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Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate
Protesters take to the streets in Ankara and Istanbul after Turkey's parliament approved military operations against targets in Syria.

Around 5,000 people took to the streets of Istanbul on Thursday evening in an anti-war protest which turned into a demonstration against Turkey's ruling AK Party. Protesters chanted slogans against the war as they carried anti-government banners.
"We are going through an ugly provocation of war. The Turkish and Syrian people are not enemies, but the ruling AK Party government is trying to drag our country into a war with Syria in compliance with US interests," said protester Nevzat Evrim Onal.
The Turkish slogan "savasa hayir" ("no to war") was the top trending item on Turkey's Twitter on Thursday morning.
Meanwhile, in Ankara, what started as a peaceful demonstration soon turned violent as protesters clashed with police after they tried to block them from moving around the city.
Contains footage from Reuters and APTN.
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Video: Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate - Telegraph


Demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Don't remain silent! Shout! All people are brothers and sisters!" and held banners emblazoned with "Hands off Syria!" and "Get out of the Middle East".


You, have violated their sovereignty therefore they reserve the right to bomb your army at will if it happens again.

Of course... however if Turkey wants peace... then it's neighbors must have peace first....

plus those protesters are protesting against the law that was passed. Turkish people don't want war at all same with Syrians.

And Turkey violates Syrian sovereignty when they send terrorists
Of course... however if Turkey wants peace... then it's neighbors must have peace first....

plus those protesters are protesting against the law that was passed. Turkish people don't want war at all same with Syrians.

And Turkey violates Syrian sovereignty when they send terrorists

They send no terrorists, they are helping Syrians fight a mass murderous terrorist regime in Damascus. If Asad keeps provoking Turkey, he will get the ultimate shaft and Iran, Russia wont be able to do anything to help Asad stand on!
They send no terrorists, they are helping Syrians fight a mass murderous terrorist regime in Damascus. If Asad keeps provoking Turkey, he will get the ultimate shaft and Iran, Russia wont be able to do anything to help Asad stand on!

Iran and Russia wont even enter the war because there is no need for them to enter......

And yes Turkey does host terrorists camps and send weapons to those terrorists...





you can't just ignore the facts because you hate one person...

and this thread is about Turkish protesting their government.... you are a mod you should know better
Why is Taksim always the site for protests?

Dude, you killed 5 Turks for no reason. A Nation has the RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF.

Im pretty sure that these "5,000" protesters are anti-Erdo&#287;an. And pissed off 300 army officers got sent to jail for violating the Turkish Constitution.
Th&#601;or&#601;tic Muslim;3470974 said:
Why is Taksim always the site for protests?

Dude, you killed 5 Turks for no reason. A Nation has the RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF.

Im pretty sure that these "5,000" protesters are anti-Erdo&#287;an. And pissed off 300 army officers got sent to jail for violating the Turkish Constitution.
100% agree....
however its just like Turkey kills citizens in Iraq and then calls them terrorists.... but at least Syria realized its mistake and strong enough to admit.... Syria should target all those terrorists camps that Turkey hosts.

And those Turkish are protesting because they want peace... no need for war... Turkey already fired back and did what it had to do... so why call congress and ask for war?
I don't understand why most Turkish members here are Pro-War?? Ottoman Empire is over guys....
Bunch of scared teenagers... what a shame

Real men are the men who have a brain and love peace.... ignorant men are men who love blood and think that strength comes from guns and not THE BRAIN.....

Again i'm really surprised of how many Turkish members here are pro blood and war... i always thought Turkey to be advanced and open minded however members here are displaying something else...

Turkey did what it had to do and it fired back.... why do you people want war now?
while in Reality Syria should ask for war against Turkey since Turkey hosts terrorists and supplies them with weapons..
We've got numerous reasons, you know... to avenge our fallen, to liberate Syrian people, bring in democracy, but i just don't give a damn. War is the only thing we can't fail at :)

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We've got numerous reasons, you know... to avenge our fallen, to liberate Syrian people, bring in democracy, but i just don't give a damn. War is the only thing we can't fail at :)

who hired you to "liberate" Syria??

and liberate them from what?? liberate them from the government they love?? Syrians don't need anyone's help... if we want something we do it by ourselves... because the Syrian people will can not be beaten no matter what... if we wanted Alasad out, he would have been out long time ago...

people like you are vampires... love seeing blood rivers everywhere...
btw a war will not benefit Turkey at all.... and Turkey can't go to war with Syria... and Syria can't go to war with Turkey...

screw the democracy you brought to Libya... 50k killed in Libya democracy bombing by NATO.... and the destruction of Libya...
That freedom can burn in hell....

People like you make me sick....
They send no terrorists, they are helping Syrians fight a mass murderous terrorist regime in Damascus.

Who is Turkey to decide what Syrians want ?

Will you accept tomorrow if some country decided to help the Baloch fight the regime in Isloo on the same grounds ? Why the double standards ?

You dont want foreign intervention in your country and constantly decry it..but you are the first to advocate that to other countries...:rolleyes:
Trust me, it's better than being DEAD

I really hope that the Turkish people don't have your sick mentality... because I always thought of Turkey as an advanced nation with open minded and peaceful people... but you are displaying a total new image .....

anyways there are some Turkish people who are real men... and they know what's best for Turkey...
Mandate for crossborder action is not declaration of war. There is a procedure for declaring war.

Turkey has troops stationed in Iraq and mandate for crossborder action (renewed every year) to bomb PKK targets in Iraq. I don't hear you whine about that... but perhaps it's because you are saying we're at war with Iraq... I guess the trade relations with iraq is just to blow smoke up your arse :)

I think it's hillarious that the banner "savasa hayir" has the logo for the communist party at the bottom, lol....
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