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Thousands rally in Lahore over blasphemy law

I couldn't agree with you more! If these damn mullah-brigades have their way, they’ll drag us back to the Stone Age.

The most disgusting thing was the rally was attended by JUD (the mouthpiece of banned terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Tayyaba ) and the mainstream political parties PML-N, PML-Q and Imran Khan’s PTI. :disagree:

IK as well?
The trial lawyer for Ilm-ud-din was Farrukh Hussain. Ilm-ud-din claimed that he was not guilty. The defence produced two witnesses that claimed that he was not guilty. Two witnesses from the prosecution side claimed that he was guilty.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah,prominent Indian lawyer and later the founder of Pakistan, was then hired for a fee to appear in the appeal at the Lahore High Court. Jinnah attacked the testimony of the prosecution witnesses but the court over-ruled his arguments. Jinnah then appealed that there were extenuating circumstances, i.e. Ilm-ud-din was a man of 19 or 20 who was riled up by feelings of veneration for the founder of his faith, which could turn the death sentence into transportation for life. This contention was also rejected. Ilmuddin then lodged a mercy petition to the King Emperor through Farrukh Hussain. [1]
Jinnah who was at the time considered an ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity was criticised by the Hindi Newspaper "Pratap" which claimed that this would be a blow to Jinnah's prestige amongst the Hindus. It bears remembering that Jinnah himself had sat on the select committee for the bill that introduced 295-A to Indian Penal Code for which Jinnah sounded a warning that the law might be used to stifle dissent and academic criticism of religion.

Muslims from the whole city and millions from adjoining areas attended his funeral. Ilmuddin's father requested Allama Muhammad Iqbal to lead the funeral prayer and this shivered Dr. Allama Iqbal who replied that I am a sinful person not competent to do this job to lead the funeral of such a great warrior.

i have taken this from the article in wikipedia about ilm ud din.
Jinnah fought his case and allama iqbal was requested to lead his funeral prayer.Jinnah would never have taken a case he did not support.
People in Pakistan or any other Muslim countries need to be more tolerant towards other religions or atheists.

We would like to see more moderate Muslims, not Muslim fanatics.

From outsider point of view, such non-tolerant "law" or fanatic views have already dramatically prevent Muslim world from marching forward in current world.

In fact, the majority of current world are non-Muslims. In addition, majority of the world are really not that much religion-oriented even though they say OMG all the time or may even attend church or other types of religion services.

Those religion fanatics are really a small number of people.

We need moderate and tolerant religions. And we need to separate religion and state. Mixing them both has shown to be the hotbed for religious fanatics historically. Last time, when we have Christian fanatics leading by the Pope, we have those bloody crusades. Recently, the Muslim fanatics gave us 911.
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it takes time buddy as i said in my first post in this thread, but that time will come. religious intolerance will only produce suffering, eventually people are gona realize and say enough is enough.

actually the people are already realizing and saying to the liberals 'enough is enough".
actually the people are already realizing and saying to the liberals 'enough is enough".

Will Pakistan go even further backwards by implementing more such "laws"???

We Chinese, even though acting as your ally, will be abhorred to see such development.

In addition, the further Pakistan goes to extreme side, the more China will be worried such influence over its western region where it is the hotbed for islam extremists.
I hope the voice of common man.. with common sense prevails over these mullahs..!!! Crappy mullahs.. whoever speak logically is painted as anti islam by these guys..!!!
shariah does nt come by the use of force by a bunch of gangsters...

shariah comes when Muslims organize their life affairs according to the system of Islam... it includes a lot more than mere shariah courts as they are called... it also includes application of rules in siyasa, iqtisadi and mashari affairs... not just the qadaa...

There is no shariah in Swat... only some so called shariah courts... I think we have them in other cities of Pakistan also... most useless distraction for the masses...
ephone... I strongly doubt that you are chinese...

you talk like a westerner... moderate fanatic are terms thrown by the west... not china...

china can be our ally... but it will come with conditions too... we will not tolerate chinese oppression of their muslim population... you remember that...
The trial lawyer for Ilm-ud-din was Farrukh Hussain. Ilm-ud-din claimed that he was not guilty. The defence produced two witnesses that claimed that he was not guilty. Two witnesses from the prosecution side claimed that he was guilty.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah,prominent Indian lawyer and later the founder of Pakistan, was then hired for a fee to appear in the appeal at the Lahore High Court. Jinnah attacked the testimony of the prosecution witnesses but the court over-ruled his arguments. Jinnah then appealed that there were extenuating circumstances, i.e. Ilm-ud-din was a man of 19 or 20 who was riled up by feelings of veneration for the founder of his faith, which could turn the death sentence into transportation for life. This contention was also rejected. Ilmuddin then lodged a mercy petition to the King Emperor through Farrukh Hussain. [1]
Jinnah who was at the time considered an ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity was criticised by the Hindi Newspaper "Pratap" which claimed that this would be a blow to Jinnah's prestige amongst the Hindus. It bears remembering that Jinnah himself had sat on the select committee for the bill that introduced 295-A to Indian Penal Code for which Jinnah sounded a warning that the law might be used to stifle dissent and academic criticism of religion.

Muslims from the whole city and millions from adjoining areas attended his funeral. Ilmuddin's father requested Allama Muhammad Iqbal to lead the funeral prayer and this shivered Dr. Allama Iqbal who replied that I am a sinful person not competent to do this job to lead the funeral of such a great warrior.

Ghazi Ilm-ud-din Shaheed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i have taken this from the article in wikipedia about ilm ud din.
Jinnah fought his case and allama iqbal was requested to lead his funeral prayer.Jinnah would never have taken a case he did not support.

I see the secularists running away in all directions over this... lol
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