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Threat to India’s Muslims no longer an ‘internal issue’: Gulf NEWS

Just another journalist trying to become famous by using sentiment of Muslims around the globe. In reality Arabs are investing billions of dollars over the corpses of Indian Muslims. Pakistan should follow suite this is not our concern. Indian muslims made their choice long time ago and they are still standing by that choice so people should cut all this emotional crap. Our only concern is Kashmir rest should go into background.

As for OIC they should change from
Organisation of Islamic countries
Organisation of Saudis

OIC is the most useless platform which has achieved nada except saudi hegemony in that group. After invitation to Indian FM from that group we should have said adios to OIC.
The irony is that that only non-South Asian countries that have protested to India against the killing of Muslims in Delhi are:

Turkey, Iran, Malaysia & Indonesia.

All of these are non-Arab Muslim countries. Not a single Arab Muslim country has come out openly against the Indian treatment of Muslims. Obviously these countries do not have any empathy with their non-Arab Muslim brothers in India. On the contrary, UAE & Bahrain have decorated Modi with their civil awards!.OIC be damned.
The rulers of all the Muslim countries are there for themselves, not even their own populations.
Why we persist in carrying on this sham of Muslim unity and brotherhood, no one knows.
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