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Thousands rally against llegitimate govt, raise Russian flags in eastern Ukraine


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Thousands of pro-Russian demonstrators across eastern Ukraine and Crimea are protesting against the new government, with administration buildings being seized in several cities. Gunshots have been reported as anti- and pro-Maidan protesters clash.

Protesters in Kharkov and Donetsk stormed local government offices and removed Ukrainian flags, replacing them with the Russian tricolor on Saturday.

Between 7,000 to 10,000 demonstrators gathered in the center of Donetsk, a large industrial city in eastern Ukraine. Reportedly, protesters seized the regional administration building. While a group of demonstrators were storming the building from the central entrance, a crowd in Lenin Square in front of it kept chanting “Russia!”

Донецк. Площадь Ленина #Крыму #Украины #Ukraine #антимайдан #майдан #малороссия #евромайдан #новороссия pic.twitter.com/5uIxIJwND5
— Антимайдан (@anti_maydan) March 1, 2014
The participants of the rally were demanding to hold a referendum on the future of the region, and particularly, on the status of Russian language.

Later in the day, Donetsk City Council held an extraordinary session and approved an idea of holding a referendum on the future fate of the Donetsk region. The council also supported the initiative on setting up municipal militia squads to protect citizens from possible aggression by radical nationalists, reported Itar-Tass. Additionally, authorities decided to introduce Russian as a second official language in the region.

The City Council refused to recognize the legitimacy of the government in Kiev and declared itself the only legitimate body in the city, according to ZN.UA.

The decisions were read out to the crowd of demonstrators, who praised the move.

Earlier, according to a local news portal, a scuffle occurred between Party of Regions supporters and the so-called Volunteers’ Crops commanded by activist Pavel Gubarev, who was spontaneously proclaimed “regional governor.” Addressing the crowd, Gubarev said the authorities in Kiev were illegitimate and called for establishing popular rule. He then urged demonstrators to set up a peaceful protest camp in front of the regional government’s office.

In Kharkov, the largest city in eastern Ukraine, pro-Russian protesters managed to break through the cordon of Maidan supporters and captured the government building. The storming was accompanied by clashes and shooting, RBC daily reported.

Фото дня pic.twitter.com/4S5RyCLOIc
— Sputnik & Pogrom (@sputnikipogrom) March 1, 2014
Многотысячный митинг-антимайдан на площади свободы сейчас #Харьков pic.twitter.com/N8HT6MAlXT
— АлексАндер МихайЛов (@belgorodmaster) March 1, 2014
Some 111 people have been injured in clashes between anti- and pro-Maidan demonstrators, reported Itar-Tass, citing the city’s mayor, Gennady Kernes.

At least 10 explosions were heard, both in the building and in the area around it. At least one policeman was among those hurt in the clashes, according to Itar-Tass.

— АлексАндер МихайЛов (@belgorodmaster) March 1, 2014
One of the demonstrators got on to the roof of the administration building, waving the Russian flag. Meanwhile, pro-Maidan activists, who barricaded themselves inside one of the offices, are hanging a white flag out of the window. Police were accompanying injured supporters of the new government out of the building to ambulances, Unian agency reports.

Activists from Right Sector radical group, who were inside the building, “were throwing explosives, perhaps even grenades, into public transport,” Kharkov Mayor Kernes told journalists. “They also opened fire at protesters,” he added and showed a cartridge for a Kalashnikov assault-rifle which was found inside the building. According to the mayor, “120 cocktail bombs, two mines and drugs” were discovered at the site.


In the Crimean capital of Simferopol, around 6,000 people marched, chanting “Russia!” and “No to Fascism!” and carrying a huge Russian flag.

Thousands were also demonstrating with Russian and Soviet flags in Odessa, the third-largest city in the country. According to police, around 5,000 people took part in the gathering, while organizers insist there were up to 20,000.

Protests were also held in Lugansk, Melitopol, Yevpatoria, Kerch and Mariupol.


Crimeans began protesting after the new self-proclaimed government in Kiev introduced a law abolishing the use of other languages for official documents in Ukraine. More than half the Crimean population are Russian and use only this language for their communication. The residents have announced they are going to hold a referendum on March 30 to determine the fate of the Ukrainian autonomous region.









So many Russian flags everywhere. It's so beautiful. :D

Long lost brothers are reunited! :cheers:

Now let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to sell out their own country to the West. The West will not come and save you. They will goad you into fighting, then abandon you like they did to Georgia, and now Ukraine. The same way America abandoned their close ally South Korea when North Korea was bombing the Hell out of them and killing hundreds of their navy personnel. Now don't tell me America could not have responded to North Korea.

Why would America sacrifice themselves for you? It makes no sense. Maybe those pro-Western thugs in Kiev should have thought about that first, before selling out their country to Western interests.
yea .a place West wont come running to bring "democracy". because Russians are there already

America just wants to goad other countries into "poking" the Russian Bear. Like how they goaded Georgia into attacking Russia, giving them a false sense of security that the West would come to save them.

Then when the Bear comes around, America suddenly becomes quiet, and ignores all their pleas for help.

It's their own fault for allowing themselves to become a tool of Western interests, if they had more brain cells they would realize the utter stupidity of thinking the West will sacrifice themselves in order to save these guys who were even willing to sell out their own country.

That's what happens to those who sell their own nation down the drain on behalf of foreign interests.
If Ukrainian society really is so polarized, perhaps it is best for the two sides to go their separate ways.

Sometimes, divorce is the healthiest option.
Now watch as the pro-Western thugs in Kiev run for their lives.

They sold out their country to the West... but the West is NOT coming to save them.

Their only chance is to run.

What was the issue really?? Half Ukrainians wanting to join EU while other half favoring Russia?

If that's the case, isn't joining EU in the interest of Ukraine?
I don't know what the neocons and NGOs were thinking, when they were busy stirring unrest in Ukraine. Did they expect Russia would roll over and let it become part of EU or even worse, NATO?
I don't know what the neocons and NGOs were thinking, when they were busy stirring unrest in Ukraine. Did they expect Russia would roll over and let it become part of EU or even worse, NATO?
they will be bickering and thinking of attacking some helpless 3rd word country to vent their frustration. they wont come here because its a real deal here

Now watch as the pro-Western thugs in Kiev run for their lives.

They sold out their country to the West... but the West is NOT coming to save them.

Their only chance is to run.
the west instigated this and maybe they were expecting the Russian response or maybe not
but they succeeded in destabalizing yet another region with teir "democracy" weapon
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