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Thread that Destroys all Critics of Modi

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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1) Mass-murderer, 2002 riots, calling army.


To summarise:
-Train was burnt on Feb 27th, 2002.
-Riots started on Feb 28th.
-Army was called on Feb 28th itself within hours.
-Army began flag marches on the next day i.e March 1st (Feb in 2002 had 28 days)
-By March 3rd, riots were under control.

Congress Denied help to Modi

Also, it was surprising to find that Modi had called for help from neighboring states (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra) requesting for police forces but none offered any help (Maharashtra sent some police teams but it was not of much use). This is mentioned in SIT report, page 448.


2) Gujarat was already a developed state. He has done nothing significant.

Water & Agriculture:

Electricity & Alternate energy:


In 2005, Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh (of the Congress party which is a rival of Modi’s BJP) appointed a committee to prepare a report on the latest social, economic and educational condition of the Muslim community (minority) of India. After thorough survey and investigations, a 400 page report was presented in 2006-07 and to the surprise of many, it said that muslims in Gujarat were much better-off when compared to muslims of other states. i.e in terms of education, per capita income, percentage of muslims in govt jobs, police force and more.

3) Careless attitude towards minorities. It is a living hell for minorities in his state.


Full Sanchar committee report

http://zakatindia.org/Files/Sachar Report (Full).pdf

It was this article that made me start supporting a BJP government in the first place :)

@Congress Supporters: This is not for you, its for the swing voter, the ones who are still figuring out who to vote for.
Congress done a grave mistake by illegally insult and criticize Narendra Modi.They dont expect he can grow like this.
Now they paying their price.

1984 riots: Sikh bodies hold anti-Congress protests, demand Rahul Gandhi name perpetrators - The Economic Times

Adding to the controversy, Former President Giani Zail Singh's Press Secretary Tarlochan Singh alleged that the 1984 Sikh riots were 'orchestrated and sponsored'. "Neither Rajiv Gandhi nor Home Minister or anyone in goverment took the President's calls when the riots took place," he alleged.

"A plan was made to teach the Sikhs a lesson before Rajiv Gandhi arrived in Delhi. Rajiv Gandhi did not answer calls when riots took place, did not try to stop the riots," Tarlochan Singh accused. ..

Read more at:
1984 riots: Sikh bodies hold anti-Congress protests, demand Rahul Gandhi name perpetrators - The Economic Times

see the hypocrisy
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-Train was burnt on Feb 27th, 2002.
-Riots started on Feb 28th.
-Army was called on Feb 28th itself within hours.
-Army began flag marches on the next day i.e March 1st (Feb in 2002 had 28 days)
-By March 3rd, riots were under control.

-Train was burnt on Feb 27 morning.
-Modi told his goons -- you have three days
-Army did not start patrolling until Mar 2

Modi's goons had 3 days as he promised them: Feb 27, Feb 28, Mar 1, and part of Mar 2 until army arrived in their locality.
-Train was burnt on Feb 27 morning.
-Modi told his goons -- you have three days
-Army did not start patrolling until Mar 2

Modi's goons had 3 days as he promised them: Feb 27, Feb 28, Mar 1, and part of Mar 2 until army arrived in their locality.

We are Indians sir.We know who done right and who done wrong.A CM can request Army for support.He cant do more than that.
-Train was burnt on Feb 27 morning.
-Modi told his goons -- you have three days
-Army did not start patrolling until Mar 2

Modi's goons had 3 days as he promised them: Feb 27, Feb 28, Mar 1, and part of Mar 2 until army arrived in their locality.

Its 2002 it took 3 days to get the army there considering the neighboring Congress states refused to help... its not star trek were army can just teleport there
We are Indians sir.We know who done right and who done wrong.A CM can request Army for support.He cant do more than that.

Its 2002 it took 3 days to get the army there considering the neighboring Congress states refused to help... its not star trek were army can just teleport there

Indeed. Modi knows that as well.

Which is why he told his goons they had three days to do their deeds.

A proper leader's responsibility would be to instruct his subordinates to maintain law and order -- not tell them how long of a window they have to misbehave.

It's like a bank manager telling the crooks they have 30 minutes before the police get there after the alarm.
Indeed. Modi knows that as well.

Which is why he told his goons they had three days to do their deeds.

A proper leader's responsibility would be to instruct his subordinates to maintain law and order -- not tell them how long of a window they have to misbehave.

and you know that how ...precisely :lol: ?
Indeed. Modi knows that as well.

Which is why he told his goons they had three days to do their deeds.

A proper leader's responsibility would be to instruct his subordinates to maintain law and order -- not tell them how long of a window they have to misbehave.

It's like a bank manager telling the crooks they have 30 minutes before the police get there after the alarm.

Sir please see topic #4.That what I am talking about.2002 Gujarat is too different than 2014 Gujarat.Almost illiterate people and poverty stricken due to 2001 earthquake.Gujarat police dont have intelligence collection ability in 2002 like now.So you very well know consequences..A simple ill equipped police force cant suppress a riot like that.So gujarat government resort to shoot all rioters both Hindus and Muslims .172 people die like that.The main arm of Congress for rumour spread is Tehelka.Now you know it condition.Once role model Tarun Tejpal turned into what.
Every boat rises with the rising tide, but the minorities in Gujarat are whales.
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