi commentator
The OIC’s call was soon followed by the UN rights chief whose offices sought to join efforts challenging the legislation to India’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the country’s highest court. The Act which was designed to target Muslims making it easier for religious minorities from three neighbouring countries to get Indian citizenship — but not if they are Muslim — was the spark for the recent deadly riots in New Delhi.

More than 40 people were killed and hundreds wounded in the worst sectarian violence to rock the capital in decades. Muslim property was ravaged and burnt throughout the city. BJP politician Kapil Mishra was reported as ordering the police to clear the demonstrators warning that he would come back on the streets with his followers and eliminate them if no action was taken.

Such demonstrations have become commonplace across the Hindu-majority country since the citizenship bill was passed by the parliament in December, with many Muslims being the unfortunate victims.


Members of United Hindu Front burn an effigy of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over his remarks urging India to “confront extremist Hindus” and “stop the massacre of Muslims”, adding to the international furore over deadly Hindu-Muslim violence, during a protest near Embassy of The Islamic Republic of Iran, in New Delhi on Saturday.Image Credit: ANI
Iran's condemnation of 'organised violence'
Iran also cautioned India with the Iranian foreign minister deploring the riots which continued in full view of the police who stood by. Javid Zarif condemned the “wave of organised violence against Indian Muslims” in the Delhi riots. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was even more direct when he lashed out against “the massacres” of Muslims in India after communal riots in New Delhi left at least 33 dead. “India right now has become a country where massacres are widespread. What massacres? Massacres of Muslims. By who? Hindus,” he stated.

India apparently is not heeding such advice and committed to continue its present course. In fact, it more or less rejected the OIC statement on the violence calling it ‘selective and misleading.’ A spokesman for the Indian Foreign Office added that the statement by the OIC was ‘irresponsible.’ The Indian Foreign Office also added that “The Citizenship Amendment Act is an internal matter of India and concerns the sovereign right of the Indian parliament to make laws. We strongly believe that no foreign party has any locus standi on issues pertaining to India’s sovereignty.”

Under any other circumstances, they would have been justified. But in view of the recent clampdown of Kashmir’s eight million Muslim inhabitants, the abrogation of bills and treaties that had previously guaranteed the minorities living in India a fair share, it can no longer be considered an internal matter. And certainly not when it comes to the fate of over 200 million Indian Muslims who stand at a precipice today.

Saffron terrorism
The rise of Hinduism and the increasing saffron terrorism by Hindu militias against minorities that have begun sprouting in different parts of the country, while the government seems to turn a blind eye has many of them worried about the future of their country.

Many Indians who stand in opposition to the citizenship law promoted by Narendra Modi’s nationalist government charge that it is biased and is another step in a campaign to turn 200 million Muslims in India, which is home to the second-largest population of Muslims in the world, into second-class citizens, or even make them stateless, or even sent to detention camps. Among those who strongly oppose the BJP-led bill are influential Hindus and scholars who see this as a death knell to India’s secular democracy.

The Arab and Muslim world is slowly rising to the internal threat to India’s minorities and is no longer willing to shrug them off as an internal issue.

— Tariq A. Al Maeena is a Saudi socio-political commentator. He lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Twitter: @talmaeena
India's constant amateurish deflection of the ramifications of its poor policy making decisions as "internal matters" is truly catching up with it.

Yeah it's like they think if thousands of women are raped as long as they are Indian women no one can comment because it's internal rape
Empty words no actions. If you really care why not put trade sanctions and ban oil sale to India for an year see how all these articles and bills are repealed in 3 months by India. India is no Israel and Kashmir will see their self determination vote in 6 months. Show us even you are Muslims?
The issue of organized Hindutva RSS-BJP government attacks on Indian Muslims is now being raised in Muslim world. What about millions of Uighur Muslims now in concentration camps in China ? Neither the Pakistan government nor our media is raising their plight.
There was a rumour to increase the VAT (currently at 5%) to 15-17%, 5% VAT itself has proven a great disaster for exports and imports for the GCC from various ports and local trade markets.
I am waiting for indian specific sanctions :angel:

What about millions of Uighur Muslims now in concentration camps in China ?
Sadly, the president of Turkey shut his voices so what can the rest of the world do?


money speaks louder I guess they will buy their way to heaven:

but that is not the topic of this thread
The irony is that that only non-South Asian countries that have protested to India against the killing of Muslims in Delhi are:

Turkey, Iran, Malaysia & Indonesia.

All of these are non-Arab Muslim countries. Not a single Arab Muslim country has come out openly against the Indian treatment of Muslims. Obviously these countries do not have any empathy with their non-Arab Muslim brothers in India. On the contrary, UAE & Bahrain have decorated Modi with their civil awards!.OIC be damned.
Not a single Arab Muslim country has come out openly against the Indian treatment of Muslims. Obviously these countries do not have any empathy with their non-Arab Muslim brothers in India. On the contrary, UAE & Bahrain have decorated Modi with their civil awards!.OIC be damned.
You are aware that OIC's headquarters is in Jeddah
OIC, the largest organisation of the Muslim world headquartered in Jeddah
Meaning anything said in OIC is a representative of Saudi?
the OIC stated that it “condemns the recent and alarming violence against Muslims in India, resulting in the death and injury of innocent people, and the arson and vandalism of mosques and Muslim-owned properties.” The OIC also asked the Modi-led BJP government to “bring the instigators and perpetrators of anti-Muslim violence to justice and to ensure the safety and security of all its Muslim citizens and the protection of Islamic holy places across the country.”
Very political but whatelse do you expect people with large trade deals with india to do? It is like how Pakistan is num about Chinese Muslim prosecution...

Sad reality = money makes the world go round!

The OIC’s call was soon followed by the UN rights chief
So even the UN took time
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