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Thousands rally in Lahore over blasphemy law

The first step would be to ban and outlaw all these Jamat-e something. Especially pre-partition remains such as Jamat e islami and tableeghi jamat.
Will Pakistan go even further backwards by implementing more such "laws"???

We Chinese, even though acting as your ally, will be abhorred to see such development.

In addition, the further Pakistan goes to extreme side, the more China will be worried such influence over its western region where it is the hotbed for islam extremists.

Blasphemy law is not implemented recently. It was implemented long ago. There were some recent attempts to ammend this law to stop it's misuse but to no avail. For the time being, we need to leave this issue because of the heavily charged atmosphere. We Pakistanis need to develop some consensus before we even try that.
actually the people are already realizing and saying to the liberals 'enough is enough".

Strange. When the anger should be diverted towards religious extremism and intolerance, you have a problem with liberals. May i ask what they have done?
How are the chinese oppressing their muslim populations.The muslim separatist are pro taliban which definitely means they are anti pakistan.They will do us no good.On the other hand china had been a trusted friend and ally.We dont want anything coming between our friendship on the other hand our enemies do want to estrange us from china.
ephone... I strongly doubt that you are chinese...

you talk like a westerner... moderate fanatic are terms thrown by the west... not china...

china can be our ally... but it will come with conditions too... we will not tolerate chinese oppression of their muslim population... you remember that...

China is an unconditional friend of Pakistan. They didn't put any demands nor they interfere. They cooperated with Pakistan in our hard time. They didn't criticize us rather worked with us to nab Chinese rebels who had connections with Taliban. You should be grateful.
To understand the situation, one important factor is the Islamization of the school syllabus under General Zia-ul-Haq.

A whole generation was affected, and many tens of thousands of youths, mostly from poor families, were sent to fight and die in Afghanistan and Kashmir.

It is now not possible for the liberal elites to suddenly tell the common people that it's OK to blaspheme the Prophet.
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ephone... I strongly doubt that you are chinese...

you talk like a westerner... moderate fanatic are terms thrown by the west... not china...

china can be our ally... but it will come with conditions too... we will not tolerate chinese oppression of their muslim population... you remember that...

I am 100% Chinese who is educated both in China and US. I have college as well as high school classmates who are Muslim. Since they are also Chinese Muslim who live at the east side, they are much more moderate Muslim. Except their traditions as well as food preparations, there is nothing difference from what they wear. If they do not mention they are Muslim, I won't even know that.

Regarding to "Chinese (government) oppression of its muslim population", it depends what you mean by that. Muslim Chinese are given plenty of rights, actually more than we Han Chinese. Indeed all minority in China enjoy more rights than we Han majority Chinese.

However, there are indeed unrests in Northwest China, especially by Uighur minority and some Hui minority in NingXia as well. China government indeed has iron hand over those separatists/extremists/terrorists. I hope you do not think such as oppression of Muslim Chinese.

In addition, I do not think Chinese government will allow Chinese Muslim act the same as Muslim in Islam countries. For example, there is no way they can marry four wives. If they do that, they will go to prison. Our law will not allow that. In addition, if a Muslim wants to convert to another religion, we will definitely not allow any honor killing or any criminal action against him/her. Muslim Chinese cannot use Quran to interfere any government affairs as well as other family's affairs and etc.

There are a lot of limitation by our national laws. It not only applies to Muslim Chinese but to Christian Chinese, Buddhist Chinese, Taoist Chinese or any religious Chinese or any atheist Chinese.

So Quran like Bible or any religious books, has to be below our Law. Nothing can challenge our Law and Constitution.

Those Uighurs who are interested in setting up an Islam republic in our western region and have tried many times since Qing Dynasty, Some Hui Muslim in NingXia have tried as well. Many Han Chinese were massacred by them. Of course, their criminal acts have been severely punished. Even when Communist Army liberated NingXia and XinJiang, there are some attempts by them again. The latest are during 90s as well as two or three years ago. The army won't hesitate one second to put them down once for all.

China has to be a secular country and nothing can change that. We will put down anyone who want to challenge that.

That is why we are pretty aware to the outside influence except those from Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. Many of those Uighur terrorists even were trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I suppose our government has cooperated with your government to get rid of them.

However, we are indeed worried that if those Mullahs take the power of either country or both countries. It will be something way different in the future.
Blasphemy law is not implemented recently. It was implemented long ago. There were some recent attempts to ammend this law to stop it's misuse but to no avail. For the time being, we need to leave this issue because of the heavily charged atmosphere. We Pakistanis need to develop some consensus before we even try that.

At least, we have not heard in the past about such a boy who will be punished by death simply by what he wrote and said.

I thought such brutal act existed during the medieval time, not our modern time. It really makes me sick. BTW, such brutal acts also include those so-called honor-killing as well as severe mistreatment of Women.

I always thought Pakistan is a secular country like Turkey or at least close to a secular country. Indeed your highest leader is the president, not some mullah or religious leaders like that in Iran.

BTW, it seems even Iran has a much better treatment towards women than what I have read recently happened in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
How are the chinese oppressing their muslim populations.The muslim separatist are pro taliban which definitely means they are anti pakistan.They will do us no good.On the other hand china had been a trusted friend and ally.We dont want anything coming between our friendship on the other hand our enemies do want to estrange us from china.

That is very true. However, we Chinese are very worried that those Mullahs or religious fanatics take power in either countries. They indeed have a lot support inside both country. That will drive our western regions into even hotter-bed for those islam separatists/extremists/terrorists. Indeed they are already trained inside Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. It will be even more dangerous if such happens.

We are indeed all-weather friend since we do not challenge each other about each other's belief. However, if those Taliban and Mullah take power and form governments, will it still remain the same???
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China is an unconditional friend of Pakistan. They didn't put any demands nor they interfere. They cooperated with Pakistan in our hard time. They didn't criticize us rather worked with us to nab Chinese rebels who had connections with Taliban. You should be grateful.

We will always try to be your friend. As I have indicated many times, we are indeed worried that those mullahs will not be our friend any more if they take power and later provide all kinds of assistance to those islam separatists/extremists/terrorists in our western region. In that sense, we have no interest to be mullah's friend at all. Indeed they have already trained them and provide all kind of weapons to them. If they take the power of a country, they can do much more to stir the pot. Especially Pakistan is a nuclear country.

From China side, Pakistan has nothing remotely close to that to worry about at all.

At least, we are not that worried during President Musharraf era.
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At least, we have not heard in the past about such a boy who will be punished by death simply by what he wrote and said.

I thought such brutal act existed during the medieval time, not our modern time. It really makes me sick. BTW, such brutal acts also include those so-called honor-killing as well as severe mistreatment of Women.

I always thought Pakistan is a secular country like Turkey or at least close to a secular country. Indeed your highest leader is the president, not some mullah or religious leaders like that in Iran.

BTW, it seems even Iran has a much better treatment towards women than what I have read recently happened in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

The boy will not punished considering he is not an adult however he may face trial. Though this law was enacted for the protection of Religious figures but it's misuse has resulted in such sad situations. There is opposition to this law but right wing pressurized Govt to not to touch the law. Even right now Govt is trying to gain some middle ground. Let's see what happens.

Pakistan is neither secular nor conservative. We are close to moderate but there is a danger to go to extremist side.

I don't claim that Pakistan is treating it's women well but attempts are made in this regard. Pakistani women still enjoys more liberty than many Muslim and middle eastern countries.

Women in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the women of Iran, there are two views. Some think Islamic revolution of Iran helped them. Other people think that it has marginalized them. Iran is Conservative by nature but still their Govt cares for the welfare of their people and their people have prospered. Only Iranian women could tell better.

Women's rights movement in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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